Ears at different heights in a child. Diagnosis by mirror: how to identify the disease by the face

Yesterday I read an excellent book on Chinese medicine, in addition to diagnosing the condition of the face and skin, there was interesting information about the ears, then I took a closer look at this part of the body. After all, there is a projection of all organs on the ears, it’s such a brain brought out, that is, you look at a person, you can’t see the brain behind the hair) But you look at the ears, everything is immediately visible :) Then I read physiognomy, some publications on the topic of ears and realized that you have to look for your fate in three organs: ear, nose and .... of course, the heart. Somehow I’ll write about my nose separately, yesterday I learned everything about my own, how much strength, character, health and love of men my nose shape brings me .. There are a lot of discoveries, I’ll also share with you, my dear friends, but for now EARS. I post a description below, this is a compilation from a book on Chinese medicine, a textbook on physiognomy and five articles, so it’s almost an author’s work.
So, any experiment, as a natural scientist, I start with myself.

The first thing that I managed to find out about myself as a result of comparing pictures and descriptions was that I was given to be wise and sincere from birth, who swears in p from your ear)

Wisdom, sincerity, talent, musicality, once again wisdom, longevity and prosperity. That's what my ears say.

Look at your ears and the ears of your friends and find out the whole truth)

Longevity sign- earlobe

"Chinese physiognomists, when studying the structural features of the auricles in centenarians, managed to identify interesting fact. It turns out that for people older than 90 years of age, in 85% of cases, three statically reliable signs are characteristic: hard, large, somewhat elongated sizes of the auricles - 7 - 7.5 cm with a thickened earlobe and a crest of the inner curl protruding outwards. These are all signs of good health and longevity. The longer the lobe, the longer the life of a person. If, moreover, such a person has a red mole on his ear, then he will definitely cross the centenary milestone."

An ear without a well-shaped lobe is an imbalance in personality.
The earlobe leans forward slightly - sincerity

Sign financial success

A person has a very high intelligence, if top part ear above the level of the eyebrows. He may achieve wide publicity and/or exceptional financial success.

When the upper part is above eye level, it says that the person is also likely to achieve well-being, though not so stunning. If they are located below eye level, then IQ is average or even low. Geniuses have wide, thin, sloping ears. And a very long earlobe indicates a person of higher wisdom and spirituality. It is not for nothing that the Buddha is depicted with a long earlobe touching his shoulder. In addition, Chinese physiognomists believe that people with such a long lobe achieve a lot in life.

Nonconformist sign

Protruding ears betray a person who is independent in judgment and does not look back at others. This creates problems in communicating with people. If more protruded right ear, then independence is manifested in business and social life. If the left sticks out more, these people are more independent in personal life.
If there is a transverse wrinkle on the lobe, or even two, then this may indicate excessive fatigue. Such a wrinkle is a kind of health detector: the greater its depth, the more stress a person experiences. He needs to rest and sleep well. As soon as a person rests for as long as his psyche and body need, the wrinkle will disappear.

conformist sign

If ears pressed to the head and almost touching the head with the outer edge, then such a person prefers to follow the social norms known to you in everything and obey the instructions. He knows very well what most people think. Doesn't look weird or too different from others. This knowledge of common interests and norms can be an asset in marketing.

Big ears. It is a sign of vitality and independence. You are energetic and like to do only what you want. Even taking into account the opinions of others, you will do everything your own way.

Small ears. Sensitive, delicate and sophisticated people. However, some believe that people with small ears have a superficial mind, they are impulsive, emotional and unbalanced.

Large earlobes. The Buddha had very large and long earlobes. So if you have the same, it means that you are a lucky person. Everything comes easy to you and you know how to enjoy life. If you have problems, there will always be a person nearby who will lend a helping hand.

Ears that stick out. You are a very energetic person and are suitable for working with people, but not with paperwork.

Rounded ears. Understanding things is easy for you, but you do not always use your ingenuity. You will use your abilities only in those things that interest you. Children with such ears should be encouraged to find their own niche and excel in it.

Ears with a protruding inner edge of the shell. Such people are successful in business, advertising, art. They are independent and original.

If the height of the ears is greater than the width- this indicates weak character. If vice versa, strong. If you have large cavity auricle - you are very sentimental and honest. And so, the various types of human ears can be divided into the following groups.

Sign of deceit

If the ears are pointed at the top and slightly protruding - "fox ears", then this speaks of the stubborn and tough nature of the individual. Any trouble can be expected from such people: they are very smart, cunning and act solely in their own interests. Remember how, on old lithographs, artists painted sorcerers and vampires, and in general, all kinds of evil spirits with such “triangular” ears. These people do first, and only then think, which often leads to failures in their personal lives. hallmark these people - they are usually very well developed physically.

Passionate temperament sign

Small flat ears with an inner rim turned outward, covered with fluffy hair, indicate a sexually anxious and voluptuous person prone to adultery.

Ears with fused lobe characterize their owner as an active, self-confident person with a lively character. Such people are resolute: if it is required to “cut off”, then they are unlikely to “measure” seven times. As a rule, they have excellent health, high stress resistance and strong energy. But, nevertheless, these people are characterized by impulsiveness, rash acts, they are easily turned on, which quite often causes quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. They need not only to be more restrained, but also to learn to listen to the opinions of others. Usually, these are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything. In childhood, many of them cause a lot of problems to their parents and teachers. Due to the pronounced childish beginning, such people have a unique charm. As for women who like to wear clip-on earrings or earrings, they should be more attentive to the design of their jewelry - they should not be large, elegant and openwork.

Ear angle

Draw an imaginary line through the top of the ear and . Is the ear vertical to the head or tilted back? The greater the angle of inclination, the stronger the physiognomic significance of this feature.

If ears are strictly vertical, their "carrier", most likely, strives for balance and balance of all its manifestations, it is important for him to maintain outward calm and endurance. Such a person is happy to adhere to existing rules and regulations.

If ears as if lean back, this indicates that their owner takes life rather easily, adhering to a peculiar view of things, prefers to quickly resolve all his current affairs and move on, for a new interest. He clearly goes out of step with others and sticks to his own position.

If ears "go forward", that is, their upper part is noticeably inclined towards, and the lobe lags behind, then the person seeks to collect as much information as possible for himself, he “listens” all the time.

Protruding and flattened ears

In terms of the degree of retreat from the head, the ears also differ, and after them, behavioral and emotional manifestations person.

Lagging, protruding ears(lop-eared) are considered such if their outer part recedes from the head by about 3 cm (or even more). Sometimes one ear sticks out more than the other. Strongly lagging ears distinguish impressionable people endowed with intuition. Being nonconformists, they have their own idea of ​​everything, they do not like to listen to other people's opinions, they prefer to develop their own considerations and ideas. Some of those around them accept them as stubborn and uncompromising. If the left ear sticks out more, then the person is more independent in his personal life. If the right is more protruding, he is independent in business, social life.

Ears pressed to the head(they are also called flat) indicate caution, restraint of a person. Among such people, you can often meet good listeners, as well as those who care about collecting information before deciding something. different opinions and judgments. Sometimes they give too much to the other person's point of view. great importance. The owners of flattened ears prefer to follow the social norms known to them and obey the instructions in everything. This knowledge of common interests and norms can be an asset in marketing.

Diplomat's ears(pressed on top, protruding at the bottom) indicate a person who professes a diplomatic approach. He is able to see both sides of the problem, understand both non-conformists and traditionalists, and stick to the golden mean.

Ear height

Highly located upper point of the ear(at or above) signals that a person instantly absorbs information and tries to immediately take action in order to see the result as soon as possible. The problem is that in a hurry, such a person sometimes misses important details.

If the lowest point of the ear is low(lobes at or below the tip), then the person most likely prefers a leisurely approach. He listens carefully and is afraid to miss something when he has to hurry. Such people like to work slowly, evenly and carefully and are always ready to listen to new information.


We went on an excursion to the State Historical Museum. This time we watched the second floor: history from Peter I to the 19th century.

This is a very strange head. B.K. Rastrelli made a wax mask, then a plaster cast, and then the head turned out. With ears at different heights. One version is that this is a production jamb, the other is that it actually happened. Peter generally had a strange body. Even on the Internet they cannot decide whether the mask was made on a living ruler, or already on a dead one.


3. Peter's reforms required all kinds of modern equipment, such as printing presses. Gutenberg assembled his printing press in the middle of the 15th century, which greatly influenced the further development of the history of Europe. In Russia, printing took root slowly and painfully.

4. Petrovsky plate.

5. There is a fashion for European furniture. Fellow bloggers are reflected in the mirror.

6. This is the sledge of the time of Elizabeth, used for all sorts of entertainment.

7. Very harsh dudes.

8. See the letters under the eagle? First, they drew a map with the letter of one ruler, then the ruler died, but do not throw away such a good card! It is necessary to paint on a couple of curls, you get another letter. But here's the bad luck, again rearrangements in the palace, which means we still need to retouch the letter.

9. "Ethnographer" was very impressed by the traditional types of burials that they were even drawn on the map. On the left - animals eat the corpse, on the right - fire.

10. Peter III, inventing a sign for the regiment, he tried very hard so that the obligatory element denoting belonging to the country that he had to rule was as little noticeable as possible. Look for that little golden eagle on a large canvas, you need to carefully look for it.

11. Catherine II was presented with a porcelain decoration on the table.




15. Head of Napoleon Bonaparte.


17. Pugachev's shackles.

18. And nowhere without the famous order of masons. I remember that somehow I was very surprised when I saw one of their symbols on the Smolny Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

19. Smoking pipes.

20. This is not a terrible thing for torture - this is for one of the stages of turning wool into thread.

21. Medal of Honor.


23. In the 19th century, a nobleman, wanting to seem well-read, hung just such a thing. Fake bookshelf.

24. The rules for using a fork were taught almost from the cradle.

25. Every decent young man from a wealthy family should be able to drive a vehicle. For teaching children, such strollers were made in which goats were harnessed. The imperial children were also made by micro-carriages, but they were already controlled by adults.

26. Micro-book for children's fun.


28. Generation of the Unified State Examination! Here is the list of entrance exams to the University. And not the fact that now everyone passes under the guise of exams.


Our appearance can tell a lot more about us than we think. And it's not just about passions, profession or character. Having carefully studied your own reflection in the mirror, you can easily notice the signs various diseases. Vladimir Zhivotov, an osteopath and cranioposturologist (co-author of the Craniobalance technique), introduces us to the basics of self-diagnosis.

Leather. The skin of the face actually reflects the state of the brain. Leather healthy person has an even color with a pink tint, which indicates a good blood supply. Therefore, a healthy person with beautiful skin always has a clear mind and good mood. If the shade of your face is grayish, uneven, the skin is swollen, this indicates general ill health, fatigue. Perhaps you should take a break and pay more attention to your health.

Brows. Relax your face and study your eyebrows. If even at rest one of them is higher than the other, this indicates the presence of scoliosis. Also, eyebrows located at different heights clearly indicate a skull injury that was once suffered. Most often, this trauma is received by you at birth and it accompanies you all your life. There can be plenty of consequences for her: these are headaches, and neuroses, with myopia, and strabismus, and much more.

Eyes. Eyes located on different levels, say the same thing as different levels of eyebrows. The eyes also indicate the presence of scoliosis. different sizes. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes in most cases indicate increased intracranial pressure, which is usually accompanied by headaches, fatigue and unstable mood. Such manifestations most often indicate a trauma of the skull that has been suffered somewhere - birth or acquired.

Sometimes edema indicates a malfunction of the kidneys. But you need to know that puffiness associated with impaired kidney function usually does not have such an accentuated dark coloration and covers the entire face, and not just the area under the eyes. If, over time, your eyes have slightly changed shape, “rolled out” a little forward and gained a strange shine, check the thyroid gland.

Nose. If the bridge of the nose and the area on both sides of the nose are slightly swollen, this may indicate the formation of polyps or inflammation in the nasal cavity. Deviation of the nose from the midline, its uneven, “broken” line indicate a past trauma to the nose and may be accompanied by a deviated nasal septum and difficulty in nasal breathing. In this case, a person is usually very susceptible to various inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity and sinuses.

Ears. Too protruding ears or protruding in different ways, as well as being at different levels, this is a clear sign of a birth injury and the presence of scoliosis. As you already understood, any asymmetries in the position of parts of the face indicate an injury that caused a significant or not very displacement of the bones of the skull. We were originally conceived by nature as symmetrical beings, and any deviations from the ideal indicate some external adverse effects. Moreover, the more pronounced these deviations, the stronger was the force of these effects on our body.

It is important to understand that the asymmetrical position of the eyebrows, eyes, nose or ears reflects the asymmetry of the whole body. That is, eyebrows located at different heights also speak of the asymmetry of your entire body. In this case, long-standing pain in the back and joints, which you have been treating for years, and do not find a clear explanation for them, is most often associated with past head injuries, which may have happened during infancy.

Lips. Pay attention to their corners: if you see cracks, the so-called "jamming", you probably have severe beriberi and a reduced hemoglobin level. Pale lips are usually associated with low hemoglobin. The bluish tint of the lips and the area around them speaks of cardiovascular diseases. The lips compressed into a thin strip indicate the tension of the circular muscle of the mouth.

Teeth. If the gaps between the middle incisors above and below are not on the same line, this also indicates scoliosis. Deviation mandible in one direction or another can speak either of a birth injury, or of a severe head injury, or be the result of dental manipulation - applications powerful force when extracting a tooth. It is generally accepted that a healthy color of teeth is snow-white. However, this is not the case: perfect White color teeth indicates endocrine diseases. A healthy person's teeth are usually cream-colored. If you do not smoke or abuse strong tea and coffee, but your teeth have darkened noticeably, check your liver. Crowded teeth, uneven dentition, malocclusion always talk about the transfer of birth trauma.

Legs. Consider your feet. The so-called "bones" at the base thumb always talk about the trauma of the coccyx. Pay attention to the soles of your shoes, in which you walked at least one season. If it is obvious that the surface is not erased evenly, but only in some specific places, and this tendency is repeated from one pair to another, this clearly indicates an unbalanced position of the body on the feet, in other words, scoliosis.

As you have already noticed, most of the observed deviations speak of the same thing - acquired injuries or scoliosis resulting from a birth injury. This is natural, because our body is a single mechanism, and changes cannot be limited to only one part of it. They affect the whole body. Such self-diagnosis will allow you to be more attentive to your health and learn about diseases at a stage when they are still easy to defeat. However, having recognized your traits in at least one of the listed points, you should not panic and get upset. It will be much more effective to visit a specialist so that he personally examines you and makes the correct diagnosis.

From the author: In addition to working in medicine, I blog about health on Instagram ( @vladimirzhivotov). At one time, he developed a manual direction - cranioposturology (patented). It is more effective than classical osteopathy. I plan to regularly share my knowledge with Marie Claire readers. Sincerely yours, Vladimir Zhivotov.

The nature of the ears is easy to determine, because their shape and size are individual, cannot be corrected with makeup, and they can be corrected only with the help of plastic surgery, which not every person will decide. Consider the possibility of determining the nature of the ears of a person.

To determine the character of the ears, it is necessary to study all the features of their structure and location on the head.

Location, structure and color of the ears and character

  • Ears set high. If the upper part of the ear is located above the level of the eyebrows, its owner is endowed with intelligence, often with talent, is likely to live a long life, and can make an excellent political career.
  • Ears set low In this case, the earlobe is located below the end of the nose. It is believed that people with such ears are very persistent, stubborn, purposeful, and they also live a very long time. The first part of their life is full of difficulties, but the second is illuminated with happiness.
  • If one ear is located higher than the other, then such asymmetry gives out a passionate, but illogical person, able to argue over trifles and prove his point of view at all costs.
  • The ears are considered normal, slightly pressed to the head. Protruding ears can be a sign of sexual promiscuity.
  • If the left and right ear differ slightly from each other, then we can talk about the inconsistency of character.
  • The ears should have a lighter tone than the skin of the face. The normal skin tone of the ears is white-pink. Too red ears give out a person prone to anger and aggression, pallor, yellowness or blueness is a sign of malaise.
  • If there is a transverse wrinkle on the lobe, or even two, then this may indicate excessive fatigue. Such a wrinkle is a kind of health detector: the greater its depth, the more stress a person experiences. He needs to rest and sleep well. As soon as a person rests as much as his psyche and body need, the wrinkle will disappear.
  • Ear hair. In ancient times, this was considered evidence of the increased sexuality of their owners.
  • A hard ear is a sign of health.
  • The presence of some defects on the auricle indicates a violation of brain activity.
  • beautiful shape the ear in the upper part indicates intelligence, the middle part indicates high spiritual development personality, the lower part is about the state of health and sexuality of a person.
  • The structure of the outer edge of the auricle indicates: if the edge is thin, then a deficiency is possible sexual energy in humans, and vice versa, a sufficiently wide and moderately fleshy outer edge of the auricle indicates the presence of good health and the possibility of longevity.
  • The inner edge of the auricle is responsible for the emotionality of a person. If it is turned outward, then this is a sign of the sociability of a person, if inward - a desire for solitude.
  • Ears rectangular shape Ears are considered rectangular, having corners at the top and bottom. This is an indicator of strength, health, lust for power and the ability to achieve one's goals.

Ear shape and character

Big ears, lop-eared

The beauty of big ears is debatable, but from the point of view of physiognomy, having such ears is a great success. Among the owners of such ears, Dmitry Pevtsov, Kate Hudson, Will Smith can be distinguished. These ears are indicative of good character, sharpness of their owners, ability to business, prosperity and power. They may seem large in comparison with the ears of other people, but for a particular person they can be quite harmonious and balanced by other parts of it - cheekbones, chin, jaw. In addition, the owners of such ears are endowed with musical abilities. Too protruding, thin and large ears, as a rule, are those who have great talent and musical ability. Here, the attention of parents is important, who should pay attention to this sign and send their child to a music school. Fortune loves such people - they are lucky in life, therefore, if they want to become singers or musicians, they will definitely succeed and, at one point, become famous!

Large ears with a protruding inner edge of the auricle. Having an independent character, the owners of this type of ears find it difficult to find their place in the business world. Their path is art, trade, advertising, where they can remain independent and realize their abilities to the fullest, showing their bright individuality.

Large, fleshy ears with long lobes. Large ears with long lobes testify to the wisdom, spirituality and nobility of their owner. Chinese physiognomists believe that people with such ears are destined for a long and happy life, in which there will be both money and comfort. Owners of this type of ears can become mentors, teachers, judges, even healers.

Pointed ears, pig ears, fox ears

People with pointed ears at the top have an inner flair and cunning, the ability to quickly grasp the essence of the problem and conclude profitable deals for maximum benefit. Their character is impulsive, they are prone to inconstancy and changeability, often come into conflict with others. Due to the distrust of others towards the owners of this type of ears, it is better to cover them with hair.

Such ears speak of a difficult childhood, sickness, thrift, prudence (sometimes to complete unscrupulousness). Any overexertion of forces leads such people to a hospital bed - they have very fragile health. Therefore, if they survive an unfavorable middle age for themselves, they can live to old age, but many die precisely in middle age.

It also speaks of a stubborn and tough personality. Any trouble can be expected from such people: they are very smart, cunning and act solely in their own interests. Remember how, on old lithographs, artists painted sorcerers and vampires, and in general, all kinds of evil spirits with such “triangular” ears. These people do first, and only then think, which often leads to failures in their personal lives. A distinctive feature of these people is that they are usually very well developed physically.

Small ears

The owners of small ears are active, competent in many areas of life people who achieve success in middle age due to their own efforts. Having a sociable and kind nature, these people have a stable and warm relationship with their surroundings.

But about people with thick and small ears that fit snugly to the head, as a rule, they say that “a bear trampled their ear”.

Round shell, no lobe. Ears without lobes are small, neat and look beautiful. People with such ears are usually idealists: they believe in love at first sight, and so on. They are able to adapt to change and develop business relationships with partners, which allows them to stay afloat.

Small uneven ears, no earlobe. People with this type of ears have an impulsive, restless, rather irresponsible character. They often change their place of work and residence, are often distracted from their goal or do not have it at all, they do not know how to maintain contact with people, preferring loneliness. Males with small ears without lobes are prone to default.

Small ears with a prominent rounded lobe may be a sign that their owner is able to control himself in any circumstances. For people with such lobes, an occupation is characteristic, which makes it possible to communicate with others. They are quite receptive to even the smallest details in personal relationships, in addition, they know how to understand people. Of great importance for such people, when solving cases, are not emotions, but careful planning and analysis. In this case, the mind wins feelings. And this is quite understandable, since the lobe, from a physiological point of view, is a kind of projection zone of the head. If the lobe is not only pronounced, but also large, the owners of such ears have natural wisdom, and the best occupation for them is philosophy.

Ears wide and narrow

Ears with a wide opening. A passage is considered wide if 1-2 fingers can be put there. A wide passage speaks of intelligence, generosity, nobility, openness and long life. People with such ears like to receive new knowledge, they are very sociable, by nature they are democratic leaders. The ears are considered the best, in which hairs grow.

Ears with a narrow passage. A narrow passage is considered if even one finger does not enter there. It is believed that the owner of the ear is dumb, secretive, conservative and stingy. Businessmen often have such ears. But people with such ears do not live long, because they are constantly in a state of stress. Softening features can be a large distance between the eyebrows, eyes of good shape.


Ears with large earlobes. In eastern physiognomy, the lobe always shows vitality and good luck. People with long fleshy lobes are blessed with happiness. In the family, their relationships develop harmoniously, but because of their increased sexuality, they need many partners. Therefore, they change or lead a bachelor wild life.

solid, round form earlobe promises prosperity and a happy life.

Long - testifies to the longevity and vitality of its owner. At the same time, a very long lobe indicates excessive scrupulousness and delicacy.

A fleshy large lobe is a sign of a strong-willed character and powerful physical strength.

Ears with small earlobes. These ears have short and thin earlobes. It is believed that vitality a person has very little and is unhappy. These are people from complex nature, they do not get along well with other people, often quarrel. They have to work hard for little money. They rarely make a career.

fused type lobe- you won't get bored with such people. Ears with fused lobe characterize their owner as an active, self-confident person with a lively character. Such people are resolute: if it is required to “cut off”, then they are unlikely to “measure” seven times. As a rule, they have excellent health, high stress resistance and strong energy. But, nevertheless, these people are characterized by impulsiveness, rash acts, they are easily turned on, which quite often causes quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. They need not only to be more restrained, but also to learn to listen to the opinions of others. Usually, these are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything. In childhood, many of them cause a lot of problems to their parents and teachers. Due to the pronounced childish beginning, such people have a unique charm.

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