Presentation on the topic of what it means to protect eyesight. Take care of your eyesight

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MBOU "Safonovskaya OOSh" Research on the topic of:
Completed by: Kenzhayeva Shakhnoza, 4th grade student Supervisor: N.P. Kharlamov

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OBJECTIVES: To study the literature on the topic. Find out the causes of visual impairment. Familiarize yourself with the rules of careful attitude to vision. Create a booklet "Take care of your eyesight" OBJECT OF RESEARCH: eyes as organs of vision. SUBJECT OF RESEARCH: careful attitude to one's vision. RESEARCH METHODS: Selection and analysis of literature. Conversation. Practical experiences. Questioning.

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H I P O T E S A:
suppose, if you properly monitor the health of the eyes, you can save good vision for a long time.

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Let's figure it out together, children: What are the eyes in the world for? Why do we all have a pair of eyes on our faces?

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The pupil regulates the amount of light. If there is not enough light, it automatically expands; if there is enough light, it narrows.

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We conclude:
The pupil regulates the amount of light, if there is not enough light, it automatically expands, if there is enough light, it narrows.

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The eyes see a different image, but the brain combines and makes a single image.

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We conclude:
The eyes see a different image, but the brain combines and makes a single image.

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We conclude:
This is due to the fact that the cones do not work in the dark, and the rods begin to work 200-400 times stronger and perceive light better. Therefore, in the dark we see the appearance of an object and do not see its color.

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Interview with nurse Lyubov Nikolaevna Slivchenko

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Vision test results

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How do I take care of my eyes
QUESTIONNAIRE 1. I always read while sitting. 2. I take breaks while reading. 3. I follow the landing when writing. 4. I do my homework at good lighting. 5. I do gymnastics for the eyes. 6. I often go outdoors. 7. I eat plant foods. 8. I only watch children's shows on TV. 9. I protect my eyes from getting into them foreign bodies. 10. Every year I check my eyesight with a doctor.

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Questionnaire "How I take care of my eyes" Grades 1 - 4
Questions YES NO
1. I always read while sitting. 22 3
2. I take breaks while reading. 14 11
3. I follow the landing when writing. 14 11
4. I do my homework in good light. 23 2
5. I do gymnastics for the eyes. 14 11
6. I often go outdoors. 214
7. I eat plant foods. 20 5
8. I only watch children's shows on TV. 10 15
9. I protect my eyes from foreign bodies getting into them. 20 5
10. Every year I check my eyesight with a doctor 3 22

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Vision Preservation Tips
sit less at the computer; watch less TV; - do not read in the dark; - train the eyes; - regularly visit an ophthalmologist; - do not read lying down; - watch TV at a distance of at least 3 meters; - do gymnastics for the eyes; - Healthy food;

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Booklet Exercises for the eyes 1. Exercise "Butterfly". The head is motionless, we work only with the eyes. The "drawing" should be as large as possible within the face, but do not overstrain the muscles of the eyeballs, keep an eye on your condition! We translate the gaze in the following sequence: to the lower left corner, to the upper right corner, to the lower right corner, to the upper left corner. And now vice versa: in the lower right, in the upper left, in the lower left and in the upper right corner. Never squint, never open your eyes too wide! All this creates tension, which is contraindicated! 2. Exercise for the eyes "Eight". With your eyes, describe a horizontal figure eight or infinity sign of maximum size within the face. One way a few times, then the other. Blink often, often, lightly. 3. Exercise" big circle". We perform circular movements eyeballs. The head remains motionless. Imagine a golden dial in front of you. This color helps to restore vision. Slowly move your eyes, marking each number on an imaginary clock face. First one way, then the other.

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The purpose of our study has been achieved, the tasks set have been fulfilled. I was convinced that if you help yourself to follow the rules of visual hygiene, you can reduce the fatigue of the organ of vision, which contributes to its preservation.

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A wise man was asked the question: What is more important for a person - wealth or fame? He replied: “Neither one nor the other, but health. A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." And another wise man warned: “We notice that the most valuable thing for us is health only when we no longer have it.” Listen to the words of the sage and firmly remember that you yourself can take care of your health most reliably. Thank you for your attention! We will be glad if our research is useful to you.

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Slides captions:

Research work "Take care of your eyesight" Completed by: Ganeeva Kamila Student of the 2B class of the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 126" of the Soviet district of Kazan

Purpose: to get acquainted with the causes of visual impairment in schoolchildren and with ways to preserve it. Objective: - to analyze the survey data of students of the 2nd grade of the MBOU "Gymnasium No. 126" of the Soviet district of Kazan; - to identify the causes affecting the deterioration of students' vision; - based on the data obtained, draw up a plan of measures aimed at solving this problem. Object of study: eyes as organs of vision. Subject of study: careful attitude to one's vision.

Suppose if you properly monitor the health of the eyes, then you can maintain good vision for a long time. Hypothesis:

Collection of information, - analysis of the collected data, - observation, - comparison, - generalization. Research methods

1. Selection of material, study of scientific articles. 2. Sociological research (questionnaire, medical examination materials). 3 . Study of the causes of visual impairment. 4. Conducting experiments to identify certain functions of the eye. 5. Drawing up the rules of careful attitude to vision. 6. Presentation design. 7.Report. Research plan.

Let's figure it out together, children: What are the eyes in the world for? Why do we all have a pair of eyes on our faces?

The structure of the eye

Sociological research Questionnaire test

Sociological research

Vision indications 2014-2015

Conducting experiments

To preserve vision in children, it is necessary to adhere to the rules recommended by pediatric ophthalmologists. Responsible attitude to the health of the child will help prevent visual impairment and the development of eye diseases. Ways out of the problem

Proper organization of the work area. Compliance with the daily routine. Organization proper nutrition. Gymnastics for the eyes. Reduced time spent watching TV and working on a computer. Eye care rules

“Drawing eights” “Little finger in the sight” “Mark on the glass” Gymnastics for the eyes

After conducting a study, we found out the reasons for the deterioration of vision, learned to take good care of our eyes, in time to help them with overwork. Research results.

Thank you!!!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The presentation contains materials for holding a parent meeting in primary school on the topic "Protect the eyes of children" ....

Class hour "Take care of your eyesight from a young age" Grade 3

The goals of this extracurricular activity are: to introduce the elementary structure of the eye; explain why visual acuity is reduced and that vision must be protected; learn to care...

Class hour in 4th grade

on the topic: "Take care of your eyes like the apple of your eye"

Compiled and hosted by:

teacher primary school Kulakova T.Yu.

Diveevo 2010

Ophthalmological clinic

Doctor - ophthalmologist

Engaged eye diseases, their treatment and prevention.

  • How is the eye.
  • What is good for the eyes and what is bad.
  • Take care of your eyes!
  • Eye exercises.




  • It is easy to infect the eye. Don't touch your eye with your sleeve, only with a clean handkerchief.
  • In order not to get sick later, use personal underwear.

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

Its symptoms:

Redness of the mucous membrane eyes - corneas, lacrimation, accumulation purulent discharge in the corners of the eyes

Valeological introspection

What kind of eyesight do you have? How do you take care of your eyes?

1. Protect eyes from viruses and other infections;

2. Protect eyes from foreign bodies getting into them;

3. More often to be in the fresh air;

4. Eat enough plant foods (carrots, green onions, parsley, tomatoes, sweet red peppers);

5. Do gymnastics for the eyes;

6. Strengthen the eyes by looking at the rising (setting) sun;

7. Protect eyes from shock;

8. Improve the lighting of your workplace;

9. Change the color background of your workplace;

12. Reduce TV viewing to two hours a day;

13. Study on the computer for no more than 45 minutes in one session.

"Healthy lifestyle for teenagers" - Object of study. Research novelty. extracurricular activity in grades 8-9 Smoking is harmful to health. 6th grade. Practical significance. Research hypothesis. The process of full development of a teenager. Integrated lesson (technology, life safety) in the 6th grade School textbooks against smoking. Expand the concept of "Healthy lifestyle".

"Healthy lifestyle at school" - 100% of young men think: The survey was conducted on October 19, 2009, from 10:00 to 13:00. Ideas about a healthy lifestyle among adolescents and adolescence. 80% of girls think: The results of the study. During processing, the average response rates were determined separately for each group of subjects.

"Formation of a healthy lifestyle" - Interdisciplinary school program"Health" instead of an independent subject (health lessons). - Application, i.e. Ability to use. Causal relationships. - Understanding, i.e. Interpretation and transmission to others. Accounting for age and sex characteristics. Physical development. Healthy food.

"Constituents of Human Health" - Physical Constituents healthy lifestyle life. World Health Organization definition. ? Physical well-being. Spiritual well-being. Spiritual. Contradiction. Life safety lesson 10th grade. Attitude different people to the preservation and promotion of health. Social components of a healthy lifestyle. Social welfare.

"Healthy lifestyle at school" - Tennis. Sports and recreational Spiritual and moral Social General intellectual General cultural. Together with dad. Sambo. Hockey. The attitude of the teacher towards own health. Healthy Lifestyle Month (November 7-December 3). Parents initiative-school volleyball championship (January-February).

"Fundamentals of a healthy life" - Alcohol destroys the human brain and other organs. Topic: "Fundamentals of a healthy lifestyle." The choice is yours! Up to 60% of Russians are regular cigarette buyers. More than 3 million people on the planet die every year from smoking. 58.3% of boys smoke, 40.5% of girls smoke. Psychohygiene and the ability to manage your emotions;

There are 25 presentations in total in the topic