First aid for victims of ahs. heart rate disorder

AHOV can enter the human body in various ways: through the respiratory system, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

When AHOV enters through the respiratory tract, it is necessary:

1. Put on a gas mask on the victim;

2. Take it out (take it out) from the infection zone;

3. If necessary, rinse your mouth (nose);

4. Apply an antidote (antidote);

5. Sanitize the victim.

In case of contact with hazardous chemicals on the skin, you should:

1. Remove substances from the skin and clothing;

2. Use degassing solutions to neutralize hazardous chemicals remaining on the skin and clothing (using individual anti-chemical bags or other means); rinse eyes for 10 minutes;

3. Carry out a complete sanitization (washing of the whole body with detergents) and change of linen.

When AHOV enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary:

    mouth rinsing;

    Gastric lavage and bowel cleansing;

    The introduction of adsorbents (the use of activated carbon tablets).

Defeat and first aid under the action of certain harmful substances

Ammonia (NH4) is a colorless gas with a pungent, suffocating odor. ammonia, lighter than air, which contributes to the rapid dissipation of emissions. Let's well dissolve in water: at t=+20 ᵒС 700 volumes of gaseous ammonia are dissolved in 1 volume of water. The routes of entry into the body are through the respiratory organs and the skin.

Signs of poisoning.

Severe irritation of the eyes, respiratory organs and skin, lacrimation, cough with frothy sputum. There may be temporary blindness, swelling of the oropharynx up to suffocation.

First aid.

1. Put on a gas mask or a cotton-gauze bandage moistened with a 5% solution on the victim citric acid or water.

3. Rinse eyes with running water for 10-15 minutes.

4. Drop eyes with albucid.

5. Give an anesthetic.

6. Give oxygen to breathe.

7. Hospitalize.

Chlorine (CI 2) is a gas with a pungent yellowish-green odor. Poison fast action. Damage occurs through the lungs and skin.

Signs of poisoning.

At the time of contact, severe eye irritation, lacrimation, dryness and burning in the nose, epistaxis, chest pain, hoarseness, coughing, vomiting, possible death.

First aid.

1. Put on a gas mask or a cotton-gauze bandage moistened with a 5% solution on the victim baking soda or water.

2. Remove the victim from the infection zone.

3. Rinse face and skin of exposed parts of the body with plenty of baking soda solution or water for 15-20 minutes.

4. Warm the victim.

5. In case of respiratory arrest, carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs.

6. Hospitalize.

Carbon monoxide (CO) - colorless and odorless gas, always present during combustion, in explosive and exhaust gases. Easily penetrates porous materials.

Signs of poisoning.

Nausea, dizziness, lethargy, headache, weakness, incoordination, increased pulse, shortness of breath, pinking skin but the lips are bluish. There may be loss of consciousness. Death from respiratory arrest.

First aid.

1. Put on a gas mask with a hopkalite cartridge on the victim.

2. Remove from the infection zone.

3. If possible, give oxygen to breathe.

4. Inject the victim with an antidote - acyzol (intramuscularly 1 ml).

5. If there is no breathing, carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs.

6. Urgently hospitalize.

Oil - dark oily liquid with a characteristic odor; does not dissolve in water. Routes of entry into the body through the lungs, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

Signs of poisoning.

Headache, burning in the eyes, palpitations, chest pain, vomiting, loose stools, incoordination, slow pulse, fever.

When it comes into contact with the skin, oil causes dryness, pigmentation, peeling, and cracking.

First aid.

1. Put on a gas mask on the victim.

2. Remove from the infection zone.

3. Warm up (overlay with heating pads).

4. Give strong sweet tea, tincture of valerian, motherwort.

5. Give oxygen to breathe.

6. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with 2% soda solution.

7. In case of loss of consciousness, allow ammonia to be inhaled from a cotton swab.

8. When breathing stops, carry out artificial ventilation of the lungs.

9. Wash skin with warm water and soap.



Target: consider the basic first aid measures for victims of hazardous chemicals.

During the classes

Educational questions.

    What advance measures are taken at the HOO to reduce the consequences of accidents?

    What should be done first after notification of a chemical accident?

    In what direction will you leave the infested area with a northerly wind?

    What safety rules must be observed when driving through a contaminated area and after leaving the contaminated area?


Rules for safe behavior in case of accidents at chemical facilities

Methods of notification in case of accidents at chemical facilities;

The main measures to protect the population from AHOV;

Working on new material.

Using previously studied material and focusing on the presence of potentially dangerous objects in the city and the presence of OM on them.

In the initial period, when rescuers and medical workers not yet at the scene, you should make independent decisions and immediately begin to help the victims.

First Aid Precautions:

Enter the affected area in a chemical protective suit.

Ordinary clothing can also protect against AHOV for some time: a coat, a raincoat, a cape, overalls, a suit, a jacket, trousers. To do this, it must be soaked special solution. The solution is prepared as follows: take 2 liters of water and heat to 60-70 0 C. Then dissolve in it 250-300 g of chopped laundry soap, add 0.5 l of mineral or vegetable oil and heat up again to the previous temperature. Soak clothes in the prepared solution, wring out lightly and dry in the wind;

Move in the area of ​​infection without raising dust, without stepping on drops of liquid and without touching surrounding objects;

When removing hazardous chemicals by flushing, make sure that contaminated water does not get on the person providing assistance;

When leaving the area of ​​infection, remove outer clothing, wash or take a shower.

At ingestion of AHOV drops on the skin of the face, hands and other parts of the body they should be carefully, with blotting movements, removed from the skin of the victim with the help of tampons, cotton wool. You need to act very carefully so as not to cause the poison to spread, increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage to the skin.

If drops of poison get on clothes, cut the sleeves and carefully remove it. After that, treat the skin with water: try to remove the remnants of hazardous chemicals with a gentle stream of water (it is impossible to completely remove them). The jet of water should be directed obliquely, at an angle - so that there are no flying drops and water glass to the side, without affecting intact tissues.

To collect waste water, it is necessary to use various containers.

The burn site must additionally be treated with a neutralizing solution, dried without using tampons, cotton wool, and a sterile dressing should be applied.

At skin burns with acid you need to rinse the affected area with water, apply a lotion with a solution of baking soda at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of soda per 1 glass of water.

At acid burns of the oral mucosa it is necessary to rinse your mouth with plenty of water, then with a solution of baking soda (1/2 teaspoon of soda in 1 glass of water).

At skin burns with alkalis it is necessary to wash this place with a stream of water, make lotions with a solution of boric or citric acid (1 teaspoon of acid per 1 glass of water), or with table vinegar mixed with water.

At alkali burns of the oral mucosa it should be rinsed with plenty of water, then with a solution of boric or citric acid (1/2 teaspoon of acid in 1 glass of water).

At eye burns it is necessary to wash your hands (thoroughly with soap), open your eyelids, carefully, without any effort, remove the remnants with a sterile swab chemical and rinse eyes with plenty of clean water. Then apply a sterile bandage to the eyes.

At burns of the esophagus need to drink clean water(2-3 cups), milk, egg whites.

At the same time, you should not try to “wash” the stomach, induce vomiting, give acid or alkali solutions to drink.

The widespread opinion in everyday life that milk should be given for all poisonings (soldered with milk) is extremely erroneous, since if poisons that dissolve well in fats (dichloran, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, many organophosphorus compounds) enter the stomach, give milk, as well as oil and fats of vegetable and animal origin are absolutely contraindicated, because they will accelerate the process of absorption of these poisons.

At exposure to gases, vaporous hazardous chemicals means must be applied personal protection, for example, a gas mask.

Remember! In cases where gas masks are not available, cloth multilayer gauze or cotton-gauze bandages are used on the lower part of the face, soaked in some liquid - water, 2% solution of baking soda. It is very important that the nose and mouth are securely covered with these bandages (breathe only through them!). The fastest exit (removal) from the infection zone, especially from confined spaces, for example, the subway, a bunker, is a condition for saving the lives of the victims.

Shipping affected by ammonia carried out only in the supine state, they are provided with complete rest and oxygen inhalations.

The skin and mucous membranes are washed for at least 15 minutes with water and a 2% solution boric acid or 0.5-1% solution of aluminum-potassium alum. 2-3 drops of a 30% solution of albucid are instilled into the eyes, warm olive or warm olive oil is instilled into the nose. Peach oil.

Give to drink warm milk with Borjomi or soda. With spasm of the glottis - mustard and warming compress on the neck, hot foot baths. Inhalation of vapors of citric or acetic acid is recommended.

affected by chlorine it is necessary to immediately take it out to fresh air, loosen the belt, unfasten the collar, forbid it to move independently, transport only lying down, since asphyxiating poisons cause toxic pulmonary edema, and exercise stress will provoke him. The victim needs to be warmed up. The skin and mucous membranes should be washed with a 2% solution of baking soda for at least 15 minutes.

Depending on the concentration of hydrocyanic acid and the time of its exposure, there are lesions of light, medium and severe degree, as well as a lightning-fast form.

With mild hydrocyanic acid damage, there is a smell of bitter almonds, a metallic taste in the mouth, a feeling of bitterness, soreness in the nose, tightness in the chest, weakness, dizziness, and vomiting. After putting on a gas mask or leaving a poisoned atmosphere, these signs disappear.

Defeat of an average degree is characterized by the expressed phenomena of tissue oxygen starvation. Appear headache, tinnitus, nausea, shortness of breath, pain in the heart, difficulty speaking, weakness. The face and mucous membranes acquire a pink color. With the cessation of the intake of hydrocyanic acid into the body, the signs of poisoning weaken after 30-60 minutes, but within 1-3 days there is a feeling of general weakness, headache.

With severe lesions, all of the above symptoms develop rapidly, convulsions begin, and death occurs after a few tens of seconds.

The lightning-fast form of the lesion immediately causes loss of consciousness, convulsions last for several minutes, and then breathing stops.

Remember! First of all, medical assistance should be provided to those affected by high-speed AHOV, and immediately!

In the focus of defeat by slow-acting toxic substances, the number of those affected increases gradually, over several hours. Therefore, medical assistance should be provided as they become available.

Work on the studied material.

Questions and tasks:

    What is the algorithm of actions to provide first aid for lesions of hazardous chemicals?

    What should be done if toxic substances get into open areas of the body?

    What is the first aid for those affected by ammonia, chlorine?

Summary of the lesson.

Teacher. Draw conclusions from the lesson.


First health care in case of damage to hazardous chemicals or poisonous substances, it is effective only with the consistent and complete implementation of the following measures:

    Put on a gas mask or a wet cotton-gauze bandage on the victim.

    With a cotton swab, remove (remove) drops of AHOV from open areas of the body and from clothing.

    Remove or remove the victim from the area of ​​infection.

    Call an ambulance.

    Provide first aid before the arrival of medical personnel.

    Transfer the victim to medical personnel.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

First aid in case of poisoning with AHOV teacher - organizer of life safety Degtyarev A.I.

2 slide

Description of the slide:

AHOV - emergency chemical dangerous substances- chemicals that, if spilled or leaked, are capable of causing mass injury to people or animals or causing significant damage environment

3 slide

Description of the slide:

The largest consumers of AHOV Chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries Ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (chlorine, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, cyanides) Pulp and paper industry (chlorine, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, sulfurous anhydride) Mechanical engineering and defense industry (chlorine, ammonia, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen fluoride) Household services (chlorine, ammonia) Medical industry (chlorine, ammonia, phosgene, hydrochloric acid) Agriculture(ammonia, chloropicrin, cyanogen chloride, sulfur dioxide)

4 slide

Description of the slide:

5 slide

Description of the slide:

CHLORINE gas is yellow-green in color, with a pungent odor, non-flammable. Used for water disinfection and in some industries National economy. In the world at high temperature interacts with hydrogen (explosion). This produces phosgene. Air density - 2.5; in air with water vapor forms a white mist. can penetrate into the lower floors and basements buildings. The vapors are highly irritating to the respiratory organs, eyes and skin.

6 slide

Description of the slide:

Signs of poisoning sharp pain in the chest dry cough Vomiting incoordination shortness of breath pain in the eyes lacrimation. May be fatal if high concentrations are inhaled.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

First urgent care Leave the area of ​​infection Strict bed rest; Washing the eyes, nose, mouth with a 2% solution of baking soda; Inhalation with warm water vapor with the addition of baking soda; Instillation of vaseline or olive oil; Plentiful drink: milk, protein water (suspension of raw egg protein in 250-500 ml of water)

8 slide

Description of the slide:

AMMONIA A transparent gas that has a specific odor that irritates the mucous membranes of the body. Ammonia is found in non-concentrated amounts in soil, water and air. Ammonia is perfectly soluble in water, and a ten percent aqueous solution of ammonia is ammonia.

9 slide

Description of the slide:

Signs of poisoning: palpitations, irregular pulse rate Runny nose Cough, pain in the eyes and watery eyes, difficulty breathing in case of severe poisoning Nausea, impaired coordination of movements delirium.

10 slide

Description of the slide:

First aid The victim must be taken out of the room where the poisoning occurred as soon as possible. Affected areas of the skin should be thoroughly washed clean water. Give the victim warm milk to drink mineral water without gas. The victim himself must be silent in order to avoid even more severe damage to the injured mucosa. With swelling of the larynx, it is necessary to put mustard plasters or any other warming compresses on the chest area. Take a hot foot bath. Breathing over the vapor of acetic or citric acid will help soothe irritated mucous membranes in case of ammonia poisoning. It is also useful to do inhalations with oil or antibiotics. A few drops of vasoconstrictor drugs can be dripped into the nasal passage.

11 slide

Description of the slide:

MERCURY It is the only liquid metal at room temperature, it freezes only in severe frost. Mercury evaporates easily, and its vapors, getting into the lungs, completely linger there and subsequently cause poisoning of the body, although not as fast as mercury salts. Mercury at home can be in a melodious doorbell, in fluorescent lamps, in a medical thermometer or old-style blood pressure monitor, in some types of paint, batteries, fluorescent lamps and other devices ..

12 slide

Description of the slide:

Signs of poisoning headache redness and swelling of the gums the appearance of a characteristic dark border of mercury sulfide on them swelling of the lymphatic and salivary glands digestive disorders.

13 slide

Description of the slide:

If the thermometer breaks: Do not allow mercury to come into contact with the skin - use rubber gloves. Keep people out of the place of mercury contamination, otherwise they will spread mercury throughout the room on the soles of their shoes. With special care, collect mercury and thermometer fragments in a jar of cold water. Cold water will not allow mercury to evaporate and pollute the environment with its vapors. Close the jar with a screw cap. Do not keep a jar of mercury near heating appliances. To collect small drops, you can use a syringe, wet newspaper, tape, adhesive tape, two sheets of paper. Using a flashlight or lamp, inspect the mercury spill to make sure not a single ball is left. The jar of mercury should be handed over to the employees of the "01" service. Thoroughly ventilate the room in which the mercury was located - after a while all the vapors will disappear. The site of mercury contamination should be treated with chloramine or bleach solution. Or prepare a hot soapy-soda solution: mix 40 g of grated soap and 30 g of soda in one liter of water.

14 slide

Description of the slide:

The first emergency aid to the victim is to go to fresh air. if he is not able to move independently, then you need to use a stretcher. after inhalation of mercury vapor, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, give water to drink, which contains impurities of sulfur compounds, as well as egg white and dissolved Activated carbon. Sulfur is able to convert mercury into particles that are completely non-toxic and are eliminated from the body when visiting the toilet. the injured person in case of mercury poisoning must be laid down. The head should only be on its side if the person is unconscious, otherwise he may choke on the vomit. The mouth should be rinsed with a solution prepared with the addition of Bertolet salt.

15 slide

Description of the slide:

Check yourself Chlorine is: a) a greenish-yellow gas with a pungent odor; b) a colorless gas with a pungent odor (ammonia); c) a vaporous substance with the smell of bitter almonds, a metallic taste in the mouth. Ammonia is: a) a colorless gas with a pungent suffocating odor, lighter than air; b) a colorless gas with a pungent odor, heavier than air; c) gas with asphyxiant bad smell reminiscent of the smell of rotten fruit. In the event of an accident with an ammonia leak as individual means protection, you decide to use a cotton-gauze bandage. What solution should be used to soak it? Give the correct answer: a) 2% ammonia solution; b) 2% solution of acetic or citric acid; C) 2% soda solution. During an accident at a chemically hazardous facility, a chlorine leak occurred. You live on the 1st floor of a nine-story building and may be in the infection zone. Your actions: a) hide in the basement of the building; b) go up to the top floor; c) stay in your apartment.

16 slide

Description of the slide:

test yourself Toxic action ammonia per person: a) severely irritates the respiratory system, skin and eyes, signs of poisoning: impaired pulse rate, runny nose, cough, palpitations, lacrimation, impaired coordination of movements, nausea, delirium. b) defeat causes sharp pain in the chest, dry cough, vomiting, impaired coordination of movements, shortness of breath, pain in the eyes, lacrimation, if high concentrations are inhaled, death is possible. c) fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and headache appear, later hands, eyelids begin to tremble, in severe cases - legs. Characteristics of mercury: a) Silvery liquid metal (heavier than all known liquids), used in thermometers, manometers, as well as in the production of chlorine and caustic soda. Easily evaporates at a low temperature; when poured, its vapors are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the spill. At temperatures above 28C0, vapors enter the air. b) A viscous, colorless, oily liquid with a slight odor; it quickly darkens in light and air. Used for the production of aniline dyes, epoxy resins, explosives, pharmaceuticals, photoreagents. Used as a raw material in the production of chemical additives for the manufacture of rubber. c) A colorless, transparent, easily mobile liquid with a characteristic odor of wine alcohol and burning bad taste. Vapors are heavier than air. Used as a solvent for dyes, medicines.

17 slide

Description of the slide:

Check yourself The toxic effect of chlorine on a person: a) the defeat of this gas causes a sharp pain in the chest, dry cough, vomiting, impaired coordination of movements, shortness of breath, pain in the eyes, watery eyes. High concentrations may be fatal if inhaled. b) poisoning with this gas begins with a slight cough. With an increase in concentration, the cough intensifies, sometimes there is a headache, vomiting with blood. In the fresh air, phenomena pass quickly. After 2 to 12 hours, the affected person develops a feeling of fear and severe weakness. In case of poisoning high concentrations possible death within the first day. c) symptoms of acute poisoning: headache, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, shortness of breath, sweating, diarrhea. In mild cases - anxiety, weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, stomach pain. Causes burns on contact with skin. The toxic effect of mercury on a person: a) increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness and headache appear, later hands, eyelids, and in severe cases, legs begin to tremble. b) there are lacrimation, dry cough, burning behind the sternum, runny nose, sore throat. Growing general weakness, dizziness, headache. The skin and mucous membranes turn red. There may be swelling of the epiglottis, vocal cords. in) acute poisoning observed when entering the body with inhaled air, through the skin and when taken orally. Signs of acute intoxication: severe weakness, dizziness and headache, shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure, nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal colic.

First aid for bleeding. Types of bleeding and first aid. Ways to stop bleeding. signs internal bleeding: - pallor, weakness, dizziness, cold sweat. There are three types of bleeding: capillary, venous and arterial. Learn to provide first aid for various bleeding.

"First aid for injuries" - First aid for injuries of the pelvic region, spine, back. If the victim is not breathing, start resuscitation. Pelvic trauma. It is UNACCEPTABLE to put splints on the legs if the victim is lying in the "frog" position. Injury of the spine, back. If you are forced to transport the victim yourself, call several helpers.

"First Aid" - Dressings for fractures. There are stab, bruised, cut, scalped and gunshot wounds. Measures necessary for life-threatening conditions. Help types. First aid. Types of wounds. With urinary retention - catheterization Bladder. Wounds penetrating into the cavity (abdominal, thoracic, craniocerebral) are called penetrating.

"First aid for bleeding" - Disinfect the skin around the wound. First aid for arterial bleeding. It shoots out of the wound like a fountain. Apply a sterile pressure bandage. A fabric must be placed under the tourniquet. Types of bleeding. Arterial Blood of bright scarlet color. First aid for bleeding. First aid for venous bleeding.

"First Aid for Burns" - Sunburn. There were blisters - 2 degree. Charring and lack of sensitivity - 4 degree. First aid for burns. What not to do: Tear off stuck clothes. Take a cold or cool shower. Puncture bubbles. Wounds, blisters burst - 3rd degree. What to do: Electrothermal burn.

"First Aid" - - What is accompanied by a dislocation of the joint? With broken ribs, tightly bandaged chest. What are the symptoms of sprained ligaments? This is how broken fingers are fixed. Pain, tissue swelling, limb deformity. Appearance limbs with sprains. Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf". Almost cried from the pain.

Efficiency of medical care in case of damage to AHOV Efficiency of assistance is possible with the implementation of the following measures The effectiveness of medical care in case of damage to AHOV is possible only with the consistent and complete implementation of the following measures: 3. Remove the victim from the infection zone 4. Call an ambulance 4. Call an ambulance 5. Provide first aid 5. Provide first aid before the arrival of the medical staff 6. Transfer the victim to the medical staff

First aid precautions Enter the affected area in a chemical protection suit Enter the affected area only in a chemical protection suit Ordinary outerwear treated in a special way can also protect against AHOV for a while: dissolve one g of crushed laundry soap in 2 liters of water at a temperature of C, add 0.5 l of oil of the same temperature. Saturate clothing with solution, squeeze lightly and air dry

First aid precautions Move without raising dust, without stepping on drops of liquid and without touching objects Move in the area of ​​infection without raising dust, without stepping on drops of liquid and without touching surrounding objects When removing hazardous chemicals, make sure that contaminated water does not get on people When when removing hazardous chemicals, make sure that contaminated water does not get on people When leaving the contamination zone, remove outer clothing and take a shower When leaving the contaminated zone, remove outer clothing and take a shower

Precautions in first aid If drops of hazardous chemicals get on open areas of the body, carefully remove them with a cotton swab. At the same time, try not to cause the poison to spread over the surface of the skin. If drops of AHOV get on clothes, carefully remove it, treat the surface with water If drops of AHOV get on clothes, cut the sleeves, carefully remove it, and then treat the damaged surface with water (light jet) Direct the jet at an angle splash Collect contaminated water in containers Collect contaminated water in special containers

Acid burns Treat the burn site with a neutralizing solution, dry, apply a bandage The burn site should be treated with a neutralizing solution, dry (without using tampons!), Apply a sterile bandage For acid burns, rinse with water and apply a lotion with a solution of baking soda For acid burns, wash the affected area with water and apply a lotion with a solution drinking soda (1 teaspoon per glass of water). In case of acid damage to the mucous membranes - the same thing, but the soda solution is half as much

Alkali burns For alkali burns, rinse with water, apply a lotion with an acid solution. For alkali burns, wash the affected area with water and apply a lotion with a solution of boric or citric acid (1 teaspoon per glass of water). In case of alkali damage to the mucous membranes - the same thing, but the acid solution is half as much

Eye burns In case of eye burns, open the eyelid, remove chemical residues with a swab, rinse abundantly, apply a bandage For eye burns, before rendering assistance, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water, open the eyelid, remove chemical residues with a swab, rinse abundantly with a stream of water, apply a sterile bandage on the eye When rendering assistance take special care

Burns of the esophagus For burns of the esophagus, drink clean water milk, egg whites For burns of the esophagus, drink clean water (2-3 cups), milk, egg whites It is strictly forbidden to wash the stomach It is strictly forbidden to wash the stomach by inducing vomiting, as well as ingestion of acids or alkalis

Soldering with milk Soldering the victim with milk is contraindicated. Many poisons dissolve well in fats (dichloran, carbon tetrachloride, benzene, organophosphorus compounds). Soldering the victim with milk in this case is contraindicated, because. it speeds up the process of absorption of poisons in his intestines

Ammonia damage Transportation Transportation of the victim only lying down Complete rest, oxygen inhalations Complete rest, oxygen inhalations Skin and mucous membranes are washed with water with a 2% solution of boric acid or a 0.5-1% solution of potassium alum Skin and mucous membranes are washed with water continuously for 15 minutes (at least!), then with a 2% solution of boric acid or a 0.5-1% solution of potassium alum In the eyes, 2-3 drops of a 30% solution of albucid In the eyes, instill 2-3 drops of 30% Albucid solution Warm oil in the nose Warm olive or peach oil is instilled into the nose Drink warm milk borjomi or with soda Warm milk with borjomi or soda is given to drink a warming compress on the throat, hot foot baths With spasm of the glottis - a mustard warming compress on the throat, hot foot baths baths short-term inhalation of vapors of citric acetic acid Periodic short-term inhalations of vapors of citric or acetic acid are recommended

Take out the chlorine damage to the air. Immediately take the victim to the air, loosen the belt, unfasten the collar. Any physical activity is contraindicated, therefore: Transportation only lying down Transportation only lying down Complete rest Complete rest Warm the affected person it is necessary to warm the skin and mucous membranes with a 2% solution of baking soda for at least 15 minutes Wash the skin and mucous membranes with a 2% solution of baking soda for at least 15 minutes

Hydrocyanic acid damage Light degree. metallic taste, bitterness, rawness in the nose, tightness in the chest, weakness, dizziness, vomiting. When the effect of the damaging factor ceases, the signs disappear. Average degree Headache, tinnitus, nausea, shortness of breath, heart pain, difficulty speaking, weakness. When the action of the damaging factor ceases, the signs of the lesion weaken in minutes, disappear within 1-3 days. Severe degree Fast development signs of moderate severity, convulsions within 1-2 minutes, then death

Questions 1. Describe the procedure for providing first aid to victims of hazardous chemicals 2. What precautions should be taken when staying in the infection zone? 3. How can you improve the protective properties of ordinary outerwear? 4. How can AHOV be removed from clothing or skin? 5. What should be done if drops of AHOV get on open areas of the body? 6. What should be done if drops of AHOV get on clothes?

Questions 4. How can AHOV be removed from clothing or skin? 5. What should be done if drops of AHOV get on open areas of the body? 6. What should be done if drops of AHOV get on clothes? 7. What precautions should be taken when washing off hazardous chemicals with water? 8. What is the first aid for acid poisoning? 9. What is the first aid for alkali poisoning? 10. What is the peculiarity of providing first aid for lesions of the mucous membranes (in comparison with first aid for lesions of the skin)?

Questions 7. What precautions should be taken when washing off hazardous chemicals with water? 8. What is the first aid for acid poisoning? 9. What is the first aid for alkali poisoning? 10. What is the peculiarity of providing first aid for lesions of the mucous membranes (in comparison with first aid for lesions of the skin)? 11. What is the first aid for eye burns? 12. What is the first aid for a burn of the esophagus?

Questions 10. What is the peculiarity of first aid for lesions of the mucous membranes (in comparison with first aid for lesions of the skin)? 11. What is the first aid for eye burns? 12. What is the first aid for a burn of the esophagus? 13. Why is gastric lavage unacceptable for burns of the esophagus? 14. Why is drinking milk not recommended in case of poisoning? 15. What are the general recommendations for providing first aid to victims of ammonia and chlorine poisoning

Questions 14. Why is drinking milk not recommended in case of poisoning? 15. What are the general recommendations for providing first aid to victims of ammonia and chlorine poisoning? 17. When affected by hydrocyanic acid, several degrees of damage are possible. What are their names.