Should breast fibroadenoma be removed? Arguments "for" and "against" the operation. How and how to treat breast fibroadenoma Can fibroadenoma decrease in size

Fibroadenoma is a benign tumor that grows by destroying the glandular tissue of the breast. There are two main types of fibroadenoma. This is a common fibroadenoma that can begin to develop in and outside the milk ducts.

And fibroadenoma foliaceus. It, as studies show, "originates" from fibroadenoma cells, which is located inside the ducts. Most often, only one fibroadenoma appears, but the facts of the occurrence of multiple fibroadenomas in the breast are known in practice.

This tumor does not exceed three centimeters. Although there are cases when, after diagnosis, a fibroadenoma the size of a tennis ball was found. Although such research results are extremely rare, it is still undesirable to neglect the opportunity to be screened by a breast oncologist. It is better to make sure once again that everything is in order than to trace the beginning of big problems.

Specifically about the main

Absolutely every woman who has not been spared by this trouble is tormented by doubts about the seriousness of the disease. And to be more precise, will the fibroadenoma be washed away on its own, without surgical intervention.

I must say that initially everything depends strictly on the stage of the disease, namely on the size of the tumor. If the body of the fibroadenoma is not more than one centimeter, then there is every chance for a complete recovery of the mammary gland. Such a small fibroadenoma will resolve itself with proper conservative treatment.

A tumor that is large in size can even develop into a malignant stage. With this conclusion, one way out is surgical intervention. And that would be the only reasonable solution.

How to independently detect fibroadenoma?

The usual adenoma of small size does not cause inconvenience, not painful. On external examination, it is impossible to notice. But you can feel it with a careful tactile preventive examination.

A common adenoma has a smooth contour, in contrast to a cancerous tumor or leaf fibroadenoma. The usual adenoma moves in the glandular tissues.

Another type of fibroadenoma - sheet - has a fuzzy contour, it is large, and in advanced cases it can be quickly recognized, since it is almost under the skin.

To finally exclude the risk of degeneration of leaf fibroadenoma into a cancerous malignant tumor, it is necessary to perform a histological analysis in the strictest order. The results of the analysis of the puncture taken from the body of the adenoma for the presence of atypical (cancerous) cells.

Who is the risk group?

Unfortunately, even adolescent girls are not immune from the disease. Fibroadenoma can occur at such a young age of the year due to a banal hormonal failure. The appearance of an adenoma can be suspected when, before menstruation, the chest swells and thickens strongly, and when palpated, it responds with pain.

Fibroadenoma also accompanies women with endocrine diseases, CNS disorders, malfunctions in reproductive system and those who have had an abortion.

Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland (FAM) develops with nodular mastopathy. The cause of the appearance of neoplasms are various endocrine disorders and hormonal disruptions. Local growth in the gland causes severe discomfort and requires immediate examination and treatment.

FAM of the mammary gland is formed in upper area chest. The formation is benign and is diagnosed more often in women, however, in the stronger sex, the tumor can also be detected.

The main signs of a neoplasm in the breast:

  • the presence of a ball in the thickness of the gland
  • the appearance of ulcers on the areola of the nipple
  • pain on pressure on the gland

At the initial stages, the tumor is extremely difficult to detect - a diffuse tumor develops asymptomatically, and there is no pain. Only with an increase in the size of the neoplasm can one feel pain when probing the gland. Fibroadenoma of the breast is detected by x-ray, ultrasound of the mammary glands or at a preventive examination by a mammologist.

In some cases can be found in the upper area mammary gland visible tubercle oval. With the further development of the tumor, the patient's well-being worsens. Cracks appear on the areola, cloudy discharge from the nipple, the skin of the chest turns red.

The occurrence of the disease

A neoplasm usually develops during the female menopause, as well as in adolescents during the period of growing up. An imbalance of hormones is the main cause of the appearance of a pathological focus. If the pathological focus begins to form in a young girl, then greatest development the tumor usually reaches the age of 30.

Factors predisposing to the disease are:

  • chest injury
  • abortions
  • breastfeeding mistakes
  • topless tan
  • mastitis

The causes of the appearance of pathology are different. The tumor begins to form due to hormonal imbalance, when the level of estrogen significantly exceeds the level of other hormones. Any negative factor can provoke the appearance of fibroadenoma. In the mammary gland, active division of connective tissue cells begins, and organic structures grow. At the same time, the cells retain their morphology and are not malignant.

Fibroadenoma can grow rapidly, so regular medical supervision is required. In the presence of a soft consistency, the neoplasm is considered immature. A dense fibroadenoma is surrounded by a capsule; when fully mature, the tumor hurts and no longer grows.

Diagnostic methods

To establish an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo an appointment with an oncologist. The doctor examines the mammary gland with the help of palpation and issues directions for examination.

The main diagnostic methods of fibroadenoma:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • mammography
  • x-ray examination
  • biopsy

On x-ray, the tumor has a homogeneous structure and clear boundaries. Studies help determine the size of the neoplasm - sometimes the tumor can grow up to 3 cm. hallmark tumor is the absence of metastasis, so in most cases the tumor is not dangerous. In some cases, multiple fibroadenomas may occur.

A biopsy allows you to exclude the malignancy of the process and reveal the morphology of fibroadenoma cells. For research, a small piece of the organic tissue of the tumor is taken and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Types of education

Painless seals differ in their characteristics. Doctors distinguish several types of foci. There are several types of benign tumors.

This type of tumor is the most dangerous according to medical forecasts. The node is characterized by rapid growth, which is why the risk of converting a tumor into cancer increases several times. Fibroadenomas can be up to 5 cm in size.

The tumor has a layered structure and is often accompanied by gynecological disease. With a large size of a leaf-shaped tumor of the mammary gland, pain occurs, which increases with probing.

With thinning of the epidermis over the neoplasm, a phylloidal fibroadenoma is diagnosed, which can be mobile and quite large. The tumor is round and does not cause pain. A characteristic feature of this type of fibroadenoma is the separation of its structures from neighboring tissues and fuzzy contours.

Typically, the tumor is diagnosed in older women during menopause. Leaf-like fibroadenoma can occur due to stress, as well as hormonal failure. According to statistics, in 10 cases out of 100 benign process ends in cancer. In such situations, removal of the fibroadenoma is required.


The tumor of this type does not have a clearly defined form and is localized in the structures of the lactiferous ducts. The node is characterized by slow development, during which pathological diffuse changes occur in the mammary gland.

When diagnosing a tumor, the allocation of individual lobes of the neoplasm is clearly visible. Their fuzzy boundaries are formed during the germination of connective tissues in the milk ducts.

The risks of degeneration of intracanalicular fibroadenoma into cancer are not high, but the possibility of a malignant process cannot be ruled out. A consultation with a mammologist will allow you to determine a further treatment plan - in most cases, this tumor is eliminated surgically.


The tumor is localized near the milk ducts and has a dense structure. Clear, clearly visible on the x-ray image, the boundaries of the neoplasm are diagnosed. Fibroadenoma usually develops in older women.

The causes of pericanalicular fibroadenoma are age-related changes in the body and hormonal changes. Education appears as a result of the growth of the structures of the mammary gland. Sometimes fibroadenoma hurts before menstruation, which is associated with the formation of calcifications in the fibrous-adipose tissue.

The threat of developing a malignant process is low, however, the nature of the tumor should be constantly monitored. Fibroadenoma responds well to medical treatment, so surgery for this type of neoplasm can often be avoided.


Involutive forms of neoplasm are structures connective tissue and parenchyma that have grown between the milk ducts. A mixed tumor has fuzzy boundaries, and on palpation, individual lobes of the neoplasm can be felt.

The medical prognosis of fibroadenoma is favorable with surgical removal of the neoplasm - the tumor is poorly amenable to drug therapy. The threat of developing cancer with this type of fibroadenoma is minimal.

The cyst, unlike fibroadenoma, has round smooth contours. The size of the neoplasm can reach 3-10 cm. The structure of the cyst is elastic and softer, the neoplasm is located in the upper quadrant of the mammary gland.

Usually cysts develop in women after 40-50 years, while fibroadenoma is also diagnosed in young girls. With a cyst, the defeat of two mammary glands is rare. In some cases, a particularly large cyst can deform the breast.

Fibroadenoma is characterized by different sizes of breast lobes and fibrous structure. With a tumor, a narrowing of the milk ducts is observed. In some cases, the connective tissue of the mammary gland can grow in a circle, in others it can grow into the ducts.


Is it necessary to treat the neoplasm that has appeared if it does not cause concern? Doctors are inclined to a single answer - it is necessary to eliminate the neoplasm. Methods of treatment of fibroadenoma are different and depend on the manifestation of symptoms, test results, features of the diagnosis.

Non-operable treatment of fibroadenoma

To remove fibroadenomas of the mammary glands or not, only the doctor decides. Conservative therapy includes:

  • use of local funds
  • taking hormonal drugs
  • immunity correction

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and resorption of the neoplasm, local application of Progestogel gel is prescribed. The drug is indicated for various breast diseases and contains progesterone. This gel treats many pathological processes in female breast and benign tumors.

Mastodinon is prescribed in the form of drops or tablets. The natural preparation does not include hormones, and its action is aimed at stabilizing prolactin in the patient's body. Also, in case of pathology, the hormonal drug Dufoston is prescribed to correct the level of estrogen and progesterone.

Whether fibroadenoma can resolve is of interest to all patients undergoing conservative treatment. When diagnosing a poorly formed tumor, the effectiveness drug treatment increases. In other cases, if the therapy did not bring the expected positive result, and the size of the tumor is large enough, surgical intervention is prescribed.


There are several surgical methods removal of the neoplasm. An operation to remove a neoplasm is indicated for large tumor sizes, severe symptoms, and the risk of the process degenerating into cancer.

enucleation, exfoliation

The goal of enucleation is to completely eliminate the tumor without damaging adjacent tissues. The operation is performed only after receiving the results of the tests and lasts about 1 hour. In the presence of a cancerous structure, exfoliation of the tumor is contraindicated.

Sector resection

During surgery, the surgeon removes not only the tumor itself, but also neighboring tissues surrounding the tumor. Sectoral resection allows you to save the organ and is carried out in order to exclude the recurrence of pathology. During the operation, the local focus is completely eliminated.

Total resection

Indications for total resection are:

  • the presence of a risk of oncological process
  • rapid increase in the pathological focus
  • phylloid tumor

You should not wait for the tumor to resolve, the timely intervention of surgeons will allow you to quickly get rid of health problems and embark on the path of recovery. The operation is not sparing and minimally invasive; up to 75% of the organ can be removed during its process. Preparation for the operation is standard, and general anesthesia is used during the intervention.

laser excision

The newest method is safe and allows you to save the body during excision of the pathological focus. The minimally invasive method is based on the action of a precisely induced laser beam. Surgery is performed under local anesthesia and promotes the restoration of connective tissue.


Resection of the neoplasm using the vacuum method is a new method in the history of treatment that does not leave sutures. The method is a safe alternative to secretory resection performed under local anesthesia. The intervention does not involve traumatic incisions, and the removal of the neoplasm is carried out under the control of an ultrasound machine.

AT postoperative period It is important to follow the diet and medical recommendations. After removal of fibroadenoma, the breast is not deformed - the bust does not undergo visible changes and does not become ugly. The mammary gland fully retains its functions. A woman can become pregnant, but the question of the possibility of breastfeeding is decided by the doctor individually.

Do scars remain after surgery?

Surgical intervention ends with the imposition of a cosmetic intradermal suture. The incision on the skin is performed cosmetically, therefore, after its removal and complete healing, the traces of surgical intervention are practically not visible. There are also sparing methods for removing the tumor, in which there are no sutures left at all - cryodestruction, high-frequency ablation, laser exposure.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers a lot effective recipes in the treatment of benign tumors. From fibroadenoma, it is useful to take a decoction of pomegranate bark. To prepare it, 1 part of pomegranate peels is mixed with sprigs of viburnum and oak. The mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted in a water bath under the lid for 10 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 5 tablespoons 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Another recipe has been known for a long time. It is useful to drink with fibroadenoma a decoction from the collection, in which St. John's wort is present, pine buds, rose hips, wormwood. The herbal mixture is brewed in a thermos or a sealed container, then placed in a water bath and 200 ml of alcohol or cognac are added. The broth is cooled and insisted. Alcohol tincture is taken with honey and aloe juice 30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon. The course of admission is 6 days.

Important questions

Every patient is concerned about issues that relate to the health of the breast when diagnosing a benign tumor. At the doctor's appointment, a woman should ask all the questions of interest to the attending physician. A qualified specialist will give detailed answers.

Can fibroadenoma turn into cancer?

Many women are concerned about whether a fibroadenoma can develop into cancer. Leaf-shaped and pericanalicular tumors are most often affected by this phenomenon. However, the percentage of their transformation into a malignant process is not high. Fibroadenoma degenerates into cancer only in 20% of cases, the seal remains benign and rarely hurts.

A benign neoplasm requires constant monitoring and biopsy. Histological analysis of the biomaterial will determine the nature and morphology of the neoplasm cells.

Fibroadenoma and pregnancy

In many cases, the development of a benign tumor in the breast is diagnosed during childbearing. Fibroadenoma during pregnancy does not negative impact during gestation, but can create discomfort and problems with breastfeeding.

A pregnant woman should be constantly under medical supervision. Doctors decide the need for surgery individually.

IVF and fibroadenoma

Is fibroadenoma of the gland compatible with IVF, the medical specialist will answer. A benign neoplasm is considered safe and is not capable of threatening the development of the embryo and the birth of a child. The tactics of doctors depends on the characteristics of each case - doctors recommend that some women perform an operation before IVF, others refrain from surgery if there are contraindications.


Among the preventive measures, a special role is played by healthy eating and psychosomatics. A woman should avoid anxiety and stress, regularly monitor the course of menstruation and periodically undergo an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Annual preventive examinations at the gynecologist and mammologist allow timely detection of fibroadenoma.

Fibroadenoma of the breast is a benign tumor that occurs against the background of an imbalance of female hormones in the body. The disease is one of the most common causes visits to a mammologist among women under the age of 30. What threatens the appearance of fibroadenoma and how can you cope with this disease?

Causes of the disease

Fibroadenoma is one of the varieties of nodular mastopathy. The exact cause of the development of breast fibroadenoma is still not known. It is assumed that the tumor occurs with a pronounced hormonal imbalance. The growth of education is associated with the excessive influence of estrogens - important female hormones. Under the influence of estrogens, fibrous (connective) tissue grows in the structure of the mammary glands. The proportion of glandular tissue, on the contrary, becomes smaller, which leads to the appearance of the main symptoms of the disease.

Factors provoking the occurrence of breast fibroadenoma:

  • early onset of menstruation (up to 12 years);
  • absence of pregnancies and childbirth up to 30 years;
  • frequent miscarriages and abortions;
  • gynecological diseases associated with excess estrogen (hyperplastic processes).

Fibroadenoma quite often makes itself felt during pregnancy. Under the influence of estrogen, its increased growth occurs, which is not a very good prognostic sign. In itself, education does not adversely affect the course of pregnancy and does not affect the condition of the fetus.


A woman almost always finds a tumor in her breast herself. It is rather difficult not to notice a rounded formation ranging in size from 0.5 to 5 cm. Giant fibroadenomas of the mammary gland can reach sizes up to 10 cm. This phenomenon is quite rare due to the well-established diagnosis of the disease.

Fibroadenoma is a fairly dense, painless formation with a clear contour. The tumor is mobile, not connected with the surrounding skin and practically does not bother the woman. The reason for going to the doctor is the very fact of the presence of a foreign formation in the tissue of the mammary glands. The skin over the adenoma is not changed, damage, cracks and ulcers are not observed.

Fibroma of the mammary gland is usually localized only on one side. Bilateral growth of fibrous tissue is much less common. The tumor is most often solitary. In most cases, the formation is found in the upper outer quadrant of the mammary glands.

Options for the course of the disease

Breast fibroadenoma occurs in two variants:

  • mature

It is a dense, well-defined formation that is not soldered to the skin. It occurs more often in women 20-40 years old. The slow growth of education is very typical.

  • Immature

The formation of a soft-elastic consistency, prone to rapid growth. More common in teenagers. Spontaneous healing is possible.

According to another classification, 4 types of tumors are distinguished:

  • intracanalicular;
  • pericanalicular;
  • foliate;
  • mixed.

Intracanalicular fibroadenoma of the breast is the proliferation of connective tissue in the lumen of the ducts. Fibrous tissue at the same time grows rather slowly. Treatment is surgical only. Conservative therapy such education is practically not amenable to.

Pericanalicular fibroma of the breast- this is the appearance of connective tissue around the ducts. Fibrous tissue with this type of disease covers the ducts from all sides. mixed form tumors is the growth of fibrous tissue both in the lumen of the ducts and around them.

Leaf-shaped fibroadenoma of the breast recognized as the most dangerous type of disease. The structure of this tumor has a complex mesh structure and consists of several interconnected nodes. Education can reach up to 20 cm in diameter. With the development of a giant tumor, the skin over it becomes thinner, stretched and acquires an unhealthy bluish-purple color. The leaf-shaped form of formation is prone to rapid growth. Perhaps the development of a malignant tumor at the site of fibroadenoma. Treatment is surgical only.


Since fibroadenoma of the mammary gland does not hurt and does not particularly bother, women go to the doctor only when they detect a formation of at least 1 cm in diameter. Smaller tumors are difficult to palpate in the breast tissue. After the examination, the mammologist necessarily conducts an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands and evaluates the shape and size of the tumor. According to the indications, a puncture biopsy of the adenoma is performed.

What is a needle biopsy? This term is understood as a procedure with which you can accurately determine the nature of the tumor. For this, the doctor local anesthesia makes a puncture of the breast tissue and takes for analysis a small area of ​​education. The laboratory determines cellular composition fibroadenomas and a conclusion is made about its good quality. According to the results of the biopsy, treatment of the disease is planned.

Treatment Methods

Many women are concerned about the question: can a breast fibroma resolve itself? Is it necessary to treat this disease? Experts say: it is not worth delaying the diagnosis and therapy of a tumor. Fibroadenoma rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor, but this possibility should not be completely ruled out.

Of particular danger is the leaf-shaped form of education. Such a tumor cannot resolve on its own, and surgery is the only way to get rid of the disease. If the tumor is not treated, it can at any time degenerate into a malignant neoplasm. But even a benign fibroadenoma of enormous size can cause discomfort and cause serious health problems.

Conservative treatment of the disease is very rare. Even a breast fibroma of small size is difficult to hormone therapy not to mention large and giant tumors. Conservative treatment is carried out only when the size of the formation is up to 2 cm. With fibroadenoma less than 0.5 cm, dynamic observation is indicated.

Surgical treatment is mandatory in the following situations:

  • breast fibroma more than 2 cm in diameter;
  • leaf-shaped form of the tumor;
  • fast growth;
  • suspicion of a malignant tumor;
  • pregnancy planning.

For all women planning a pregnancy in the near future, doctors recommend that the formation be removed. Under the influence of hormones, expectant mothers often experience tumor growth and even its degeneration. An overgrown fibroadenoma of the mammary gland can block the milk ducts, which will lead to a complete inability to feed the baby breast milk. Also, against the background of the tumor, the development of mastitis as a result of blockage of the ducts is possible.

Surgical treatment is possible in two options:

  • enucleation (husking of the tumor);
  • resection of the mammary gland (removal of part of the organ).

The choice of surgery for fibroadenoma will depend on the type of formation, its size and the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.


Specific prevention disease has not been developed. Experts advise women not to delay planning pregnancy for many years. Pregnancy and childbirth are not absolute protection against tumor formation, however, they significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence. Careful monitoring of your health will allow you to prevent the development of dangerous forms of fibroadenoma and its complications. An annual examination by a mammologist with an ultrasound scan - here The best way time to detect the disease and timely take all measures to cure it.

Fibroadenoma usually affects young women, but the exact cause has not been established. Indications for surgery for fibroadenoma may be the rapid growth or large size of the tumor, as well as the risk of developing a malignant disease.

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Gulya asks:

Good evening, in February, I had a fibroadenoma removed, my chest hurts sometimes I don’t know, maybe this is an approximation critical days is it ok?

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon. After the removal of the fibroadenoma, you should be under the supervision of the operating doctor. If you experience pain, you need to visit a doctor for examination and examination.

asks Svetlana, Rostov-on-Don:

Hello Andrey Ivanovich! I am 31 years old, the child is 1 year and 7 months old, he is breastfed until now. A year ago I have right chest a seal appeared, according to the results of ultrasound: there is a violation of the ultrasonic architectonics, in the sector for 11-12 hours a sharply hypoechoic formation 17x12x20 mm in size with liquid cavities and pronounced perinodular vascularization is located, on the right axillary lymph nodes are enlarged to 10-11 mm, hypoechoic. According to the results of a puncture biopsy and the conclusion of the pathologist: the cytological picture most of all corresponds to fibroadenoma, it is necessary to differentiate with fibrocystic disease, staining according to the Pappenheim method 3, MBC code No. 64.8 - other specified diseases of the mammary gland. The mammologist, without explanation, sends for an operation. Orally in the laboratory they said that the tumor was benign. In connection with the above, I have a number of questions, I will be very grateful to you if you answer them.
1. How to understand from a cytological study what type of fibroadenoma it is and whether it can be malignant?
2. in case of stopping breastfeeding, is there a chance that the fibroadenoma will resolve, have there been such cases in your practice?
3. Is it possible to observe the tumor for 2-3 months, and only if it grows, to operate.
4. The diagnosis "most of all corresponds to a fibroadenoma" whether it is possible to consider final. I apologize for my medical illiteracy, but drawing an analogy with jurisprudence, such a qualification would not have passed.

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Svetlana, I want to make a reservation right away that the issue of treating fibroadenomas is very controversial and in domestic literature(I mean the countries of the former USSR) has not yet been covered in detail. In my work, I adhere to the "Western" standards for the diagnosis and treatment of fibroadenomas, because I read mainly English-language literature (Australia, USA, Canada, Israel). So, these standards look like this. To confirm the diagnosis of "fibroadenoma", a clinical examination (examination, palpation), ultrasound is necessary (your conclusion is not entirely clear to me, since hypoechogenicity can also be a sign of cysts, especially since there are some mysterious "liquid cavities"; for fibroadenoma more characteristic is not "pronounced vascularization", but one modest feeding vascular pedicle) and morphological examination. Morphological examination can be cytological (your case) or histological. A more reliable histological examination, in which the structure of tissues is assessed. However, cytological (study of individual cells) is also acceptable. Potentially dangerous is the so-called. leaf-shaped, or phylloidal fibroadenoma. This is recommended to be removed. However, in my opinion, it is possible to speak with confidence about leaf-shaped FA only if histological examination. Obviously, this is the reason for some uncertainty in your cytological conclusion.
Histological examination is feasible either with the removal of FA, or with the so-called. gun biopsy. Further. When the diagnosis of FA is established, and it is found that it is not a leaf-shaped tumor, in women under 35 years old (some write - up to 40), active-watchful tactics are recommended. The patient receives conservative treatment and comes for a follow-up ultrasound in six months. If FA has increased in size, surgical treatment is indicated. In all other cases, it is possible to continue dynamic monitoring with ultrasound control every six months. if FA has not disappeared by the age of 35, its removal is recommended.
An increase in FA can be triggered by pregnancy and lactation. After cessation of feeding, regression of FA to "pre-pregnancy" sizes is possible.
The diagnosis "most of all corresponds to FA", of course, is preliminary. And in general, I had an idea, is it a cyst (considering the enlarged lymph nodes)?
And I recommend that you stop feeding. Otherwise, you may keep high level prolactin.

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon
I am 27 years old.
Ultrasound-Right gland-norm.
Left gland, hypoechoic round formation 19*17 mm with heterogeneous structure, indistinct contours, small 8*4 mm above it.
Puncture: in smears, pieces of adipose tissue, complexes of epithelial cells with small and enlarged nuclei, macrophages (I cannot decipher), "bare" nuclei.
A similar cytological picture can be with fibrodematosis or fibroadenoma.
Full conclusion: fibrocystic mastopathy, 2 FA.
Treatment is operative.

4 months have passed. The chest began to hurt a little, and during the period of ovulation, there was a burning sensation and pain in the armpit. I took Mastodinon, the pain disappeared. I began to prepare for the operation. I decided to go (that is, 5 months have passed since the day of this diagnosis) for a second ultrasound.
The doctor is an experienced gynecologist-uzist. She made the following conclusions:
1. There are traces of mastitis in the chest.
2. What was identified on the first ultrasound as a small FA is actually a cyst.
3. The dimensions of the large formation have decreased and become 14mm * 11mm.
(were 19mm*17mm)
The conclusion of this ultrasound: the site has a rounded hypoechoic formation with even hyper (?) echoic contours with a clearly defined ... (I could not make out the word) Diameter 1.52. The content is homogeneous. The nipples are not changed. There is no discharge.
Conclusion: a cyst with fatty contents.
At the moment there is a pregnancy of 10 weeks. This formation does not seem to have increased and does not manifest itself in any way.

Question: can it really be cysts? The doctor said that the cysts are characterized by clear contours.
What would you say about this picture? Can FA have fatty content? And how will GW affect if it's really a cyst? I read that with FA lactation does not matter, but with a cyst it can resolve?
I am very grateful in advance for the answer. Because I have already screwed up all the worst for myself.

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Good afternoon. Answer: Maybe cysts. How can I judge this without seeing the pictures?
What would you say about this picture?
Answer: What picture do you mean?
Can FA have fatty content?
Answer: it could be a fibrolipoma. I have never seen cysts with "fat content" in my life.
And how will GW affect if it's really a cyst?
Answer: GV, as I understand it, this is breast-feeding? It won't affect it at all. The main thing is that this seal does not become a mechanical obstacle to the outflow of milk.
I read that with FA lactation does not matter, but with a cyst it can resolve?
Answer: A cyst is not going anywhere if it is a cyst. It is large, with dense, in all likelihood, walls.
I am very grateful in advance for the answer. Because I have already screwed up all the worst for myself."
Answer: Do you have nothing more to do than sit and wind up? With the same success, you can get into the car and think: "I will crash today, I will crash today!" What you think is what you get. Get all this nonsense out of your head, read less Internet nonsense called "I read it", calmly give birth and breastfeed.

Elena Tolyatti asks:

I'm 19 years old! On April 6, 2008, there was a sectoral resection of a fibroadenoma of a mixed structure (dimensions 33*18*30 mm) of the right breast.
The oncologist prescribed a course of treatment: mastodinone - 4 months, motherwort and vitamins. Every 3 months I went to see him, in December during the last examination I found a tumor in my left breast. I did an ultrasound: at 11 o'clock 0.6 * 0.5 cm, d - 0.3 cm

Donated blood for hormones:
St. T4 - 17.87 (norm 12.0-22.0)
St. T3 - 5.02 (norm 3.1-6.8)
TSH - 2.86 (normal 0.27-4.20)
Prolactin 351.8 (norm 102-496)
Progesterone luteal - 3.65 (norm 5.3-86.0)
FSH follicular - 6.91 (normal 3.5-12.5)
LH follicular - 4.60 (normal 2.4-12.6)
Estradiol follicular - 33.90 (normal 12.5-166.0)

She also did an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and female genital organs. Everything is fine in gynecology, but not so much in the thyroid gland.
In the conclusion it is written: Autoimmune thyroiditis
right lobe: 1.7*1.3*4.9cm
left lobe 1.2*1.0*5.0 cm
isthmus 0.3 cm
volume 8.0 ml

Is an operation necessary? And now what i can do? of course I will go to the endocrinologist and mammologist!
And how terrible is the situation with the thyroid gland? Whether it can cause infertility in a consequence? I heard that thyroid diseases are not treated, but only stopped. Should fibroadenoma be removed if such a violation in the functioning of the body?

Thank you very much in advance for your attention!

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Hello, Elena! I will answer you briefly, given the format. Autoimmune thyroiditis should be confirmed alongside laboratory research(in particular, ATTG). As far as I understand, your thyroid gland is not very enlarged. 2) If the diagnosis of AT is confirmed, then this means that you have a reduced function thyroid gland. This leads to an increase in the level of prolactin (the fact that its indicators are normal does not mean anything). An increase in prolactin leads to a decrease in progesterone levels (which is already accurately confirmed by tests). But reduced progesterone (in your case - significantly reduced) is already a problem for future pregnancy (and for PREGNANCY itself))))))) and leads to the appearance of fibroadenomas. If these reasons are not eliminated, you will go to the operation every year as if it were a job. I suggest you take up conservative treatment. Moreover, there to remove - 0.6 cm? If you are interested, look on the Internet for my article on the treatment of fibroadenomas, everything is painted there.
Huge greetings Togliatti! My father drove a VAZ 2103 for thirty-five years and always praised this car.

Irina asks:

Question: Good afternoon!
My case: 1) Ultrasound: in the right breast - hypoechoic formation with liquid inclusions up to 2 by 1.5 cm in size. 2) Mammography: an ovoid-shaped formation with clear, even contours up to 2.3 cm, such as fibroadenoma, was detected. Ultrasound-guided puncture recommended.
3) The result of a cytological study: erythrocytes, fragments of cellular connective tissue, groups of cuboidal epithelium cells with proliferation were found.
Diagnosis: Leaf tumor? Fibroadenoma with phyloidization of the stroma?
(the result is with question marks).
After that, they recommended a consultation with a surgeon, who immediately said: "you need to cut it, it costs so much"

Questions: 1) Are there enough tests done to make a diagnosis?
2) Is it necessary to determine the level of cell atypicality during cytological examination?
3) Should I do an additional MRI?
Thanks, Irina

Responsible Bondaruk Olga Sergeevna:

Good afternoon. Phylloid fibroadenoma or leaf-shaped tumor of the breast is a special type benign tumors mammary gland, this type of tumor got its name for the structure, which is determined on a layer-by-layer section. This tumor is characterized by rapid growth. In 10% of cases, a leaf-shaped tumor can degenerate into a malignant tumor of the connective tissue - sarcoma. Foliar sarcoma refers to >

Responsible Bondaruk Olga Sergeevna:

Good afternoon. Phylloid fibroadenoma or leaf-shaped tumor of the mammary gland is a special kind of benign tumors of the mammary gland, this type of tumor got its name for the structure, which is determined on a layered section. This tumor is characterized by rapid growth. In 10% of cases, a leaf-shaped tumor can degenerate into a malignant tumor of the connective tissue - sarcoma. Leaf-shaped sarcoma refers to > tumors - that is, it is, as it were, on the verge between a benign and a malignant tumor of the mammary gland. At a biopsy leaf-shaped fibroadenoma identified abnormal cells. They are different from normal cells appearance but are not yet malignant. Treatment of this type of fibroadenoma -
Judging by the conclusion of cytologists, there are no atypical cells in the preparation. And the presence of a liquid component on ultrasound, in combination with the results of cytology, rather fits into the picture of the cyst.
I would recommend consulting cytological preparations in another institution and repeating the ultrasound in a month. MRI of the mammary glands is a beautiful method, but there are practically no specialists in Ukraine who know how to use it.

Alina asks:

Good afternoon!
I have an operation to remove a fibroadenoma, size 30 x 13 mm. I beg you to help me choose the right surgeon. The fact is that the first surgeon works in the oncology center and constantly operates. He gave me a very quick consultation. And he promised to do layer-by-layer stitching of tissues only when I asked about it myself. If I had not raised this issue, layer-by-layer stitching of tissues would not have been performed. (Of course, I understand that he has many patients, but will his employment affect my operation?) The second surgeon treated me very attentively, gave detailed advice (on the technical issues of the operation) and immediately spoke about layer-by-layer suturing of tissues and plastic but it works in private clinic and not in the oncology center. Both surgeons suggest a sparing sectoral resection rather than enucleation to reduce the chance of new fibroadenomas.
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Hello Alina! In my humble opinion, enucleation (figuratively speaking, husking) of fibroadenoma is just more gentle. Sectoral resection is the removal of a section of the gland. This is first. Secondly, no operation is a guarantee of the non-appearance of new fibroadenomas. The operation is a mechanical removal of the consequence, but not the removal of the cause of fibroadenomas. Thirdly, I recommend doing this operation in a private clinic, for example, ours ("Isis"). The material costs are the same, but there is no psychological stress. In any case, the choice is yours. Good luck!

Alesya asks:

Good afternoon!
I am 24 years old. A diagnosis was made - a fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland measuring 10 by 6 mm (as far as I understood from the ultrasound examination). I am being observed by an oncologist-mammologist, who has prescribed treatment for a period of 4 months, followed by a second examination.
I do fitness, aerobics. Does playing sports affect the growth of fibroadenomas? (sometimes you have to do a small load on the muscles of the chest).
Is it possible to cure (reduce in size) a fibroadenoma of this size with medication? Whether moderate solar baths are counter-indicative at such diagnosis? Can children be planned? Does pregnancy and feeding affect the growth of fibroadenoma and the health of the child?
Thank you very much in advance!

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Does playing sports affect the growth of fibroadenomas? - Does not affect
Is it possible to cure (reduce in size) a fibroadenoma of this size with medication? - Possibly - in about 20% of cases
Whether moderate solar baths are counter-indicative at such diagnosis? - Not contraindicated
Can children be planned? - Can
Does pregnancy and feeding affect the growth of fibroadenoma and the health of the child? - Pregnancy affects: fibroadenoma may increase slightly in size, then, as a rule, returns to its previous levels.

Olga asks:

Good afternoon. I was diagnosed with lion fibroadenoma. .


Hello Olga! It is strange that the doctor did not give you a list of necessary tests. Most likely, I forgot. To avoid that the absence of any analysis will lead to a delay in the operation, the best thing you can do is to contact your doctor and ask him for a list of necessary studies. Typically, it includes general analysis blood and urine biochemical analysis blood, blood for sugar, smears for vaginal cleanliness and consultation with a gynecologist, results of routine fluorography, feces for worm eggs, ECG. But options are possible. Take care of your health!

Svetala asks:

Hello! I'm 34 years old. I am planning a pregnancy. A year ago, an endometrial polyp was removed. Now he has reappeared. And now they found a fibroadenoma in the chest. Could these two diseases be related? What could be the reasons for all this? What's next? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal "site":

Hello Svetlana! Endometrial polyp and breast fibroadenoma are diseases caused by a violation of the hormonal background of the body. Hormonal disorders can be the result of chronic inflammatory gynecological diseases, abortions, thyroid diseases, etc. A thorough examination by a gynecologist-endocrinologist is necessary, including a study of the level of sex hormones, thyroid hormones. Detected abnormalities should be corrected before pregnancy. Take care of your health!

Anna asks:

Good afternoon! I am 23 years old. Can you please tell me if there are mammologists in Rostov-not-Don other than the doctors at the Health Center and the Oncological Dispensary on the 28th line?
And is there a need to remove breast fibroadenoma 0.78x0.47 cm in size if it has not been growing for 1.5 years? And what is an anechoic formation (size 0.18x0.33 cm) that appeared in my same breast (half a year ago this tumor was absent), as well as fibroedenoma, and how to deal with it? I'm about to have a baby - can these tumors adversely affect pregnancy if not removed?
Thanks a lot for the replies!!!

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

Anna, hello! Unfortunately, I have no information on Rostov-on-Don, because I live in Kyiv. Given your age and the fact that the fibroadenoma is not growing, it can be left alone. However, a needle biopsy must first be performed. Anechoic formation - either a cyst or a new fibroadenoma. To establish the diagnosis, ultrasound of the mammary glands with Doppler is recommended. Fibroadenomas do not have a negative effect (except for a slight increase in size) on pregnancy. In addition, conservative therapy of fibroadenoma is possible.

Natalia asks:

Hello! I am 26 years old, I am from the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. In December, I was diagnosed with Multiple Fibroadenoma of the left m / f, ultrasound showed three of them. When examined by an oncologist, they were also found three, with two side by side and one completely on the other side of the first. They assured me that it does not resolve, and I can only get rid of them quickly! After being referred for surgery, the oncosurgeon examined me and showed me in which places I would have incisions (that is, there should have been two incisions). One incision was made, the operation was a week ago, and according to the operation, only two were removed, which were next to each other. To the question why they didn’t remove another one, no one gives me an intelligible answer, because one doctor operated on me, and another was treating me. They prescribed some medicine without a name, it needs to be prepared to order based on magnesia and they said that they would try to “resorb” it, but they don’t dissolve?! When I finally got to the doctor operating on me, he said that he removed everything that was being removed, that I had a tendency to them and they could appear at any moment, so that I could “resolve” this medicine and be observed by a mammologist doctor. No one told me what to do next and where to look for the reasons, the only thing they said was that it was most likely hormonal! I am completely at a loss and don’t know what to do next! Who to contact, and what to do with this fibroadenoma that has not been removed!?!

Responsible Filonenko Andrey Grigorievich:

Good day, Natalia. Obviously, the surgeon who operated on you hid something from you. Most likely there was some circumstance that prevented the removal of the remaining fibroadenoma. It was not necessarily a mistake (incompetence) of the doctor or one of the staff. However, I believe that the doctor should have explained to you what exactly prevented the intended removal. Of course, local formations in the mammary gland do not resolve. Therefore, another operation must be planned. About inclination. Indeed, there is a tendency to local formations (fibroadenomas), but this does not mean that they do not need to be operated on. On the contrary, in the case of such a tendency, malignant growth must be feared, and therefore it is necessary to operate as soon as possible. I think that you again need to take a referral for surgery, I only recommend that you ask the department to ask another doctor to operate. In addition, you can try to contact the head of the department or the chief medical officer so that the department partially bears the costs of a second operation.

Max asks:

Good afternoon Andrei Ivanovich. Help me please.

My wife Oksana (25 years old) was diagnosed with fibroadenoma of the left breast. The oncologist said that she had incomplete puberty. she has not given birth and is not pregnant and that she needs to give birth as soon as possible because this will possibly prevent the appearance of new fibroadenomas in the future.
Is the doctor's assumption correct?
Oksana and I were planning a child in 3-4 years, we have led and are leading a healthy lifestyle.
Thank you!

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

A woman's puberty ends at the age of 18, regardless of the presence of pregnancies and childbirth. By itself, pregnancy does not solve anything and should not be a treatment for fibroadenoma. You're not going to have a homemade hamster. Oksana needs to do an ultrasound of the mammary glands (5-10th days of m.c.), determine the levels of hormones: prolactin and estradiol (5-7th days of m.c.), progesterone (19-1st days of m.c. .). After that, we will talk about the completion or incompleteness of puberty. healthy image life is very good.

Angelina asks:

Good day!!! I am 30 years old and have never been sexually active. In May 2013, I had an endometrial cyst removed from my left ovary. For half a year I drank the hormonal preparation "Visanna" (at the same time, the doctors did not check my hormones). In May 2014, a follicular cyst was found on the right ovary, she drank COC "Median" for a month, the cyst disappeared. At the same time, as prescribed by a gastroenterologist, I drank antibiotics from Helicobacter for a week, because I was sick and vomiting all the time - Nexium, amoxicillin, clarithromycin. On the second day of taking COCs and antibiotics, I developed submandibular lymphadenitis, cough, and problems with blood vessels. Cured. This was in June 2014. In October 2014, I began to have skin problems (rashes in the form of herpes, dense acne both on the face and on the body), my breasts increased by 2 sizes, then one decreased, and the second remained swollen. She did an ultrasound - 2 fibroadenomas, one in the right (a structure with a predominance of glandular 12 mm, thickness of the glandular layer 12 mm, diameter of the lactiferous ducts 2.2 mm, square isoechoic formation 6.7x3.4 mm without a clear contour), the other in the left breast ( structure with a predominance of the glandular 8.6 mm, thickness of the glandular layer 8.6 mm, diameter of the lactiferous ducts 2.2 mm, hypoechoic ovoid, contours are even, clear, homogeneous, horizontal orientation, 6.6 x 3.9 mm). Zones of lymph flow are anterior axillary up to 12x4 mm with preserved structure. Conclusion: echoes of FCM, fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland, developing fibroadenoma of the right mammary gland. I became allergic to mastodinone, it left only a progestogen. The question is: how effective is this treatment, why I was not sent for a puncture, what is the most effective treatment you offer, can fibroadenoma go away after the onset of sexual activity or childbirth.
In addition, my cervical lymph nodes are enlarged, the right side of the head tingles all the time, sometimes the right side of the neck, sometimes I feel sick, nodes in the thyroid gland, but the hormones in this part are normal (a lot of antibodies are produced, due to which the thyroid gland decreases) .... BUT the main problem is that in this month or two all my moles have tripled in size and continue to grow, many moles have appeared and are growing rapidly, the old ones have changed color, shape ... EVERYTHING!!! And the skin on the face deteriorated, acne appeared, the skin became oily, sebaceous glands clogged on my head .. And the doctors can not understand what is happening to me. Does it have anything to do with fibroadenoma? Could it be a virus or some kind of infection that could contribute to the formation of fibroadenoma .... and my cough has not gone away for two months (although I did an x-ray half a year ago, nothing was found).
And yet, as soon as I was diagnosed with fibroadenoma, I became constipated .. for weeks ..
Doctor, the gynecologist tells me to drink COCs all my life, because endometriosis, the oncologist is not against it, but I read your answer on this site that you can’t drink hormonal drugs with fibroadenoma, as I should, because endometriosis is treated only with hormones .... what preparation you will recommend harmless for a breast in this case?
I would be very grateful for your answer! Happy New Year, happiness and health to you!!!

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon, perhaps you didn’t read my answer, with fibroadenomas, taking COCs is not contraindicated, but taking into account all of the above, I would really recommend looking at the state of the hormonal background, and you should understand that everything that was prescribed to you (mastodynon, etc., was are not aimed at resorption of fibroadenomas, since they almost never resolve, but at eliminating swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, for the appointment of herbal remedies, hormonal research is not necessary, fibroadenomas over 1 cm are punctured, they are less observed, to your skin problems, constipation and others violations of the general well-being of fibroadenomas are not related, they are the result of dyshormonal (one of the hypotheses, since the exact cause of the appearance of fibroadenomas has not yet been found) changes in the breast tissue. and it is not harmful, since it works only on the tissue of the gland, restoring the hormone physical imbalance

Aliya asks:

Hello! I am 21 years old. In July last year, she applied to the Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary of the Republic of Tatarstan, because. Has found have themselves in left mzh any education.
The mammologist listened to me, they did an ultrasound. Result: focal mastopathy of the left breast. Size: 18 by 8 mm and 21 by 10 mm. They prescribed mastodinone for 3 months, vitamin E for 2 months and a follow-up examination after 4 months.
She came 4 months later, in November, I was booked in for an appointment with an oncologist surgeon, he also listened to me, looked at my chest, I did an ultrasound, returned to him. He looked and went to the second ultrasound with me. Outcome: "A hypoechoic formation of 28 by 10 mm (two-nodal FA) is visible at 8, near, closer to the nipple, at a distance of about 8 mm from this formation, a hypoechoic formation of 7 by 6 mm (FA?)" is seen. Recommendation: follow-up examination after 3 months (for a new focus up to 7 mm), then excision.
I came to the same specialist at the beginning of February, he again listened, looked, directed to the ultrasound. Outcome: "at 8, the previously described hypoechoic formation 28 by 10 mm at a depth of 8 mm (two-nodal FA) is preserved next to the hypoechoic formation 6 by 5 mm (FA?)". Assigned to: excision under intravenous anesthesia. The operation was scheduled for March 15th. I asked if I needed to do tests for hormones, he said that it was not necessary.
Please tell me,
1. Why was this operation prescribed to me under intravenous anesthesia, although it seems that such operations can be done with local
2. Maybe it’s still worth doing tests for hormones and which doctor is better to consult about this and continue to be observed
3. Can there be complications after such an operation?
4. I recently found out that I am pregnant, the period is very short, how can an abortion in such a situation affect my condition
Thank you!

Responsible Filonenko Andrey Grigorievich:

Good afternoon Aliya.
1. The fact is that novocaine (lidocaine) changes the structure of tissues during surgery. In this case, it is more difficult for the surgeon to isolate the formation in the tissues, and the likelihood of an error increases. Therefore, operations for non-inflammatory breast diseases are performed only under general anesthesia.
2. I don't understand what hormones are for? And if all the same hormones, then what (pituitary, sex, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, insulin)? If there are no obvious signs hormonal disorders(violation of menstruation, for example, and so on), then the hormones in the blood do not need to be determined before the operation. Perhaps you mean the hormonal status of the tumor itself, but then we should be talking about breast cancer. Let's hope this doesn't apply in your case. Hormone test results:
Progesterone (on the 19th day of m.c.) - 4.3 ng / ml.
Prolactin (on day 19 m.c.) - 10.49 ng / ml
Estraiol (on the 10th day of m.c.) - 42 pg / ml
Andrey Ivanovich, tell me, please, the reasons for my problem.
And I really want conservative treatment.

Responsible Popadinets Maria Vasilievna:

Hello. 1. You did not write the indicators of the "corridor of the norm" for the laboratory in which you took the tests. Therefore, it is not possible to interpret the results of the study for hormones.
2. None of the doctors prescribe treatment over the Internet. If you want to "drive the disease into a dead end" - be treated on the Internet.
3. Perhaps conservative homeopathic treatment. You can make an appointment with a homeopathic mammologist, who, after examination and consultation, will prescribe a treatment for you. Tel administrator 229-83-45.

Fibroadenoma of the breast is a benign tumor that most often develops in young girls who have barely entered puberty. The risk of developing a tumor increases with age. Most patients are diagnosed between 30 and 40 years of age. Treatment and early warning of the onset of the disease is hampered by the lack of an accurate understanding of its etiology. Despite a fairly high level of medical care, the causes of the formation of a tumor-like process are unknown.

Basic Treatments

Fibroadenoma can affect any part of the body, but a tumor that has formed in the mammary glands is treated with surgery in most cases. Conservative therapy is also practiced, but cases of complete recovery (disappearance of the tumor) are extremely rare.

If the tumor size does not exceed 5 mm, then not only traditional therapy is practiced, but also:

  • folk remedies;
  • homeopathic preparations;
  • minimally invasive intervention (removal of the tumor without tissue damage);
  • dietary supplements.

Despite the fact that the operation is considered the most acceptable and safe option, the methods of treatment mentioned above should not be abandoned. Naturally, under the influence of synthetic drugs, infusions, herbs and fortified complexes, the tumor may not completely resolve, but this will prepare the body for the necessary operation.

Can a fibroadenoma resolve?

Fibroadenoma is formed in the glandular layer of breast tissue. This process takes from several months to decades. Practice shows that the tumor-like process continues or, on the contrary, begins, even after the onset of menopause in the case when the patient uses hormonal drugs. Some patients claim that fibroadenoma is able to disappear on its own without outside intervention. In reality, this is not so. The only reason for this behavior of the tumor is an incorrect diagnosis. There are 2 types of fibroadenomas:

  1. True. The formed capsule does not dissolve. It can decrease or increase, multiply, but it is not capable of disappearing without special treatment.
  2. False. If the tumor-like process is not completed and the tumor has not fully formed, then it can disappear even without drug treatment.

In other cases, it is not necessary to hope for independent resorption of the tumor, which means that the patient must be under the constant supervision of a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Conservative therapy

Among experts, there is an opinion that the cause of the formation of fibroadenoma is a violation of the hormonal background. In order to normalize it, additional hormonal preparations are prescribed, and a thorough diagnosis is carried out to identify additional health problems at the gynecological level. It is necessary to exclude the risk of tumor development in other places. The woman will have to throw excess weight if present, take vitamin E supplements.

When to apply

Conservative treatment is always used, regardless of the quality of the tumor. Sometimes it is prescribed to calm the patient, but the need for such therapy also arises in the case of preparing her for surgery. It does not solve problems, but additional nourishment of the body with vitamins and stabilization of the hormonal background are useful. Most often, it is conservative methods that are practiced when the size of the fibroadenoma does not exceed 5 mm.


As the main means of conservative treatment of breast fibroadenoma, the following are used:

  1. . The drug is produced in the form of a gel for external use. It is based on micronized progesterone. It blocks estrogen receptors and promotes the rapid absorption of fluids from tissues and reduces pressure on the milk ducts. Prolactin receptors in breast tissues are also compressed and this leads to a decrease in lactopoiesis. Gradually, the amount of progesterone in the mammary gland increases. Unfortunately, it is impossible to use the medicine all the time. In addition, there are a lot of contraindications that prevent its use even in a single case. For example, it is undesirable to be treated with Progestogel if the patient has a nodular form of fibroadenoma or mastopathy, with monotherapy of the mammary glands and genital organs, in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy and in the presence of allergies. Adverse reactions from the body after administration is not observed or they are minimal.
  2. Mastodinon. Herbal preparation. Used, among other things, for the treatment of infertility, disorders menstrual cycle and mastitis. It is sold in the form of tablets and drops for oral administration. Contains components of Abraham tree, cobalt, iris, cyclamen, chilibuha & lily. It has a positive effect on individual brain receptors, which helps to reduce the amount of prolactin and prevents tumor growth. Apply Mastodinon no more than 6 weeks. If this time is not enough to significantly reduce the tumor in size, they move on to other more effective treatments.

There are very few drugs for the treatment of tumors of this type, they are selected individually. In some cases, surgery is still the only way out of the situation.


It is the most acceptable treatment option for her. Used medicines do not have the necessary effect on the tumor, and therefore the operation is recommended in 99% of cases of detection of a benign neoplasm.

Delete or not?

The patient is warned about the need for surgical removal of the tumor if the benign neoplasm has increased more than 2 times 3-4 months after its discovery. It is always necessary to remove, even if there is hope for a decrease in the size of the formation. Modern methods of surgical intervention allow you to do this quickly and painlessly, and sometimes without visible consequences.

Modern removal without surgery

If possible, the tumor is removed without surgery using:

  1. laser ablation. Removal takes place in the surgeon's office without the use of cutting instruments. The only tool of the doctor is the laser. After removing the tumor, a barely noticeable scar remains on the skin, which quickly disappears. It is not required to go to the hospital, the patient is sent to ambulatory treatment immediately after the completion of the procedure.
  2. Cryoablation. Tumor cells are exposed to cold, because of which they quickly die, which leads to a decrease in the tumor, and then to its complete disappearance. The skin over the tumor is not damaged, therefore no additional cosmetic and corrective procedures are performed. The patient feels well already a few hours after the completion of the procedure.
  3. Radio waves. The patient is injected with a local anesthetic, the operation is performed under ultrasound guidance. Approximately at a distance of 6-8 cm above the location of the tumor, an incision is made. Under the influence of radio frequency waves, healthy tissues are separated from the affected and removed.
  4. mammotomy biopsy. The patient is given an anesthetic local impact, cut the skin over the fibroadenoma and insert a probe into the hole formed. The further path of the probe is monitored using ultrasound. The tumor is removed with a vacuum. The resulting scar is almost invisible. The patient's condition is quickly restored.

Modern methods of fibroadenoma removal are the safest and fastest, but surgical intervention is still not abandoned.

Surgical removal

Operative surgical intervention is indicated with a sharp growth of the tumor. If the neoplasm has increased to 3-4 cm, then surgery is indispensable. the main objective specialist is to prevent such a sharp growth and timely refer the patient to the surgeon. Otherwise, after the intervention, an ugly scar may remain or the tumor may turn from benign to malignant, which is highly undesirable.

Depending on the state of the neoplasm and the state of health of the patient, one of the following types of surgical intervention is practiced:

  1. sectoral resection. Not only the tissues affected by fibroadenoma are removed, but also a part of completely healthy cells. This type of intervention is indicated when there is a suspicion of breast cancer or the tumor grows in size quickly and for no apparent reason.
  2. Exfoliation of the tumor. The operation is performed without radical intervention, safe and practically painless.

During the operation, a pathologist must be present. He examines the extracted material and determines the presence or absence of cancer cells in it. The procedure itself is performed under local or general anesthesia. The patient's life is not in danger.

Treatment with folk remedies

Folk remedies, such as herbal decoctions, infusions, tinctures and teas, are often used as an aid in the treatment of a variety of diseases. In this regard, fibroadenoma is no exception.

When is it possible to use folk recipes

It is possible to use traditional medicine only as part of conservative treatment and only after obtaining the permission of a doctor. It is not worth trying to treat the tumor on your own. This can lead to its growth and transformation from a virtually harmless to an extremely unpleasant and even deadly phenomenon.

Decoctions and infusions

Useful for breast fibroadenoma decoctions and infusions from:

  • licorice root;
  • frennel;
  • chamomile;
  • marshmallow;
  • pomegranate peels;
  • oak bark.

Used for oral administration, the listed medicinal herbs and their components contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels and have a general strengthening effect, which is important in any pathological process.

If there is a need for external use of drugs, then a decoction of verbena is prepared. The gauze is moistened in the therapeutic liquid and applied to the place of tumor concentration in the form of a compress.


Conventional warming or cooling ointments in the case of fibroadenoma will not work. traditional healers recommend making medicine from honey and flour. For its preparation 1 tbsp. l. liquid honey is mixed with 1-2 tbsp. l. flour, grind, apply to the affected area of ​​the chest in the form of a cream (ointment).

An ointment based on vegetable oil, beeswax and a chicken egg is considered no less effective. 1 st. oils are heated, a large piece of wax is dissolved in it and 1 boiled egg, previously crushed, is added. The mixture is boiled for 30 minutes, rubbed into the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest for 2-3 weeks, after which a 7-day break is taken and treatment is continued.

Homeopathy and dietary supplements

Homeopathic medicines have a gentle effect on the body, providing a gradual, but less rapid recovery than that which guarantees the use of synthetic drugs. The homeopathic remedies for treating fibroadenoma include the one already mentioned above. Often, women are also prescribed Mamoklam. It contains brown algae and is an additional source of iodine, chlorophyll and fatty acids. Unfortunately, homeopathic remedies can only be considered as auxiliary in conservative treatment. Many experts do not recognize them at all.

Dietary supplements do not act directly on the tumor, but high concentration Vitamins allow the body to independently start producing the necessary antibodies to fight the disease. The most popular among dietary supplements is a drug called Indinol. The substances included in its composition inhibit the further development of a hormone-dependent tumor. Not being a hormonal agent, Indinol still has positive impact on the speed of the tumor-like process, slowing it down.

Fibroadenoma of the breast is not a sentence for a woman. The diagnosis just means that you will have to pay some attention to your own health. The benign nature of the tumor makes it possible to guarantee that with consistent conservative treatment (including synthetic, homeopathic drugs and dietary supplements) or surgical intervention about this unpleasant problem will soon be forgotten.