Biology presentation on vision hygiene. Hygiene of vision prevention of eye diseases eye diseases

Analyzers and sense organs


Analyzers call systems that consist of receptors, pathways and centers in the cortex hemispheres. Each analyzer has its own modality, that is, a way of obtaining its own information: visual, auditory, gustatory and others. Excitations arising in the receptors of the organs of vision, hearing, touch, have the same nature - electrochemical signals in the form flow of nerve impulses. Receptors are strictly specialized. Each of their groups is able to perceive and translate into the language of signals understandable to the nervous system, that is, nerve impulses, only a certain set of stimuli. There is no confusion, because each of the nerve impulses enters the corresponding area of ​​the brain. Here, in the primary sensitive zones, the analysis of sensations takes place, in the secondary zones - the formation of images received from the sense organs of one modalities(for example, only from sight, or only from hearing or touch). Finally, in the tertiary cortical zones, images or situations received from the sense organs of various modalities, for example, from vision and hearing, are reproduced.

visual analyzer

The meaning of vision. Through the visual analyzer, a person receives the main amount of information. The objects and phenomena around us, our own body, we perceive primarily with the help of vision. Thanks to vision, we learn many household and labor skills, learn how to perform certain rules behavior. So, in the knowledge of the external world for a person, vision plays a paramount role. The ability to see the beauty in the surrounding nature, in works of sculpture, architecture, painting, in ballet, in cinema distinguishes a well-mannered person.

The structure of the eye. The eyes are equipped with a large number of accessories to protect them. it brows, thanks to which the sweat flowing from the forehead does not fall into the eyes. Eyelids and eyelashes protect eyes from dust. The eyelids constantly close and open (blinking), evenly wetting the surface of the eye with tear fluid. Tears are formed in the lacrimal glands located in the outer part of the orbit above the eye, excess tear fluid drains into nasal cavity through tear duct. The secret of the lacrimal glands acts not only as a lubricant, but also as a disinfectant. The eye is spherical and therefore called the eyeball. This form allows it to move within certain limits in the cavity of the bone cavity - eye socket. Eye movement is achieved by contraction six eye muscles . They are attached at one end to the wall of the orbit, the other - to the eyeball.

Outside, the eye is covered with a dense white albuginea, which surrounds the entire surface of the eyeball. The protein membrane is connected to the mucous membrane, which covers the inside of the eyelids. In front, the albuginea connects to the transparent membrane - cornea. The other layer of the eye vascular. It is permeated with many blood vessels that supply the eye with blood. The inner surface of this shell contains a thin layer of coloring matter - a black pigment that absorbs light rays. In front, opposite the cornea, the choroid passes into iris, which may be different color depending on the amount of pigment in it. It is this shell that determines the color of the eyes. There is a round hole in the center of the iris pupil. The pupil expands or contracts depending on the amount of light entering the eye. It is easy to verify this for yourself if you observe the pupil in the mirror and at the same time bring some light source, such as a lamp, to your face and move away from it. Finally, the inner wall of the eyeball is lined with a very thin shell - retina. She has complex structure. It contains cells that are very sensitive to light, - visual receptors. It is in them that the energy of light rays penetrating the eye is converted into a process of nervous excitation. And in fibers optic nerve these nerve impulses travel to the brain.

Retina has a thickness of 0.15–0.20 mm and consists of several layers nerve cells. The first layer of the retina is directly adjacent to the black pigment cells. This layer is formed by visual receptors - sticks and cones. There are ten times more rods in the human retina than cones. Rods are excited very quickly by weak twilight light, but cannot perceive color. Cones are excited more slowly and only by bright light, they are able to perceive color. The rods are relatively evenly distributed over the retina. Directly opposite the pupil in the retina is yellow spot which contains only cones. Therefore, a person most clearly distinguishes those objects whose images fall directly on the yellow spot. With the help of the eye muscles, we can control the movement of the eyes and change the direction of the gaze. But always, when looking at a new object, the gaze moves so that the image of the parts of the object consistently falls on the yellow spot. Long processes extend from the nerve cells of the retina. In one place of the retina, they gather in a bundle and form the optic nerve. More than a million of its fibers are transmitted to the brain visual information in the form of weak nerve impulses. The place on the retina where the optic nerve exits is devoid of receptors and is called blind spot. Every student can be convinced of its existence with the help of simple experience.

Vision hygiene. Prevention of eye diseases

Vision hygiene. Many people develop myopia. If you follow simple rules, then in most cases this visual impairment can be prevented. It is very harmful to keep books and notebooks at a distance closer than 30 cm from the eyes. When we examine objects at close range, the muscular apparatus of the eye tenses, the curvature of the lens changes, and rapid fatigue and deterioration occur. visual perception. With constant poor lighting and improper landing, a habit is developed to look at everything up close. As a result, myopia develops. Staying in nature, where a broad outlook is provided, is a wonderful rest for the eyes. For normal operation Good lighting is important to the eye. The table for classes should be placed closer to the window and so that the light falls on the left. A table lamp with a 60-75 W light bulb is placed on the desktop on the left, protected by a lampshade so that the light does not fall into the eyes, but only illuminates a book or notebook. Lighting that is too bright irritates the eyes and leads to rapid fatigue. It is harmful to read in a moving vehicle, especially in poor lighting conditions. Because of the constant shocks, the book either moves away from the eyes, then approaches them, then deviates to the side. At the same time, the curvature of the lens either increases or decreases, and the eyes turn all the time, “catching” the elusive text. As a result, visual impairment occurs. When we read lying down, the position of the book in the hand in relation to the eyes also constantly changes, its illumination is insufficient. The habit of reading lying down damages your eyesight.

Eyes should be protected from injury. This is the most common cause clouding of the cornea (thorn) and blindness. The cause of eye injuries in children is most often pranks, fights. Some guys throw sticks, stones, shoot from slingshots. All this can lead to eye injuries. In school workshops and in production, schoolchildren must strictly observe safety regulations (use safety glasses, a screen, etc.). Do not blow off sawdust, shavings, as they can get into your eyes. When dust gets into your eyes, it irritates them. Pathogenic microbes can be brought along with the dust. The infection can get into the eye from dirty hands, an unclean towel, a handkerchief. This may cause various diseases eyes, for example, inflammation of the mucous membrane - conjunctivitis, which often leads to visual impairment. Therefore, the eyes must be protected from injury, from foreign objects, dust, do not rub them with your hands, wipe them only with a completely clean towel or handkerchief.

visual impairment. One of the important characteristics of vision is sharpness vision. Visual acuity determines the maximum ability of the eye to distinguish small details in the field of view. Visual acuity depends on the general illumination, the contrast of image details against a certain background, and other reasons. The most common visual impairments are nearsightedness and farsightedness. The presence of these disorders is determined by the doctor when measuring visual acuity using special tables. Myopia is congenital and acquired. With congenital myopia eyeball has an elongated shape. Therefore, a clear image of objects located far from the eyes does not appear on the retina, but, as it were, in front of it. Acquired myopia develops due to an increase in the curvature of the lens, which can occur with improper metabolism or impaired visual hygiene. Nearsighted people see distant objects as blurry. Spectacles with biconcave lenses help ensure that clear images of objects appear exactly on the retina. farsightedness also happens congenital and acquired. With congenital farsightedness, the eyeball is shortened. Therefore, a clear image of objects located close to the eyes appears, as it were, behind the retina. Acquired farsightedness occurs due to a decrease in the bulge of the lens and is most characteristic of the elderly. Far-sighted people see close objects blurry and cannot read text. Glasses with biconvex lenses help to image a close object exactly on the retina.

Do not use other people's glasses or choose glasses for yourself without a doctor's prescription. This leads to further deterioration of vision.

auditory analyzer

The meaning of hearing. The sense of hearing is one of the most important things in human life. Hearing and speech together constitute an important means of communication between people, serve as the basis for the relationship of people in society. Hearing loss can lead to behavioral problems. Deaf children cannot learn full speech. With the help of hearing, a person picks up sounds that signal what is happening in the outside world, the sounds of nature around us - the rustles of the forest, the singing of birds, the sounds of the sea, as well as various musical works. With the help of hearing, the perception of the world becomes brighter and richer.

The ear and its function. Sound, or a sound wave, is an alternating rarefaction and condensation of air that propagates in all directions from the sound source. A sound source can be any vibrating body. Sound vibrations are perceived by our organ of hearing. The organ of hearing is very complex and consists of



inner ear.

outer ear consists of


ear canal.

auricles many animals can move. This helps the animal to catch where even the quietest sound comes from. Human auricles also serve to determine the direction of sound, although they are immobile. ear canal connects the outer ear with the next section - the middle ear. The ear canal is obstructed at the inner end of the taut tympanic membrane . A sound wave striking the eardrum causes it to oscillate, vibrate. The vibration frequency of the tympanic membrane is greater, the higher the sound. The stronger the sound, the more the membrane vibrates. But if the sound is very weak, barely audible, then these vibrations are very small. The minimum audibility of a trained ear is almost on the border of those vibrations that are created by the random movement of air molecules. Means, human ear- a unique hearing aid. Behind the tympanic membrane lies the air-filled cavity of the middle ear. This cavity is connected to the nasopharynx by a narrow passage - auditory tube. When swallowing, air is exchanged between the pharynx and the middle ear. A change in the outside air pressure, for example in an airplane, causes unpleasant feeling- "plugging the ears". It is explained by the deflection of the tympanic membrane due to the difference between atmospheric pressure and the pressure in the middle ear cavity. When swallowing, the auditory tube opens and the pressure on both sides of the eardrum equalizes. In the middle ear there are three small, successively interconnected bones:


· anvil,


The hammer connected to the tympanic membrane transmits its vibrations first to the anvil, and then the enhanced vibrations are transmitted to the stirrup. In the plate separating the cavity of the middle ear from the cavity of the inner ear, there are two windows, pulled together by thin membranes. One window oval, the stirrup “knocks” on it, the other - round. Behind the middle ear begins inner ear. It is located deep temporal bone skulls. The inner ear is a system of labyrinth and convoluted canals filled with fluid. In the labyrinth is the organ of hearing - snail. This is a spirally twisted bone canal that has two and a half turns in humans. Vibrations of the membrane of the foramen ovale are transmitted to the fluid that fills the inner ear. And it, in turn, begins to oscillate with the same frequency. Vibrating, the liquid irritates the auditory receptors located in the cochlea. The canal of the cochlea along its entire length is divided in half by a membranous septum. Part of this septum consists of a thin membrane - membranes. On it are receptive cells - auditory receptors. Vibrations of the fluid filling the cochlea irritate individual auditory receptors. They generate impulses that are transmitted through auditory nerve into the brain.

auditory perception . In the brain, there is a distinction between the strength, height and nature of the sound, its location in space. We hear with two ears, and this has great importance to determine the direction of the sound. If sound waves come simultaneously to both ears, then we perceive the sound in the middle (front and back). If sound waves arrive a little earlier in one ear than in the other, then we perceive the sound either on the right or on the left.

Similar information.

>> Vision hygiene

§ 50. Hygiene of vision.

1. Prevention of eye diseases
2. How to protect yourself from conjunctivitis?
3. How does a nearsighted and farsighted eye differ from a normal one?
4. How are glasses selected?
5. What is the cause of strabismus?
6. What to do with eye injuries?

Prevention of eye infections.

The most vulnerable to infection is the connective transparent membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva. It covers the back of the eyelids and the front of the eye to the cornea. The conjunctiva secretes mucus, which reduces the friction of the eyelids when blinking. When irritated by dust, chemicals she blushes and suppurates. There is conjunctivitis. Eyes itch, hurt, watery. Sometimes there is an unpleasant pain. characteristic feature conjunctivitis is the clumping of the eyes from pus in the morning.

Conjunctivitis can be caused by germs or viruses that enter the eye dirty hands or airborne, like the flu. There is allergic conjunctivitis.

Prevention of nearsightedness and farsightedness.

Normally, when the muscles of the ciliary body relax, parallel rays of light, passing through the lens, fall on the retina. In nearsighted eyes, the image is focused in front of the retina, in farsighted eyes, behind it. In both cases, the image on it turns out to be fuzzy (Fig. 104). As a result, near-sighted people see relatively well the details of close objects, but they see poorly in the distance. On the contrary, far-sighted people see well distant objects, but see poorly what is located close to the eyes. This defect can be corrected with the help of glasses. Nearsighted people are prescribed biconcave lenses that scatter light, farsighted - biconvex lenses that enhance the refraction of rays.

The unit of measurement for the refractive power of lenses is called the diopter.

Lenses for the nearsighted have negative diopters, and lenses for the farsighted have positive diopters. Spectacle glasses are selected for each eye separately and individually for each person. For example, a prescription for glasses OB = -5B, OB = -4B means: glasses for a near-sighted person, a lens for the right eye minus 5 diopters, a lens for the left eye minus 4 diopters.

If one of the following symptoms is observed when reading with glasses: watery eyes, pain occurs, a headache, then one of the reasons for this may be incorrectly selected glasses.

Refractive errors in the eye can be the result of poor hygiene vision, such as the habit of leaning too low over a book, as well as reading in transport or lying down, in low light, with a light source located on the right, with a glare on the surface of the desktop.

Children, as a rule, are born far-sighted, but the lens compensates for this shortcoming for the time being. In old age, the lens cannot change its curvature to the same extent, and farsightedness becomes apparent. Therefore, in old age, most people become farsighted and are forced to use glasses.

Strabismus warning.

Lesson content lesson summary and support frame lesson presentation accelerative methods and interactive technologies closed exercises (for teacher use only) assessment Practice tasks and exercises, self-examination workshops, laboratory, cases level of complexity of tasks: normal, high, olympiad homework Illustrations illustrations: video clips, audio, photographs, graphics, tables, comics, multimedia essays chips for inquisitive cribs humor, parables, jokes, sayings, crossword puzzles, quotes Add-ons external independent testing (VNT) textbooks main and additional thematic holidays, slogans articles national features glossary other terms Only for teachers

Lesson on the topic: “Visual hygiene. Prevention of eye diseases

Target: continue to form the concept of "analyzer"; based on the repetition of the concepts of the structure and functions of the eye, develop the basic rules of visual hygiene, draw Special attention for the prevention of common eye diseases.


Tutorials: Summarize and systematize previously acquired knowledge about the causes of visual acuity impairment, methods of its correction, and ways to preserve vision; expand knowledge about the causes of visual impairment, about ways to protect the eyes from injury, about first aid for eye injury.

Developing: develop mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison; develop the ability to draw conclusions, work with models in groups; develop communication skills, the ability to work independently, the ability to strive for success; develop self-confidence.

Educators: to form hygienic skills in caring for the organs of vision, the need to wear glasses to correct myopia and hyperopia; educate respect for one's own health and the health of others; master the techniques of gymnastics for the eyes.

Lesson type: combined:

Methods: verbal (heuristic conversation with elements independent work, teacher's explanation); partially exploratory, research - work with text (performing independent research, comparing facts), visual-figurative (studying resources for the lesson and illustrations), practical (training exercises)

Forms of student work : frontal, individual, group

Equipment: information sheets, multimedia projector, presentation.

During the classes

    Organizing time

Teacher: What is it about

Two brothers live side by side
And they don't see each other


Teacher: Guys, now I will ask you to close your eyelids tightly and not open them until my command. Imagine for a few seconds that you are in the realm of eternal darkness. How to live, how to survive in this black abyss?

How to explain to the blind
Blind as night, From birth

A riot of spring beauty

rainbow obsession

Y. Drunina

Now open your eyes…..Isn't it true how beautiful the world that we can see!
But do we always appreciate and understand it?

Why do many people have vision problems, and how can they be prevented?

We will talk about all this in today's lesson.

So, the topic of the lesson:Vision hygiene. Warning eye diseases

Let's try to formulate the purpose of the lesson:

aim today's lesson isstudy of the causes and measures for the prevention of diseases and injuries of the eye.

II. Examination homework

And now let's remember the most important

Frontal conversation.

    What topic are we studying? (Analyzers. Sensory organs.)

    What is an analyzer? (This is a system consisting of receptors, pathways and a special zone in the cerebral cortex)

    What parts does the analyzer have? (1 link - peripheral, 2 link - conductor, 3 link - central - processing)

    What analyzers do you know? (Visual, auditory, smell, taste, touch, musculoskeletal)

    What analyzer did we study in the previous lesson? (Visual)

    Name and show parts visual analyzer. (1 link - the eye, in which the receptors are located, 2 link - the optic nerve, 3 link - the visual zone in the cerebral cortex)

What structure the eye has, it will remind us ... .. Diana Tsyganko


The organ of vision is the eye

It has three shells.

The one that is white on the outside

Let's call it white.

She is transparent ahead -

Comparable to glass

We call this part

Just a cornea.

Layer two - it has vessels

Ahead he is a rainbow

It has a hole in the pupil

And the pigments are different.

Behind the pupil we have a lens

It changes curvature

And so we see

And close, and a mile away.

Light easily enters the eye

I can see everything around

After all, there is an apple in the eye

The body is vitreous.

In the depths lies the retina

This layer is required

Kohl receptors are in order

It's okay we look.

(Conclusions from the slide)

And now let's go verification work, with the help of which we will find out how you learned and memorized the material about the structure of the eye and the functions of its parts.

Task 1. What parts of the eye are indicated by the numbers.

Sclera (white coat) - 1

Cornea - 2

Crystal - 3
Iris with pupil - 4
Ciliary body - 5

choroid - 6
vitreous body - 7
Retina - 8
Cones - 9

Sticks - 10

optic nerve - 11

Task 2. Solve the test (for each correct answer - 1 point)

1. Protect eyes from wind and dust

    eyelids and eyelashes

    eye sockets

    lacrimal fluid.

2. Where are the photosensitive receptors of the eyes located?

    in the retina

    in the lens

    in the iris

3. What are the protective shells of the eye called?

    lens and pupil

    albuginea and cornea


4. Eye color is determined by pigments




5. The place of the projection of the object in the eyeball.




6. Hole in the center of the iris




7. The conductive part of the visual analyzer.



    optic nerve

8. The visual zone of the cerebral cortex is located in .. lobe:




Key: 1 -1; 2 – 1 ; 3 – 2; 4 – 3; 5 – 3; 6 – 1; 7 – 3; 8 – 3.

III. Learning new material

Teacher. I propose to take the words of the American writer Helen Keller as the motto of our lesson: “Use your eyes! Live each day as if you could go blind. And you will discover a wonderful world that you have never seen before! These words could be said by a person who himself experienced great grief. Helena Keller was ill with scarlet fever in early childhood and lost her sight and hearing. But, despite the great difficulties, she received higher education and became a famous writer.

Pace modern life is such that every day we receive a huge amount of information, and above all thanks to the organs of vision, without thinking about how the environment in which we are, affects our eyes. Meanwhile, such adverse factors as insufficient lighting, the presence of dust and microorganisms in the room, prolonged stay at the computer, excessive use mobile phone, watching TV, prolonged visual load at school, malnutrition, nicotine and alcohol, injuries and bruises lead to visual impairment and the development of a number of diseases. Therefore, issues related to the preservation of vision, the prevention of the development of eye diseases are more relevant today than ever.

First of all, we should get acquainted with the main diseases of the eyes: myopia and hyperopia, find out what color blindness is, and we will also try to cover other issues.

1. Myopia

Myopia has the scientific name of myopia (from the Greek "myo" - squinting and "opsis" - look, vision). This term captures the characteristic of myopic squinting when looking at distant objects. Myopia is very common. According to the World Health Organization, 800 million people on our planet suffer from this disease. It can be both congenital, inherited from parents, and acquired. Acquired myopia develops in childhood and becomes quite noticeable in school years. Children begin to see distant objects worse, they have difficulty distinguishing letters and numbers. Nearsighted people often squint their eyes when trying to see distant objects. By the way, myopia in translation from Greek. - squinting eye.

So myopia This is a visual impairment in which a person sees well objects located near, and distant objects - poorly. In nearsightedness, the image is focused in front of the retina.(Fig. 104, A on p. 250) This may be due to the elongated shape of the eyeball, or due to an increase in the curvature of the lens. For nearsightedness, glasses with biconcave glasses are prescribed..

2. Farsightedness

The state of vision in which objects at a distance are seen better than near objects is calledfarsightedness. At a far-sighted person has a shortened eyeball and the image is focused behind the retina.(Fig. 104, B on p. 250)

This defect is eliminated by wearing glasses with biconvex lenses..

Develops over the years age-related farsightedness(usually after 40 years). It becomes difficult for a person to distinguish small objects, to read. This is due to the fact that the lens of the eye becomes denser and less elastic over time.

Teacher: In order to initially consolidate the new material for you, we will fill out the table “ visual impairment

Table "Visual impairment"

Long away


Long away


In children and adolescents

In older people

In children and adolescents

In older people

Beams focus

In front of the retina

Behind the retina

In front of the retina

Behind the retina

Need glasses with lenses





Key to the table

Long away


At what age does it most often occur

In children and adolescents

In older people

Beams focus

In front of the retina

Behind the retina

Need glasses with lenses




Teacher: It's good that we live in a colorful world. Color surrounds and accompanies us everywhere. Nature is very rich in various colors and this makes our life joyful. Let's imagine the world in black and white for a moment. What would our life be like then? Boring, monotonous, monotonous, joyless. Color - "vitamin of the soul", "caress of beauty." The meaning of color for us is huge, but we are not always aware of it.

For the first time, a visual defect associated with a violation of color perception was described by the English scientist John Dalton in 1794. The scientist himself had such a lack of color vision, so the disease began to be called colorblind. With color blindness, people do not distinguish between colors, mainly red and green (both colors are perceived as gray).

The color vision defect first came to public attention in 1875, when a train derailed in Sweden, causing great casualties. It turned out that the driver did not distinguish red. After this case, checking for color vision became mandatory for drivers of all types of transport. Color blindness is caused by changes in sexual X – chromosome, but may be age-related changes and eye injury. Color blindness is 20 times more common in men: 8% of men and only 0.5% of women suffer from it. With this disease, color perception is corrected with the help of special glasses.

There are many diseases of the eyes and we will not be able to consider them in detail. And here is a brief introduction to some more diseases ...

Belmo clouding of the cornea, which loses the ability to transmit light. This can lead to: bruises, wounds, burns. The thorn is treated surgically.

conjunctivitis acute inflammation mucous membrane of the eyes.

The reasons are the ingress of microbes, viruses, as well as irritation with toxic substances, dust, harsh light.

A characteristic sign is sticking of the eyes from pus in the morning.

Sometimes conjunctivitis is also called "rabbiteyes ".

Barley purulent inflammation sebaceous gland edge of the century.

Caused by pyogenic bacteria.

It occurs more often in debilitated children, with metabolic disorders

Cataract clouding of the lens, more often manifested in people over 55 years of age. The reasons may be: metabolic disorders, trauma, poisoning with toxic substances, radioactive exposure. A cataract patient is prescribed special glasses or the lens is replaced with an artificial one.

Glaucoma This is a disease associated with an increase in intraocular pressure. More often seen in older people. It leads to decreased vision and even blindness. Treatment may include the use eye drops, laser, microsurgery.

At the lessons of technology, physics, chemistry, biology, on excursions, subbotniks, vacations, we always give you instructions on safety, we warn you: be careful, do not injure yourself. But, alas, accidents do happen. Read §50 "Injuries to the eye".Irow - What eye injuries are and their causes.IIrow - First aid for injuries.


If you wanted to become smart, like a "nerd",

I advise you, my friend, not to read books at all!

At the computer for hours, day and night, sit, sit!

Don't miss anything on the monitor screen!

And then run, skip, fly to the TV,

And in his cold screen, without breathing, look, look!

Well, if, nevertheless, a hand suddenly reaches out for a book,

You read it in the dark! Strain your eyes!

And then everyone will specifically say: “Look, ah!

This boy is obviously smart, he already wears glasses!”

Well? Did you like these tips?

What do we need to know to keep our eyesight?

IV. "Rules for the Preservation of Vision"

    Read, write only when good lighting, but remember that bright light should not fall into the eyes.

    Make sure that the book and notebook are at a distance of 30-35 cm from the eyes.

    When reading a book, it is better to put it on an inclined stand.

    When writing, the light should fall from the left.

    Do not read while lying down or in a moving vehicle.

    If you read or write for a long time, every 30 minutes let your eyes rest.

    Never three eyes with dirty hands. Use a clean handkerchief.

    Don't watch TV for a long time.

    Work at the computer no more than 1.5-2 hours a day.

    Do eye exercises.

    Feel free to wear glasses if your doctor has prescribed them.

    Eat plant foods containing vitamins A, E, C.

    The color background of the working room and workplace should be calm (green or yellow).

V. Homework §50, draw up a memo "Take care of your eyesight."

And at the end of the lesson, I want to read an excerpt from a fairy tale

"The greatest wealth" and try to catch her main idea.

One young man complained all the time about his poverty:

- How nice it would be if I had great wealth. How poor I am, I have nothing!

Once an old stonemason heard these words of a young man and asked:

- What are you complaining about? After all, you own great wealth.

- Do I own a lot of wealth? - the young man was surprised, - Where is it?

- Your eyes. What would you like to get behind your eyes? Lots of gold?

- What you! - the young man answered in fright, - I will not give my eyes for any gold!

- Well, - said the stonemason, - Then let me cut off your hands, and for them you will receive great treasures.

- Not! I will not give my hands for any treasure! the young man exclaimed.

- Now you see that you are very rich, - said the old stonemason, - So what are you complaining about?

The greatest wealth of a person is health, and it cannot be bought with any money. Guys, I also wish you good health.

Thank you for the lesson!

Presentation on the topic "Hygiene of vision" on life safety for secondary school students.

The work was prepared by: students of class 11 "a" Svetlana Sirotina and Laskova Aksinya, MBOU Lyceum No. 1, Volzhsky. Teacher Kruchenok E.N.

Fragments from the presentation

The goal is to reveal the importance of maintaining visual hygiene.

  • Definition of vision hygiene
  • Factors affecting vision
  • Proper nutrition as a guarantee good vision
  • Computer rules
  • 5 golden rules
  • Conclusion

Everyone has a duty to keep their eyes

Vision hygiene is a set of measures aimed at preserving and maintaining good vision, preventing many eye diseases.

Vision hygiene

When working with a lot of eye strain, it is necessary to periodically rest the eyes. You can also massage your eyes. It is very useful to look at nature, admiring the greenery, flowers. You can look into the distance, into the infinite depth of the sky. This not only gives rest to the eyes, but also calms the nervous system, relieves stress.

Factors affecting vision

  1. Balanced diet;
  2. reading hygiene;
  3. Compliance with the rules of landing and lighting;
  4. Compliance with the rules when watching TV and working at a computer.
Rational nutrition: in what foods do vitamins “live”
  • Vitamin A - fish, seafood, apricots, carrots, tomatoes, etc.
  • Vitamin B1 - rice, vegetables, poultry, etc.
  • Vitamin B2 - milk, apples, wheat grains etc.
  • Vitamin C - rose hips, sweet peppers, black currants, etc.

Computer rules

  1. Choose the right posture. Namely: right in front of the screen, top part monitor at eye level or slightly below.
  2. Observe the distance from the eyes to the monitor - 55-60 cm
  3. Choose a comfortable chair for working at the computer.
  4. The height of the seat of the chair (chair) should be such that the hands placed on the keyboard are horizontal.
  5. Take 15-20 minute breaks every hour.
  6. Watch your breathing: it should be even, without delays.
  7. Do eye exercises as often as possible.

Five golden rules for eye hygiene

  1. Watch TV as little as possible.
  2. You can not read continuously for more than 30 minutes.
  3. Reading lying down, in low light, while traveling in transport, etc. is prohibited. The distance from the text to the eyes is 33 cm.
  4. To activate the functions of the body, mobile physical exercise. The preference for playing sports that develop peripheral vision.
  5. Visit your doctor once a year and have your eyes checked.


So, observance of visual hygiene is very important, since a person receives most of the information through the eyes. Compliance with the rules will allow you not only to avoid eye fatigue, but also a number of diseases.

Thank you for your attention!

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“Illnesses of the eyes. Hygiene of vision. Educational project in biology, a student of the 8th grade of the Zheleznogorsk sanatorium-forest school Gerbal Lyudmila. The project was carried out under the guidance of a teacher of chemistry and biology Dushak O.M. December 2010

2 slide

Place in educational process: topic “Coordination and regulation. sense organs." Formed competencies: general educational, informational. Project typology: information-research, individual, short-term. Problem: preservation of vision, prevention possible diseases is a matter of personal importance to the student.

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The purpose of the project: to expand students' knowledge about the functioning of the visual analyzer, possible reasons his diseases, preventive measures, exchange of experience. Tasks: To study scientific literature and other sources of information on a given topic. Analyze the information received, create a presentation on the topic. The presentation can serve as demonstration material in the classroom and extracurricular activities to develop in students the skills of caring for their own health.

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Eye diseases. Vision hygiene. The work was done by a student of the 8th grade Herbal Lyudmila Uchitel Dushak O.M. 2010-2011

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Appearance eyes. The eye is complex optical system. Light rays enter the eye from surrounding objects through the cornea. The cornea in the optical sense is a strong converging lens that focuses light rays diverging in different directions. Moreover, the optical power of the cornea normally does not change and always gives a constant degree of refraction. The sclera is opaque outer sheath eyes, respectively, it does not take part in conducting light into the eye.

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Diagram of the structure of the eye. Sclera Anterior chamber of the eye Iris Lens Vitreous body Retina Choroid

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Myopia and its causes. With nearsightedness, people have trouble seeing distant objects. Myopia develops with prolonged stress and improper lighting.

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Farsightedness With farsightedness, people can't see close objects.

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Color blindness With color blindness, people do not distinguish between the colors red and green (both colors are perceived as gray). The English scientist John Dalton had such a lack of color vision. 7.5% of men and 0.1% of women do not distinguish colors at all.

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Cataract A cataract is a clouding of the lens, the part of the eye responsible for focusing light rays and creating a clear and sharp image. The lens is in a special bag called a capsule.

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Cataract. Causes of the disease. Most cataracts are a natural result of aging. Cataract - very frequent illness, being the first cause of vision loss in people over 55 years of age. In addition to age-related cataracts, there are clouding of the lens as a result of trauma, damage by certain types of radiation, taking some medicines, diseases - common, like diabetes, myotonia, and eye diseases, like glaucoma, myopia and others.

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Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyelids. Occurs when microorganisms brought into the eyes by dirty hands, a towel, a handkerchief. If you look at a source of ultraviolet radiation for a long time.

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Glaucoma Glaucoma (Greek glaukōma from glaukos bluish-green) is an eye disease, the main manifestation of which is an increase in intraocular pressure.

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Primary glaucoma Primary glaucoma usually develops in people older than 40-50 years; it affects about 2% of the population in this age group and is one of the leading causes of incurable blindness.

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Secondary glaucoma Secondary glaucoma occurs as a complication of another disorder (eg, iridocyclitis, lens subluxation, cavernous sinus thrombosis).