Which fish oil to choose and how to give it to children? The benefits of fish oil, indications for use - who and how is fish oil useful? How long can open fish oil be stored.

Omega-3 is best known as fish oil. This is a dietary supplement that has a beneficial effect on the human body, prevents the occurrence of many and improves overall well-being. Replenishment of the daily norm active substances, contained in omega-3, is possible only when taking fish oil, since the human body practically does not synthesize these substances on its own.

General information and characteristics

Let's see what omega-3 pills are for. The drug contains polyunsaturated fatty acids - eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid.

Important! The human body can independently synthesize no more than 5-6% of the required daily intake of these acids, and the lack of these substances adversely affects the functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

In a small amount, these acids are found in flax seeds, rapeseed oil and chia oil, as well as in. But even with the daily use of these products, it is almost impossible to replenish the daily allowance. fatty acids. These substances are obtained from the fat of cold-water fish: tuna, salmon, salmon, trout and some other marine fish.

Capsules of the omega-3 preparation have a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which fully complement the daily diet, if the diet reveals a lack of active substances contained in most in ocean fish.

Fish oil has a general healing effect on the body:

In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are indispensable for athletes and those who are on a weight loss diet. They reduce blood viscosity and strengthen blood vessels, as well as improve response and promote faster muscle gain, while effectively restoring the body after physical exertion.

And most importantly polyunsaturated fatty acids are cancer prevention and promote faster recovery from cancer. Omega-3 opposes the degeneration of cells into cancer cells and quite successfully inhibits the development of certain types of cancer.

Important! Not all fish oil can be taken orally. There are three types of such fat, and one of them is used only for industrial purposes.-for the processing of leather products and the creation of lubricants. The remaining two types of fat can be taken orally, and one of them requires mandatory purification.

The main composition and forms of release

1 capsule of omega-3 (500 mg each) contains:

  • 180 mg eicosapentaenoic acid;
  • 120 mg docosahexaenoic acid;
  • 5 mg vitamin E;
  • glycerol;
  • gelatin;
  • soybean oil.
The dosage and packaging of the drug varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Release form - capsules containing 500, 710 and 1000 mg of natural fish oil. Package - cardboard box with blisters or a plastic bottle containing 30, 50, 100 or 120 capsules.

Popular manufacturers

Today, there are some of the most popular omega-3 manufacturers that have established themselves in the world and are the preferred choice of buyers. Let's figure out which preparations of which manufacturers of omega-3 fatty acids are better.

Norwegian company Carlson Labs, which produces a drug called Cod Liver Oil. The main advantage of this company is that it extracts fish oil directly from the natural habitat of cold water fish.

Therefore, the extracted substance is always fresh, environmentally friendly. The manufacturer produces a very high quality drug that meets all international pharmaceutical standards, but the price of the drug is as high as the quality.

Important! Fish oil from Norway is maximally enriched with all useful trace elements.

Solgar Company also produces premium omega-3s. The fish comes from the cold waters of Alaska and therefore contains the highest quality fish oil that can be found in fish. The purification of the drug is of a very high degree, it is safe and effective, but it also has a high price that justifies the quality.

Fish oil from the pharmaceutical Hungarian-Israeli plant Teva is slightly less expensive. This is a dietary supplement that does not claim to be a medical drug, but it does an excellent job of preventing many diseases and strengthening. Suitable for taking courses in spring and autumn in order to maintain the immune system, to prevent SARS, in order to prevent problems in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.

But for children, the best fish oil is produced by Realcaps in the preparation "Kusalochka". The tool contains not only omega-3 acids, but also a complex of vitamins A, E and. Give such fish oil to children from three years.

The release form of the drug is very convenient for babies - these are gelatin capsules that can be chewed or sucked. In addition, they are tasty and do not have the unpleasant taste and smell characteristic of fish oil. The capsules contain tutti-frutti flavoring, but it is harmless and identical to natural.

Did you know? In India, it is somewhat problematic to extract fish oil from cold-water fish, so it is extracted from the body of sharks.

Pharmacological properties

Omega-3 contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body, is the prevention of various diseases of the heart and blood vessels, prevents the appearance of rheumatoid abnormalities and atherosclerosis.

Prevents the formation of blood clots, making the blood less viscous. Lowers cholesterol levels. Significantly reduces the growth rate of sclerotic plaques. Equalizes blood pressure in hypertension. Is the prevention of stroke.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of omega-3 capsules can be many factors:

  • to strengthen the body and its immune response in order to prevent SARS and other diseases;
  • cancer prevention;
  • in operation nervous system, stress, sleep disturbance, chronic fatigue, loss of concentration and memory impairment;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels: ischemia, atherosclerosis, heart attack, heart failure, hypertension, varicose veins, chronic venous insufficiency, stroke;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • various eye diseases;
  • diseases;
  • with hormonal failure in adolescents to normalize it, helps to reduce acne and acne, regulates skin processes;
  • improves the condition of nails and hair, makes hair shiny and flexible, preventing split ends and brittleness;
  • inflammation of the joints with disorders in the musculoskeletal system.

Important! The drug is suitable for taking at times when the human body is maximally weakened or is in the process of restructuring: during the period of active growth in childhood, in adolescence, during, during menopause in women, in old age.

Methods and dosage

According to the instructions for use, omega-3 fatty acids are taken in a dosage that differs in adults and children, as well as varying depending on the disease or prevention.

For kids

Children can start taking fish oil as early as three years of age. For babies, a special "children's" fish oil is produced in the form of chewable capsules with pleasant aroma and taste.

Children from 3 to 7 years old chewable capsules (for example, "Kusalochka") give 1 capsule twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Children over 7 years of age and adults prescribed three capsules per day. Capsules can be chewed or sucked.

The drug in ordinary capsules that need to be swallowed is given to children only over 7 years old. Ages 7 to 12 children are prescribed one capsule two to three times a day. The individual dose is determined by the doctor depending on the indications - treatment of the disease or prevention and strengthening. In the second case, the dose should be lower.

For adults

Adults need fish oil take one to two capsules three times a day. According to the doctor's prescription, the individual dose can be increased to ten capsules per day. The dose increase occurs gradually.

Usually, for the prevention of various diseases and general strengthening of the body, adults take omega-3 1 capsule three times a day. Two capsules per dose should be taken with a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids or with an exacerbation of diseases.

It is worth figuring out how to take an omega-3 drug - before or after meals. It is best if the drug is taken not before a meal, but during a meal, in extreme cases, immediately after a meal. This applies to both children's chewable capsules and regular oral capsules.

Important! Fatty acids from fish oil tend to be better absorbed during meals.

special instructions

Like any pharmaceutical drug, omega-3 has its own number of contraindications and side effects, but they are not as great with this remedy as is often the case with other medicines.


Fish oil has few contraindications, but still some people should not take it. These are patients with:

  • individual intolerance to the components of a dietary supplement;
  • with a tendency to or severe allergic reaction to the drug;
  • with liver diseases, including pancreatitis;
  • with hemorrhagic syndrome.

Overdose and side effects

In case of an overdose, severe side effects may appear in the form of an allergic reaction. Same persistent hypotension may occur- low blood pressure. Possible risk heavy bleeding in the cavity of the joints or even from small cuts, as the drug significantly thins the blood.

In most cases, side effects occur only with an overdose. When the correct dose is observed, unsaturated fatty acids are well tolerated and absorbed.

Did you know? Industrial fish oil is often used in soap making, paint making, and tanneries.

Storage conditions

Storage of the omega-3 preparation should take place in a dark place, protected from sunlight and light from electric lamps. The air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, and humidity - 75%. Shelf life - 2 years.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are essential substances for the body that the human body is not able to synthesize in the right amount on its own. Taking omega-3 not only contributes to the rapid cure of many diseases, but also is the prevention of such serious diseases as cancer, heart attack and stroke.

The use of various vitamin complexes has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. This is due to a radical change in the diet, in which there is less and less natural products. Therefore, food becomes more refined, which leads to a decrease in the amount of vitamins and minerals in it. Not every organism is able to cope with a constant deficiency, which contributes to its greater susceptibility to various diseases.

The artificial addition of missing vitamins to the diet can partially compensate for these needs. But how to adequately choose a vitamin complex? The price in this case is of secondary importance - the main criterion should be the effectiveness of the drug. Therefore, attention should be paid to the line of dietary supplements Moller Omega 3, which is a Finnish product.

These products are completely natural in origin - they are made on the basis of high-quality raw materials obtained from fish oil. Unlike the original product, finished medicine contains a fully balanced composition that meets the needs of the body. Despite the general instructions, for convenience, all Moller vitamins have been divided into several lines so that they can be adapted for each age.


Each of the brands of the product has its own characteristics - one contains flavors, and the other contains additional vitamins and minerals. But the main active ingredient in them is one - these are omega-3 fatty acids. It is these substances that are currently of primary importance in maintaining the proper functioning of the body:

  1. In childhood, they ensure the timely development of almost all organs and tissues. First of all, omega-3 acids are involved in the metabolism of vitamin D, which creates the conditions for normal bone growth. Also, these substances have a beneficial effect on the maturation of the nervous system, which is accompanied by timely mental and mental development baby. We should not forget about immunity - its functions largely depend on the amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the diet of children.
  2. In adults, the main component of vitamins serves as a kind of “brake” for aging. And here the points of its influence change dramatically - they become the cardiovascular system and joints. Omega-3 fatty acids are a strong antioxidant that prevents the predominance of degenerative processes in them - fibrosis and sclerosis.
  3. In older people, aging is already physiological, so omega-3s can only slow it down. As in children, these substances again acquire the breadth of biological action on the body. Thanks to the normalization of fat metabolism, conditions are created for the normal and full functioning of vital systems - cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous.

Currently, there are more than ten varieties of Meller vitamins, so when choosing the drug you like, you should carefully study its instructions (for what age it is best suited).

For kids

It is very difficult to motivate a child to take any medication, especially if they have bad taste or smell. Traditional fish oil fully complied with these provisions, despite the benefits they bring. After one spoonful, it will be impossible to persuade the baby to repeat the procedure.

Therefore, the Moller company has created special forms of funds designed specifically for children. Due to the special manufacture and appearance, they relieve the child of the discomfort associated with their reception:

  • Moller Omega 3 Twist is a traditional fish oil that does not contain additional vitamins and trace elements. Its balanced composition includes only omega-3 fatty acids that meet the needs of the child's body. Thanks to special cleaning, the product does not have a specific taste or smell - only a slight aroma of lemon.
  • The Pikkukalat variant, although a little more expensive, is a kind of entertainment for the child. An oil solution containing vitamin D and omega-3 acids is enclosed in colorful fish-shaped gelatin capsules. Their sweet fruity taste will allow even the baby to remember to take the medicine regularly throughout the day.

Both variants of vitamins are suitable for regular use, both for preventive purposes and as part of combined treatment various diseases.

For adults

Young patients usually do not need vitamins - their body is still full of energy. But after 45 years, the activity of metabolic processes decreases, which becomes a predisposing factor for various diseases. Therefore, for their prevention, Meller created vitamin complexes containing natural antioxidants:

  • Varieties of Apteekin and Vahva contain only omega-3 fatty acids in their composition, therefore they are only a useful food supplement. Their use is suitable for patients who do not have any health or well-being problems, but do not eat enough fish and seafood.
  • The Kalanmaksaoljy variant is also a natural dietary supplement. It is available in bottles containing an oily liquid with a fishy smell - it is obtained in a special way from cod liver. Therefore, it is rich not only in a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, but also in vitamins D, A and E, which are powerful antioxidants.
  • Aktiva is suitable for patients who already show signs of reduced resistance to daily activities. In addition to the main ingredients found in fish oil, it includes magnesium, a trace element necessary for the proper functioning of the heart.
  • The Multi form is the most complete, so it should be prescribed to the most active patients. In addition to fatty acids, it contains vitamins A, D, B12 and B6, selenium, as well as ascorbic and folic acid.

With existing diseases of the heart or blood vessels, dietary supplements should not be made the main treatment - even their long-term and regular intake will not lead to recovery.

For the elderly

For patients over 60 years of age, special forms of vitamins have been created that have a specific purpose. This means that their action is more directed to a specific organ or system that needs support:

  • Tupla is recommended for preventive use as it is a combination of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A, D and E. Their total content is low, so this option is practically no different from good quality fish oil in terms of properties.
  • The Nevellile product from Meller additionally contains copper ions, as well as ginger extract. Their combination with antioxidants creates a combination that has a beneficial effect on the recovery processes in the articular membranes in arthritis and arthrosis.
  • The Sydamelle form, in addition to omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, includes linseed oil. This combination normalizes the metabolism of fats, slowing down the progression of vascular atherosclerosis.

Since drugs from Moller are expensive, their regular purchase by older people is often difficult.


Despite the huge line of drugs, the instructions for most of them are of a general nature. Therefore, the use of each of them can be justified under the following conditions:

  1. With an unbalanced diet - when there are practically no foods containing unsaturated omega-3 acids in the diet. A large number of them are found in fish, as well as vegetable fats.
  2. During the period of relatively rapid growth body - in childhood and adolescence, if it is impossible to correct the deficiency with the help of natural products.
  3. With regular intense loads that increase the body's need for trace elements and vitamins - in athletes and people engaged in hard physical labor.
  4. During the recovery period after any acute illness, as well as surgery.
  5. With frequent infections - if during the year an adult suffers more than 4 cases of such diseases.
  6. In mature and elderly people - as an additional support for any chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system or joint diseases.

In any age group, you can use the funds for preventive purposes - they are a dietary supplement, so they do not require a doctor's prescription.


Although all drugs are safe for the body, even in large doses, in some cases it is necessary to refrain from using them. This must be remembered for the following situations:

  • With any allergic reactions to the previous use of the drug. All products contain similar components, so even when replacing with another form of vitamins, similar symptoms may develop.
  • Pikkukalat is not recommended for children under three years of age, as the child may accidentally choke on the gelatin capsule when swallowing. This can lead to its entry into the respiratory tract, and the development of suffocation.
  • Simultaneous intake of any means containing vitamins D and A. They accumulate well in the adipose tissue of the body, and when taken in high doses, they can cause toxic and allergic reactions.

The safe use of the product depends entirely on the patient - compliance with all the requirements of the instructions saves him from adverse consequences.

Side effects

Since all dosage forms contain a fat emulsion, the majority of adverse reactions are observed precisely from the gastrointestinal tract. But with regular use by the end of the first week, these phenomena disappear on their own:

  • Most complaints arise from a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, as well as an eructation with a taste of the drug that occurs a few minutes after ingestion.
  • Some patients note a transient feeling of nausea that develops in response to the use of liquid forms of the drug. This side effect usually occurs in people who take vitamins on an empty stomach.
  • Sometimes there was a decrease in appetite associated with long-term use of drugs.
  • In rare cases (usually with excessive use of the drug), there are signs of intestinal upset - rumbling in the abdomen, bloating, increased gas formation, single loose stools.

Undesirable symptoms are rarely severe, so their development should not be a reason to refuse further use of vitamins.

To prevent adverse reactions, as well as to increase the effectiveness of the remedy, its correct use will allow. Therefore, even conventional biologically active supplements containing fish oil require certain rules of admission:

  1. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosage of the medicine indicated in the instructions. If you need to use it several times a day in a small amount, then you should not do it once, I take it all daily dose.
  2. Drinking capsules or solution is required only after a full meal, waiting a few minutes after it is completed.
  3. If the product is used in liquid form (emulsion), then it does not need to be washed down additionally.
  4. Capsules are best swallowed during meals, while trying not to chew them. If you drink them with water after eating, you can provoke the development adverse reactions above.

The mode of use of each form of vitamins Moller Omega is different, due to the different content of active components in them. But they agree on one thing - to achieve a full-fledged therapeutic effect, their regular and continuous use is required.

Fish oil capsules: benefits, side effects and cost

Fish oil is a dietary supplement of natural origin. It is obtained from the liver of cod fish. It has a specific smell and taste and is very useful for humans. Currently, fish oil capsules are more commonly used. It is easy to use and does not have a strong odor.

Operating principle
Use in rheumatoid arthritis
Use in osteoporosis
Application for osteochondrosis
Side effects

What is the effect of fish oil?

Fish oil is very useful for humans. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, improve cardiac activity. With its use, the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes, arrhythmias and other diseases of the cardiovascular system is reduced.

Also, these acids improve cerebral circulation and improve memory. In addition, fish oil has a positive effect on the joints. It reduces pain, reduces inflammation and stops the destruction of cartilage.

The next constituents of fish oil are vitamins A and D. Vitamin A is essential for skin, hair and nails. Vitamin D helps calcium and phosphorus to enter cells, and also reduces nervous excitement.

Scientists have proven that fish oil burns saturated fats. This means that eating fish oil and exercising for 45 minutes a day will lead to weight loss.

Who is prescribed fish oil?

Conditions and diseases in which fish oil capsules are prescribed:

  • burns and wounds, as it helps to repair damaged tissues;
  • tuberculosis of bones and lungs;
  • rickets - vitamin D deficiency in children;
  • exhaustion in severe illness;
  • anemia - low hemoglobin in the blood;
  • excess weight;
  • frequent colds;
  • joint diseases: arthritis, arthrosis, polyarthritis and others.

Fish oil for rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that affects the joints. The disease is classified as an autoimmune disease - this means that the human immune system has failed, and it begins to attack the entire joint. Arthritis occurs in the form of exacerbations and remissions.

During the period of exacerbation, the patient is worried about pain in the joint, it swells. Because of the pain, there is a restriction of movement in the joint.

Fish oil has a beneficial effect on joints and the immune system. So, with its long-term use, some patients may reduce the dose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Nise, Voltaren). This is due to the fact that fish oil reduces inflammation and reduces pain. This is especially important for people in whom nonsteroidal drugs cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

People who are predisposed to rheumatoid arthritis can also take fish oil. The presence of vitamin D in it has a beneficial effect on the body and on the immune system, thereby preventing the development of the disease.

Before starting the use of fish oil, you should consult with your doctor.

Fish oil for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease in which there is a decrease in bone density. The disease is characterized by pain in the bones, their deformation and frequent fractures.

Omega 3 fatty acids and vitamin D have a beneficial effect on bone tissue. According to studies, the use of polyunsaturated acids is an excellent prevention of bone fractures.

Often the disease develops due to a lack of vitamin D. Its use is also necessary for the prevention of osteoporosis.

It is important to remember that fish oil contains vitamin A, long-term consumption of which can lead to osteoporosis. Therefore, before starting the use of fish oil, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Fish oil for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a common disease of the spine, characterized by damage to the cartilage tissue and the vertebrae themselves.

With this disease, the patient needs complex treatment. It will be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease, as well as relieving inflammation and pain.

With osteochondrosis, a number of vitamins and trace elements are needed to help restore the cartilage tissue of the spine. That is why fish oil capsules are often prescribed for this disease.

Vitamin A, which is part of fish oil, is a powerful antioxidant. It destroys free radicals that accumulate in the diseased area and destroy the spine. Also, vitamin A helps to restore damaged cartilage tissue, thereby accelerating the healing process.

Vitamin D allows calcium and phosphorus to penetrate into the blood, thereby restoring bone density in a person and strengthening ligaments.


Like any medicinal product, fish oil has contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis;
  • severe injuries;
  • postoperative conditions - prolonged bleeding from the surgical wound is possible;
  • hemophilia;
  • increased bleeding;
  • children's age - special capsules with a lower dosage are produced for children;
  • individual intolerance;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • thyroid disease;
  • high levels of calcium in the blood.

Side effects

Fish oil can cause allergic diseases, diarrhea, exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis and pancreatitis. It also reduces blood clotting. In addition, taking it on an empty stomach can cause indigestion.

Benefits of fish oil capsules

The capsules are easy to use. The gelatin shell of the capsule hides bad smell and the taste of fat. The capsule also retains healing properties. The capsules look pretty appetizing. Small children will not put up much resistance when they are offered to drink a yellow transparent capsule.

It must be remembered that the effect of taking the drug will not appear immediately. Fish oil should be taken for a long time from 1 to 3 months, in the cold season. It is better not to take it in the summer, as Sun rays will saturate your body with vitamin D, and taking a supplement will be superfluous.


The supplement is produced by many countries:

  • Russia;
  • Germany;
  • Ukraine;
  • Belarus;
  • Israel and others.
  • Biafishenol is a German manufacturer. The package contains 100 capsules. The average cost is 50 rubles.
  • Amberdrop - manufacturer Russia. The package contains 100 capsules of 0.3 grams. The cost is 130 rubles.
  • Amber drop - manufacturer Russia. The package contains 100 capsules of 300 mg. The price is 170 rubles.
  • Fish oil is from Teva. The package contains 100 capsules of 500 mg. The price is 900 rubles.

This is a very useful dietary supplement. The acids and vitamins that make up its composition have a beneficial effect on the entire body. After a course of taking fish oil, hair is strengthened, the skin becomes hydrated, and nails are strong. It improves immunity, protects bones from fractures and is a preventive measure for many diseases of the joints and bones.

Do not forget that fish oil is just a dietary supplement and it cannot replace the treatment of the underlying disease. You also need to remember that its uncontrolled use can lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

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How to treat arthritis

Arthritis is a fairly common inflammatory joint disease. It occurs at any age, although women over 40 are most susceptible to it. Arthritis causes severe pain and disruption of many organs, and in the chronic course leads to the destruction of the joints and limited mobility. Without timely treatment, the disease can cause serious complications. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of joint dysfunction in time and consult a doctor.

After examining and determining the cause of the inflammation, the doctor chooses individual methods of treating arthritis. They necessarily depend on its type, stage of development and the state of health of the patient. Self-medication for this disease is unacceptable. After all, incorrectly chosen methods of therapy can not only cause side effects, but also aggravate the inflammatory process.

Features of the pathology

Unlike arthrosis, which is characterized by the development of degenerative processes in the joints, arthritis is an inflammatory disease. Moreover, inflammation often occurs acutely with fever, symptoms of intoxication and severe swelling of the joint. But sometimes it can run chronic form. This happens most often if timely treatment of acute arthritis was not carried out, as well as with some types of pathology.

Despite the modern level of medicine, it is not always possible to determine the cause of arthritis. But the symptoms of the disease, as well as the choice of methods for its treatment, depend on what caused the inflammation. Therefore, in medicine it is customary to distinguish between several types of arthritis, each of which has its own causes.

When diagnosing a disease, they must be determined, since treatment for different types slightly different:

  • Infectious arthritis is caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. Moreover, it does not necessarily enter the joint through damaged skin. The infection can be spread through the blood. Especially often arthritis develops with tuberculosis, influenza, gonorrhea, dysentery.
  • Reactive arthritis also often appears in infectious diseases, as a reaction of the body to antigens secreted by bacteria.
  • Gouty arthritis develops with serious violations of mineral metabolism. It got its name because such failures are accompanied by the deposition of salts in the joints, known as gout.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis occurs due to malfunctions in the body's immune system. This can happen due to congenital autoimmune pathologies, with allergic reactions or after infectious diseases. This type of pathology is sometimes also caused by disorders in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Patients with psoriasis sometimes develop psoriatic arthritis.
  • Traumatic arthritis occurs as a complication after serious joint injuries. It could be a sprain, a sprain, or a fracture. At improper treatment edema may develop, inflammation spreads to the joint cavity.
  • The lack of vitamins and microelements leads to the development of dystrophic arthritis. This can happen due to pathologies of the digestive system or with malnutrition.
  • In the most serious cases, accompanied by destruction of the joint and its deformation, they speak of the development of osteoarthritis. At the same time, degenerative processes can be slowed down, but the destroyed cartilage cannot be restored.
  • Sometimes the so-called occupational arthritis is distinguished into a separate group. It develops due to regular increased loads on the same joints.

Treatment goals

At acute course Arthritis of the joints treatment most often begins on time. Indeed, in this case, the pathology is manifested by pronounced symptoms. The patient feels severe pain in one or more joints, which increases at night. The affected area swells, turns red, the local temperature rises. Movement in the joint is severely limited due to pain, swelling, and muscle spasm. Often also develops general weakness, malaise and fever.

The goal of treating acute arthritis of the joints is primarily to alleviate the patient's condition. First, pain is relieved, the inflammatory process decreases. For this, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used in the form of tablets or injections. In addition, it is very important to provide rest to the affected joint. At the initial stage, this is bed rest, and then wearing special orthoses.

It is also necessary to immediately determine the cause of the pathology. Eliminating it is a must complex treatment. If these are infectious diseases, antibiotics or antiviral drugs are prescribed, trauma often requires surgery, and with gout - special drugs and diet.

In the chronic course of the pathology, not all patients go to the doctor. Some believe that they themselves know how to treat arthritis using folk remedies and drugs advertised on TV. But this approach is very dangerous, since arthritis can be cured by using a set of measures aimed not only at relieving symptoms, but also at eliminating the cause of inflammation, as well as restoring joint function.

With improper treatment or in its absence, serious complications may develop. It can be a purulent inflammation of the synovial bag, sepsis, damage to the kidneys, liver or bladder. Quite often, neglected arthritis leads to the appearance of arthrosis - the joint is destroyed or deformed. Therefore, it is very important to start the treatment of inflammation on time and under the guidance of a doctor.

Features of therapy

Treatment of arthritis of the joints must be comprehensive. The conditions for its success are an individual choice of methods of therapy, their regular and long-term use. If you stop treatment as soon as acute pain and swelling have disappeared, the pathology can become chronic. Therefore, it is very important to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Usually, the choice of treatments for arthritis depends on the cause and type of pathology. But there are general recommendations that are used most often. For any type of arthritis, complex therapy is prescribed, which includes:

  • the use of NSAIDs intramuscularly or intravenously, as well as in the form of tablets;
  • intra-articular injections of anesthetics or corticosteroids;
  • external agents in the form of anti-inflammatory ointments or compresses;
  • additional drugs: muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, vitamin complexes;
  • reducing the load on the joint with the help of orthoses, bandages or orthopedic insoles;
  • a special diet aimed at eliminating metabolic disorders or replenishing the lack of trace elements;
  • prevention of congestion in the joints and muscle atrophy with the help of physiotherapy exercises;
  • spa treatment or the use of physiotherapy procedures in a local clinic.


With a mild form of arthritis at the initial stage of the pathology, pain and inflammation can be eliminated only with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most commonly prescribed are Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Nimesulide, Nise, Diclofenac, Meloxicam. If they are taken orally in the form of tablets, be sure to drink Omeprazole to protect the gastrointestinal tract. NSAIDs cannot cure arthritis because they do not address the cause of the inflammation. But they effectively relieve symptoms, making life easier for the patient.

Even an experienced doctor cannot immediately answer how to treat arthritis better. All drugs have different effectiveness and side effects, so they are selected only individually. For example, they try not to prescribe Indomethacin in the elderly, as it can cause mental disorders. The most harmless are Ibuprofen and Diclofenac. But even these drugs are recommended to be taken for no more than a week, and if the pain continues, you need to choose a stronger medicine, for example, Movalis. This remedy relieves pain and inflammation well, but almost does not cause side effects, so you can take it for a long time.

With the ineffectiveness of NSAID therapy, injections of glucocorticosteroids can be used. They are tried to be prescribed only in extreme cases due to the high risk of side effects. With severe pain, intra-articular injections of Diprospan, Hydrocortisone or Kenalog are made. Usually one injection is enough for several days, during which the patient feels the disappearance of pain and morning stiffness. If fever or other extra-articular symptoms develop, intramuscular or intravenous administration Dexamethasone, Metipred or Prednisolone.

Additionally apply various ointments. It is impossible to cure the disease only with their help, but they help to reduce pain, relieve inflammation and swelling. Most often, it is recommended to use ointments based on NSAIDs: Indomethacin, Butadion, Dolgit, Voltaren. Sometimes prescribed hormonal agents: Betamethasone, Mometasone, Diflucortolone. Plant-based ointments are effective and easily tolerated, for example, with extracts of cinquefoil, comfrey, golden mustache.

Treatment of arthritis should be complex, so other drugs are prescribed in addition to anti-inflammatory drugs. Enzymatic agents are sometimes used to improve blood circulation: Wobenzym or Phlogenzym. To stop the destruction of cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors must be prescribed, for example, Teraflex, Rumalon, Artra. Such drugs are used for a long time, at least 3-6 months.

Additionally, it is recommended to take B vitamins, especially thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. They improve the functioning of the nervous system, normalize metabolic processes, reduce pain. They can be used separately in injections or in the form of complex preparations. Effective, for example, Neuromultivit or Neurobinon.

Physiotherapy treatment

Additionally, laser therapy is used for various types of arthritis. This method, unlike other physiotherapeutic procedures, can be used during the acute phase of the disease. But the laser exposure is carried out not on the inflamed joint, but on the cubital vein. Such blood irradiation helps to reduce the inflammatory process, the disappearance of infection and strengthen the immune system. In the chronic course of the pathology, it is possible to influence the joint itself with a laser. This method is effective in 80% of arthritis, especially at the initial stage.

Cryotherapy is also effective in all forms of the disease. This may be the effect on the joints of dry cold air in a cryosauna or a jet liquid nitrogen. Such procedures quickly relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling, and improve blood circulation.

All other methods of physiotherapy can be used only after the inflammation subsides to restore joint function or during remission in the chronic course of the disease. Indeed, many procedures, and especially massage, can lead to an increase in the inflammatory process. But to improve tissue nutrition and joint mobility, muscle spasms and elimination of contractures physiotherapy treatment is effective.

For this, infrared irradiation, UHF, diathermy, amplipulse therapy, UV radiation, phonophoresis or electrophoresis are used. Paraffin or ozokerite applications, mud or mineral baths are also effective during the recovery period.


With any type of inflammatory pathology of the joints, especially with rheumatoid or gouty arthritis be sure to follow a certain diet. If the patient has a disorder mineral metabolism, resulting in the deposition of salts, he needs to exclude salt, smoked meats, marinades, canned food, fatty meat, alcohol from the diet. Certain foods can increase inflammation. Most often it is corn, pork, dairy products, citrus fruits. Therefore, it is recommended to limit their use.

Steam cooking is best for arthritis. It is undesirable to fry food and salt it as little as possible. It is useful to eat more vegetables, fruits, fish, seafood, buckwheat, eggs. To improve the condition of cartilage tissue, it is recommended to include jelly, linseed oil, and greens in the diet.

Folk methods

Only in rare cases, the patient requires hospitalization. Arthritis is usually treated at home. In this case, in addition to drugs and procedures prescribed by a doctor, you can use folk methods. They will help speed up recovery, reduce pain, restore joint mobility. But they can be used only after consulting a doctor and as part of complex therapy. In addition, it must be remembered that when acute inflammation You can not warm the joint, as this will increase swelling. But there are safe and effective recipes that have been tested by time and by many patients.

  • Grate a raw potato on a fine grater and add a glass of kefir. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The first 10 days you need to take such a drink every day. Then - 10 times every other day, and at the end - 10 times every 2 days.
  • In summer, an ordinary buttercup will help relieve pain. You need to take a handful of fresh flowers and grind them. Apply the resulting slurry to the diseased joint and cover with a film. Keep the compress for no more than 2 hours.
  • For polyarthritis, it is recommended to take Apple vinegar. A glass of water requires a teaspoon. This drink should be drunk 3-4 times a day.
  • Fresh vegetable juices are good for arthritis. Mix the juice of carrots, beets and cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce and carrots. It is useful to drink turnip juice with honey or lingonberry juice.

Features of the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Of particular difficulty is the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. After all, it occurs due to autoimmune disorders. That is, the body produces antibodies to its own cells. Therefore, in addition to general treatment aimed at relieving pain, inflammation and swelling, as well as restoring joint mobility, rheumatoid arthritis requires special methods.

Most often this special medicines stopping the activity of the immune system. The main drug used for this is Methotrexate. This drug is used in chemotherapy for cancer, but for arthritis, it is taken in small doses, so it does not cause such side effects. Of these drugs, Remicade or Leflunomide is also prescribed. They slow down cell division and stop the progression of pathology.

Gold preparations have been successfully used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis for a long time: Auranofin, Krizanol, Tauredon and others. Previously, they were the main remedy for this pathology, but after the advent of Methotrexate, they began to be used less frequently. Despite the large number of side effects, many patients are still prescribed gold preparations. They are especially effective at the initial stage of arthritis and in the case when high levels of rheumatoid factor are observed in the analyzes. Such tablets can slow down the destruction of cartilage, improve bone mineralization.

With a mild course of the disease, antimalarial drugs are sometimes used: Delagil or Plaquenil. Although they act very slowly - you need to take them for at least 6 months, they gradually reduce inflammation. At the same time, such drugs are well tolerated by patients.

Supplement the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with antibiotics. True, only sulfonamides are used for this, most often - Sulfasalazine. It is well tolerated even with long-term use. This drug helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain. D-penicillamine is used much less frequently, as it is more toxic.

In addition to drugs, specific methods of treating rheumatoid arthritis are a mechanical effect on the immune system. This is the drainage of lymph from the thoracic duct - an effective but difficult procedure, as it must stand constantly for 1-2 weeks. Lymphocytophoresis is more often used - lymph cleansing, which reduces the degree of the inflammatory process. Plasmapheresis is also a common procedure - blood purification from inflammatory mediators and rheumatoid factor.

The need for surgery

On initial stages diseases enough conservative therapy. By following all the doctor's recommendations, you can completely cure arthritis and restore joint health. But in advanced cases, surgery may be required. Most often, this is arthroscopy, performed to take samples of synovial fluid or to drain pus from the joint.

Sometimes surgery is also needed: arthrotomy, arthrodesis or joint resection, bone reconstructive surgery. Such treatment helps to stop degenerative processes and prevent exacerbations. If the joint began to collapse, which led to a violation of its mobility, arthroplasty or at least arthroplasty may be recommended.

recovery prognosis

Many patients who have been given such a disappointing diagnosis are wondering if arthritis can be cured forever. The prognosis of recovery depends on the age of the patient, the general state of his health, as well as the stage and cause of the pathology. Reactive and infectious arthritis are best treated. If you start therapy on time, the disease goes away without consequences. But even in this case, the treatment will be long, sometimes about a year.

The worst prognosis for rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. These forms of the disease are characterized by a long chronic course and frequent relapses. The pathology will progress if you stop the treatment recommended by the doctor, which should be permanent.

It is quite difficult to cure arthritis, and in many cases even impossible. But treatment is still needed. Only with its help you can get rid of excruciating pains and restore the ability to move normally. Proper therapy will also help stop the destruction of the joint and prevent serious complications.

  • The composition of fish oil is represented by a mixture of glycerides of various acids: polyunsaturated fatty acids ω-3 and ω-6, oleic (more than 70%), palmitic (approximately 25%), stearic (not more than 2%), trace amounts of capric, butyric, acetic, valeric and some other acids.

    Also present in fish oil , fatty pigment lipochrome (in negligible amounts); organic compounds of sulfur, iodine, phosphorus, bromine; nitrogenous derivatives (butyl- and trimethylamine, ammonia); 2 ptomaine - morruine and poisonous azelline, which has an urinary and diaphoretic effect on the body; oxydihydropyridinebutyric (morruic) acid.

    What is fish oil made from?

    Fat is extracted from the muscles / liver of large marine fish, the distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is the cold waters of the oceans - herring, cod, mackerel, Norwegian salmon.

    The weight of the liver of one large cod is about 2 kg. From it it is possible to obtain up to 250 grams of white (suitable for use in medicine) or about 1 kg of red fat.

    Cod oil is mined mainly in Norway.

    Composition of vitamins

    A milliliter of the drug, produced in the form of an oral liquid, contains 1 ml of fat obtained from the liver of cod fish.

    The capsules contain 500 mg of fortified* fish oil, as well as gelatin, , 70% non-crystallizing, demineralized water.

    What vitamins are in fish oil?

    The main constituents of fish oil are vitamins A (retinol) and D2 ( ).

    Vitamin A maintains the health of mucous membranes, skin, vision, hair, nails, slows down aging and accelerates tissue regeneration.

    Thanks to vitamin D the body absorbs calcium, phosphorus and a number of other elements necessary for normal bone growth, so young children and the elderly have a special need for it.

    Some manufacturers' products may contain . It improves reproductive function and mental abilities, improves immunity, prevents the development vascular and heart disease . Vitamin E shows powerful antioxidant properties thus preventing the development of cancerous tumors.

    In addition, the beneficial properties of the drug are determined by its mineral composition, which is represented by calcium, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc.

    Indications for use

    Indications for use:

    • AND or D-vitamin deficiency ;
    • sharp and chronic respiratory diseases ;
    • eye disease ( xerotic , retinitis pigmentosa , hemeralopathy );
    • inflammatory and erosive lesions of the urinary tract and digestive canal ;
    • wounds, ulcers, bone fractures;
    • deviations in the growth of teeth and bones, dry skin and mucous membranes, poor hair condition.

    The drug is also prescribed for the prevention atherosclerotic vascular changes ; to prevent vascular thrombosis and recovery plasma hemostasis after ; for treatment and prevention .

    Contraindications for fish oil

    Contraindications to the use of fish oil:

    • individual intolerance;
    • hemophilia ;
    • reduced blood clotting;
    • during periods of exacerbation and chronic cholecystitis ;
    • open form lungs ;
    • calcium nephrourolithiasis ;
    • hypercalciuria ;
    • hypercalcemia ;
    • vitamin D hypervitaminosis and AND ;
    • prolonged immobilization .

    Relative contraindications for use: , nephritis (both acute and chronic) hypothyroidism , lactation, kidney and/or liver disease , organic heart disease , elderly age.

    In pediatrics, liquid fish oil is used from the age of three months, capsules - from 7 years.

    Side effects

    When used in therapeutic doses the agent does not provoke adverse reactions. Possible , hypocoagulation, hypersensitivity reactions, the appearance of a specific smell from the mouth.

    Fish oil: instructions for use

    How to take liquid fish oil?

    The drug is taken orally during meals.

    Daily dose for children:

    • 3-12 months - 0.5 tsp;
    • 12-24 months - 1 teaspoon;
    • 2-3 years - 1-2 teaspoons;
    • 3-6 years old - 1 dec. the spoon;
    • 7 years and more - 1 tbsp. the spoon.

    The daily dose for an adult is 1 tablespoon.

    How to drink fish oil depends on why they drink this remedy. The method of application and dosage regimen depend on the indications and are determined by the attending physician.

    Instructions for use of fish oil capsules

    Capsules taken after meals with plenty of lukewarm or cold water. It is recommended to swallow them immediately, because if kept in the mouth for a long time, the gelatin capsule will become sticky and the capsule will be difficult to swallow in the future. Daily dose - 3-6 capsules.

    The duration of the course is determined by the doctor, while it is at least 30 days.

    It should be remembered that the method of application and dosing regimen of drugs from different manufacturers may differ.

    For example, Fish Oil Moeller children over 4 weeks of age and adults are prescribed to take 5 ml per day (in this case, the dose for children can be reduced to 2.5 ml / day), and the daily dose Fish Oil Teva for children over 6 years old and for adults - 3-6 capsules per day in courses lasting 2-3 months.

    Fish fat " gold fish dosage according to the age of the child. So, children 3-12 months old are given from 6 to 10 drops per day in 2 doses (with food), gradually bringing the daily dose to 1.5 grams (0.5 teaspoon), and children over 12 months old are shown taking 4.5 grams of funds per day (1.5 teaspoons). The course lasts 30 days.

    In the instructions for Fish oil Biafishenol It is indicated that adolescents over 14 years of age and adults should take 10 capsules of 300 mg, 8 capsules of 400 mg, and 7 capsules of 450 mg per day. Dietary supplements are drunk during meals in courses lasting a month 2-3 times a year.


    With long-term use of pure fish oil, you may experience:

    • loss of appetite;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • lethargy and drowsiness;
    • diarrhea;
    • headache and pain in the bones of the legs.

    In case of overdose, supportive treatment is indicated. The drug is cancelled.

    Acute overdose retinol accompanied by: dizziness, double vision, , diarrhea , dryness and ulceration of the mucous membrane in the mouth, bleeding gums, confusion, peeling of the lips, increased intracranial pressure.

    Chronic intoxication is manifested by loss of appetite, dryness and cracking of the skin, dryness of the mucous membrane in the mouth, bone pain and changes in the x-ray of the bones, gastralgia , hyperthermia , vomiting, fatigue and irritability, asthenia , photosensitivity, headache, feeling of general discomfort, pollakiuria , polyuria ,nocturia ; the appearance in the area of ​​​​the nasolabial triangle, on the soles of the feet and palms of yellow-orange spots; hair loss, increased intraocular pressure, oligomenorrhea , hepatotoxic events, portal hypertension , convulsions, hemolytic anemia .

    Early symptoms of an overdose vitamin D : dry mucous oral cavity, constipation/ diarrhea , thirst, anorexia , polyuria , nausea, fatigue, metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, hypercalciuria ,hypercalcemia , dehydration, adynamia , weakness.

    Late symptoms of poisoning vitamin D : bone pain, eye photosensitivity, increased blood pressure, cloudy urine, drowsiness, conjunctival hyperemia, , myalgia , weight loss, nausea, vomiting, pruritus, gastralgia , . Rarely, mood swings and psychosis .

    Chronic intoxication is accompanied arterial hypertension , the deposition of calcium salts in soft tissues, blood vessels, lungs and kidneys, chronic heart and . In children, this condition leads to impaired growth.

    Treatment involves discontinuing the drug, following a low-calcium diet, and taking large amounts of fluids. Therapy is symptomatic. Specific means to eliminate the effects of poisoning are unknown.


    Simultaneous use with containing vitamins A and D means can provoke vitamin intoxication.

    Fish oil should be used with caution in combination with drugs that affect blood clotting.

    In combination with anticonvulsants decreased activity vitamin D , in combination with containing drugs increases the risk of intoxication vitamin A .

    Vitamin A reduces the severity of the anti-inflammatory effect glucocorticoid drugs , efficiency benzodiazepines and calcium preparations, can cause hypercalcemia .

    When used simultaneously with mineral oils, colestipol , Colestyramine , absorption decreases vitamin A ; when used simultaneously with increases the likelihood of developing a toxic effect.

    High doses vitamin A in conjunction with may cause intracranial hypertension .

    Vitamin E in high doses reduces reserves vitamin A in organism.

    On the background hypervitaminosis D may increase the effect cardiac glycosides and the risk increases . Need in vitamin D increases significantly under the influence of barbiturates , .

    Long-term use against the background of simultaneous use antacids , which contain magnesium or aluminum, increases plasma concentration vitamins A and D .

    The effectiveness of the drug is reduced in combination with bisphosphonates , glucocorticosteroids , Rifampicin , Calcitonin , Plikamycin .

    The drug increases the absorption of drugs that contain phosphorus, thus increasing the likelihood of developing hyperphosphatemia . When taken in combination with NaF ( sodium fluoride ) between the reception of funds it is necessary to maintain at least a two-hour interval; if necessary, use in combination with tetracyclines maintain an interval of at least 3 hours.

    Terms of sale

    Non-prescription leave.

    Storage conditions

    Keep away from light and moisture. The storage temperature of the oil should not exceed 10°C (freezing is allowed), the storage temperature of the capsules should not exceed 25°C.

    Shelf life

    special instructions

    What is fish oil good for? Little-known properties of the drug

    Wikipedia indicates that fish oil is valued primarily for the fact that it contains ω-3 acids. In the presence of these acids cholesterol forms easily transported through the vessels circulatory system esters, which improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels.

    Also, acids of the ω-3 group reduce the risk and , are necessary in the formation of cell membranes, connective tissues, myelin sheath of nerves.

    Italian scientists claim that the components of fat reduce the risk of sudden death by 50% heart attack , and the staff of the British medical school of St. George in London found that ω-3 acids have the ability to inhibit the development Koch sticks (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).

    Studies conducted by American scientists from the National Institute of Health in the USA have shown that ω-3 acids have a pronounced psychostimulating effect.

    ω-3 acids are also very beneficial for joints. When taken systematically, fish oil relieves pain and inflammation in a similar way. analgesics without causing, however, the side effects inherent in the latter. In addition, fat “impregnates” the tissues of the joints and, due to this, makes them more elastic, as a result of which the tissues “stretch” but do not “tear”.

    Fish oil: benefits and harms

    The benefits of fish oil are enormous: the remedy reduces pressure, the risk of developing diabetes and insulin resistance and plasma concentration triglycerides , prevents arrhythmias , helps to resist stress and depression, slows down the development of malignant neoplasms, improves tissue nutrition, stops inflammatory processes, helps restore vitality, and activates brain function.

    However, there are also negative aspects of the use of the drug. Firstly, fish oil is a strong allergen, which should be remembered by susceptible allergic reactions people.

    Secondly, the product has a number of contraindications: for example, people with thyroid pathologies should refuse to use it, , pregnant women, people who have impaired liver and / or kidney function.

    Thirdly, taking the drug on an empty stomach can provoke digestive disorders.

    Fish oil has a very high calorie content - 900 kcal per 100 grams.

    What is the best fish oil to buy?

    What is the best drug to choose? Polar salmon fat is considered to be of the highest quality. The habitat of this fish is ecologically clean polar waters, so there are no toxins in the product obtained on its basis. About half of the fish oil produced in the world is salmon oil. The content of acids of the ω-3 group in it is at least 25%.

    The raw material for the production of fat is also cod liver. The product is of high quality, but the pollution of the world's oceans and unfavorable condition environment lead to the fact that a large amount of toxic substances accumulate in the liver of fish, passing into fish oil.

    Benefits of fish oil capsules

    Currently, the most commonly used fish oil in capsules. Capsules made of gelatin mass prevent the product from oxidizing, hide a specific smell and taste, while their contents have exactly the same composition as the oral liquid.

    Often, capsules are added as a preservative. vitamin E . This measure prevents rancidity and oxidation of fat. In addition to vitamins, the capsules include mineral complexes and additional additives (for example, sea buckthorn, kelp or rosehip oil), which gives the drug new healing properties.

    Benefits for women. Application in cosmetology

    Fat contains retinol - a substance useful for the skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend the drug as a means for facial care. Fish oil eliminates excessive dryness, itching and redness of the skin, relieves inflammation.

    Used in the form of facial compresses, it allows you to get rid of shallow wrinkles and tighten the skin well. To do this, it is necessary to soak a napkin in fat, in which slits for the eyes and nose are made, and apply it to the face. Some women prefer to dilute fish oil olive oil(proportion 1:1).

    Fish oil can also be used as a remedy for acne. Acids of the ω-3 group gently regulate the metabolism in cells, gradually normalize the qualitative composition of sebum and its quantity.

    No less useful fish oil for hair and eyelashes: the tool accelerates the growth of hairs, makes them more flexible and strong.

    For eyelashes, it is quite often used in combination with olive, castor, burdock, almond oils, to which a few drops are added. vitamin A or E .

    The mixture is poured into a glass bottle and used daily for 30 days, applying a thin layer to the eyelashes with a cotton swab and a clean mascara brush.

    For hair, fish oil is used in the form of warm wraps mixed with castor / burdock oil. This procedure allows you to make your hair brighter and more elastic, get rid of split ends.

    Fish oil for weight gain. Application in sports

    The benefits of using fish oil in bodybuilding are due to its ability to influence muscle metabolism: the agent stimulates protein synthesis in muscles and at the same time, acting on another mechanism in metabolism, reduces its decay.

    In addition, the drug increases the release rate , supports the health of bones, joints and the immune system, improves brain function and cell trophism, stops inflammation, reduces concentration triglycerides , helps to reduce the percentage of adipose tissue.

    At the same time, fish oil in bodybuilding can be consumed even during periods of “drying” and dieting.

    The daily dose for athletes is from 2.0 to 2.5 g.

    What is fish oil for animals?

    Fish oil in veterinary medicine is used for the treatment and prevention rickets , A-vitamin deficiency , anemia , chronic infections, allergies , diseases of the digestive tract, stomach ulcers , osteomalacia , sexual disorders, to accelerate the healing of skin lesions and the healing of fractures.

    When administered intramuscularly, the agent acts similarly to biogenic stimulants.

    When applied externally, the affected surfaces are treated with fish oil and the dressings are impregnated.

    When administered orally, the dose is:

    • from 100 to 500 ml - for cows;
    • from 40 to 200 ml - for horses;
    • from 20 to 100 ml - for goats and sheep;
    • from 10 to 30 ml - for dogs and arctic foxes;
    • from 5 to 10 ml - for cats.

    During the day, poultry is given from 2 to 5 ml of the product. For chickens and young animals of other birds, the dose should not exceed 0.3-0.5 ml.

    How to give fish oil to chickens? The drug is administered from the 4th day of life (it is mixed with food). The initial dose is 0.05 g / day. on the head. Double it every 10 days.

    Precautionary measures

    Long-term use of high doses of the drug provokes the development chronic hypervitaminosis .

    Patients who are to undergo surgical treatment should stop taking the drug at least 4 days before surgery.


    Fish oil Mirrolla , Fish Oil Moeller Omega-3 , Omega-3 Fish Oil Concentrate (Solgar), Fish oil "BioKontur" , Fish oil fortified , Children's fish oil Goldfish , Fish Oil Amber Drop with Vitamin E ,

    Fish Oil or Omega 3?

    Fish oil is a product that contains ω-3 acids in combination with ω-6 acids. These two groups of fatty acids are biological competitors.

    Compounds synthesized from ω-3 acids prevent thrombosis , reduce blood pressure, promote vasodilation, relieve inflammation. And the compounds that form ω-6 acids, on the contrary, predetermine inflammatory reactions and vasoconstriction .

    With sufficient intake of ω-3 acids, the negative effect of ω-6 acids (in particular, arachidonic acid) is blocked. However, in fish oil, their concentration is unstable and may be insufficient, while the concentration of ω-6 acids, on the contrary, may be too high.

    Thus, the effect of the drug is reduced due to the competitive action of harmful metabolic products. In addition, fish oil can oxidize quite quickly.

    Omega-3 capsules compare favorably with conventional fish oil in that for their production only subcutaneous fat of salmon fish is used, which contains the maximum amount of ω-3 acids and is the most stable.

    In addition, the fat used in the production of capsules is purified from ω-6 acids by cryogenic molecular fractionation. Therefore, Omega-3 in composition is not just a highly purified fish oil, but a concentrate of ω-3 acids. They are contained in capsules at least 30%, which is the optimal preventive dose.

    fish oil for children

    Fish oil for children under 2 years of age is most often prescribed as a means of prevention rickets . The product contains vitamin D , which ensures normal bone growth, strengthens the child's immunity and prevents a decrease in muscle tone.

    Benefits for children vitamin A also lies in the fact that it reduces the body's susceptibility to heart disease and skin diseases, normalizes the heartbeat and , contributes to the proper formation of brain tissue, stimulates the development of intelligence, slows down the processes that lead to a decrease in the ability to memorize and dementia.

    Children with attention deficit and hyperactive children after taking the drug - numerous reviews are proof of this - perseverance increases, behavior becomes more controlled, irritability decreases and academic performance improves (including reading skills and cognitive activity).

    Dr. Komarovsky, among other things, recommends the use of fish oil in immunocorrection programs for children with disabilities and children whose diseases occur with complications.

    According to the instructions, children are allowed to give oral liquid from the age of three months, capsules - from 6 or 7 years (depending on the manufacturer's recommendations).

    To make it easier for children to take the remedy, manufacturers produce it in the form of odorless capsules and with a pleasant fruity taste. So, for example, in the production of capsules "Kusalochka" flavoring "Tutti-Frutti" is used, and Children's fish oil BioKontur has a pleasant taste of lemon.

    Can fish oil help you lose weight?

    The calorie content of fish oil in capsules and in the form of oral liquid is very high - 900 kcal per 100 g. However, the use of this remedy allows you to fight excess weight.

    Excess weight leads to a violation of the body's ability to maintain sensitivity to in adipose and muscle tissue, as well as manage blood sugar levels.

    Sensitivity to insulin plays a key role in fat burning processes. This means that with reduced sensitivity, it is extremely difficult to get rid of body fat. The additional intake of acids from the omega-3 group contributes to its increase, which makes it advisable to take the drug when losing weight.

    Research conducted in one of the American clinics sports medicine, showed that the use of fish oil for weight loss can reduce the amount of body fat and increase the production of muscle mass.

    The benefits of fish oil for weight loss also lie in the fact that people taking the drug have a significantly reduced level - a catabolic hormone that burns muscle tissue and provokes the formation of a fatty layer.

    Details Updated: 12/16/2019 16:23 Published: 05/07/2018 13:32

    Consultant NSP

    Omega-3 what it is, what it is used for, where it is contained, NSP capsules

    Omega-3s are essential polyunsaturated fatty acids essential nutrients for humans. They are not formed in the body, so they must be supplied with food.

    Omega-3 fats protect cells from destruction, restore cell membranes, extinguish chronic, sluggish inflammatory processes, and have a beneficial effect on almost all functional systems of the body.

    With a lack of Omega-3 failures occur in normal operation nervous, hormonal, immune and cardiovascular systems, metabolism, the condition of the joints worsens, emotional disorders.

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are obtained from fatty fish species that live in cold seas (salmon, sardines, herring, anchovies, mackerel). In addition, fish oil contains vitamin D and fat-soluble vitamins A, E.

    Omega-3 PUFA / Omega-3 EPA

    Useful properties of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3:

    • Provides the production of anti-inflammatory physiologically active substances, prostaglandins, prevents the development autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions;
    • Normalizes fat metabolism and cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of developing vascular atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke;
    • Provides regeneration of cell membranes, increases the antioxidant defense of the body;
    • Ensures good functioning of brain cells (memory, attention, learning) and retina (improves vision);
    • Reduces the risk of blood clots;
    • Supports joint mobility, elasticity of ligaments and tendons, reduces pain in arthritis or arthrosis;
    • Regulate the synthesis of hormones and steroids;
    • Improves the condition of the skin, nails, hair;
    • Reduces the synthesis of cortisol, the stress hormone;
    • Suppresses excessive appetite, accelerates fat burning;
    • Strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency and vitality.

    Daily Value of Omega-3

    The daily requirement for Omega-3 for an adult is 1-2 grams.

    The daily human need for fatty acids is 1 - 2 grams, depending on the state of health, age, gender, region of residence.

    With increased physical exertion, pregnancy, during hormonal changes daily rate rises to 2.5 - 3 grams.

    The need for Omega-3 is increasing with autoimmune and cardiovascular diseases, depressive states. For treatment functional disorders, the daily rate increases to 4 grams of Omega-3, preferably in several doses.

    The upper safe limit of omega-3 consumption is considered to be a dose of up to - 8 grams.

    Signs of an Omega-3 Deficiency

    • Dry skin and hair, brittle nails;
    • Constant thirst;
    • Allergic rashes on the skin;
    • Habitual constipation;
    • Joint pain, muscle cramps;
    • Slow scarring of wounds;
    • Deterioration of memory, attention, delay mental development in children;
    • Depression, fatigue;
    • Decreased immunity, frequent colds;
    • Increased blood pressure.

    Symptoms of an overabundance of Omega-3

    With excessive use oily fish or with uncontrolled intake Omega-3 dietary supplement (fish oil capsules) may develop:

    • prolonged diarrhea;
    • low blood pressure;
    • Reduced blood clotting, tendency to hematomas and bleeding.

    Food Sources of Omega-3

    Most beneficial fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is found in sardine, cod liver, salmon, mackerel, salmon, tuna, trout, fish roe.

    Plant foods contain alpha-linolenic acid. Useful polyunsaturated fatty acids can be synthesized from it in the human body, but the efficiency of this process is only about 5-7%.

    Most alpha-linolenic acid in linseed (44-61%), camelina (35-39%), mustard (14%), rapeseed oil, peanut leaves.

    Important! Oxidized, rancid omega-3 fats are bad. Under the influence of oxygen and high temperatures, useful fatty acids are easily oxidized and destroyed.

    Frozen fish will not benefit the body, because. will already contain oxidation products of useful fatty acids. Therefore, give preference to lightly salted fish products.

    Be sure to store vegetable oils in tightly closed bottles in a dark place, never use rancid oils, expired products.

    Composition of dietary supplement Omega 3 NSP

    1 capsule Omega 3 NSP(1638mg) has a standardized composition and contains:

    eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) - 180 mg (30% of the daily requirement);

    docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - 120 mg (17% of the daily requirement);

    vitamin E (d-alpha tocopherol) - 1 mg (6.7% of the daily requirement).

    Dietary supplement Omega-3 NSP derived from the muscles of deep sea fish. NSP products undergo special purification from heavy metals and various impurities.

    How to use Omega 3 capsules

    Instructions for use:

    Adults and children over 14 years of age are recommended to take 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals to maintain health. Duration of admission - 1 month. After 2-3 months, the course can be repeated.

    Can children and pregnant women take

    With all the undeniable benefits of Omega-3 essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, children under 14 years of age to use fish oil supplements (Omega-3) without a doctor's permission. Dosage and regimen of omega-3 fat intake prescribed by a doctor based on the state of health.

    Omega 3 for children

    Omega-3 fatty acids have a significant impact on the development of the brain and visual apparatus of the child, the formation of the nervous, immune and hormonal systems.

    Therefore, it is important that the child from the first years of life receives a sufficient amount of healthy fatty acids with mother's milk, and the diet of older children is rich in foods containing Omega-3 fats.

    Symptoms such as persistent diathesis, dermatitis, dry skin, hyperactivity, inattention, poor memory, poor academic performance, and visual impairment may indicate a lack of Omega-3 fatty acids in a child's body.

    To replenish omega-3 vitamin deficiency in children special mixtures, syrups, chewable lozenges containing fish oil are produced. The pediatrician selects the dosage and regimen.

    Chewable vitamins Vitazavriki NSP - a delicious balanced complex of all the necessary vitamins for the child's body.

    Omega 3 for women

    For women, it is especially important to include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil) in the diet during hormonal changes (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause).

    Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Women

    Reduces the risk of developing mastopathy and neoplasms in the mammary glands of a woman;
    - Reduces the manifestations of PMS and menopausal syndrome;
    - Slows down skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles, keeps the skin smooth and supple;
    - Prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis in women over 50;
    - Reduces anxiety, increases stress resistance and performance, promotes a good mood;
    - Normalizes fat metabolism, helps to control excess weight;
    - Prevents the development of autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland.

    Description of Omega-3 NSP

    Omega-3 (Omega-3) is a family of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs).

    The higher fatty acids of this family: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are important building blocks of biological membranes of nerve cells and nerve fibers, retina, and bioregulators - prostaglandins and leukotrienes - are formed from eicosapentaenoic acid in the body.

    BAA Omega-3 NSP obtained from the muscles of fatty varieties of deep-sea fish that live in cold seas.

    Omega-3 is an excellent prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases, because. reduces the content of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of arrhythmias.

    Oncologists note the ability of Omega-3 to slow down the development of tumors.

    Gastroenterologists note the effectiveness of Omega 3 in the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers.

    Omega-3 helps with arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and patients notice improvements after several days of taking Omega-3 NSP dietary supplements.

    Omega-3 reduces the manifestations of allergies in children, accelerates the healing of wounds and scars, and improves skin condition.

    Omega-3 PUFAs are necessary to maintain the normal state of the retina and vision function, for normal brain activity, and good memory.

    With an omega-3 deficiency, vision is often impaired, inflammation activity increases, dermatitis progresses and rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk of developing cardiac arrhythmias.

    Food supplement Omega-3 PUFA NSP is an additional source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, contains vitamin E. Dietary Supplement Omega-3 PUFA is one of the most popular dietary supplements in the US.

    Malysheva: Omega-3 is a cure for old age

    Video Omega-3 is registered in the US as a medicine Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor, host of the Health program Elena Malysheva.

    Contraindications for taking Omega-3

    Individual intolerance to Omega-3 components, pregnancy, lactation, hemorrhagic syndrome, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis (in the active phase), hypercalcemia.

    Not only, but also adults. It has been well established that cardiovascular and oncological diseases those peoples in whose cuisine seafood is considered the main dishes are several times less affected.

    For example, Italians are 3 times less likely than our people to suffer heart attacks and strokes, and hypertonic disease, which occurs in every second citizen of our country after 50 years, rarely manifests itself in the peoples of the Mediterranean. The thing is that fish oil contains in its composition essential polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), which our body is not able to synthesize. Therefore, we must receive these substances with, and regularly.

    It is important to note that due to today's bad environmental picture, many marine species simply do not pass radiation control (or pass within the boundary limits), but this product still ends up on our food market.

    Therefore, instead of only benefit, we also receive a considerable dose of toxic substances. To avoid this, pharmacists have developed in liquid form and in gelatin capsules. Such products are dietary supplements (biologically active additive) and do not have unwanted impurities.
    Sea fish oil contains the following useful components:

    1. Vitamin A (retinol). This is useful for children at any age, as it has a positive effect on the organs of vision, strengthens hair, nail tissue. In addition, retinol strengthens cell membranes, which is very useful for babies prone to frequent allergic reactions.
    2. Vitamin E. Improves blood clotting, stimulates the proper development of muscle tissue in childhood and adolescence.
    3. . Phosphorus and calcium without this will not be able to be properly absorbed by the body, which can lead to development in early childhood.
    4. PUFAs contribute to the normal absorption of fat-soluble K, E, D.
    5. . The most valuable component of fish oil (which is why fatty fish products are often referred to simply as "Omega-3"), which has positive impact on cells and the cardiovascular system. If a child does not get enough of this essential component in the diet, he may develop stable in terms of mental and physical health.

    Did you know?For the first time, Norwegian Peter Meller began to produce fish oil in the middle of the 19th century.

    Experts note that with sufficient use of fish oil in childhood, school performance increases. Children perceive and remember information better, learn to read and write faster, general level intelligence compared to other children increases. In addition, Omega-3 performs its main function - it removes “bad” cholesterol from the body, which enters the body along with junk food. Such cholesterol can cause problems with the cardiovascular system, it is also the first step towards.


    It is important to understand that self-treatment and prophylaxis with marine fish fats is prohibited. Before starting the use of such a dietary supplement, you should consult with a specialist to establish accurate indications and eliminate possible contraindications. Doctors point out that The main indications for the use of foods rich in Omega-3 in children are:

    • problems with the development of muscle tissue, acquired, frequent;
    • problems with general physical;
    • prevention;
    • lethargy and constant fatigue of the child;
    • problems with organs, prevention of eye diseases;
    • depression, increased irritability, anger and hatred of relatives and friends;
    • the suppressed function of the body's immune defense (usually, against this background, the child is constantly exposed to other infectious diseases);
    • low blood levels;
    • violation ;
    • reduced blood clotting with chronic;
    • clearly expressed superfluous in a child;
    • lack of vitamins A, D and E in the body;
    • congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system;
    • skin problems ( mechanical injury and different etiologies)
    • postoperative rehabilitation.

    In any of the above cases, taking fish oil will have a beneficial effect on the body. But you should take into account the fact that for each specific case, the dosage and course of treatment will be different, so specialist advice is simply necessary.


    Sometimes even this useful product, like fish oil, can harm the body. But this happens only when dietary supplements are taken in the presence of the following health problems:

    • congenital pathologies of insulin synthesis;
    • sharp or chronic diseases ;
    • individual intolerance to seafood;
    • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • VSD on hypotonic type;
    • severe mental and physical injuries (it is possible to use dietary supplements only after consultation with a specialist);
    • chronic or cholecystitis;
    • too much high level vitamins A, E and D in the body;
    • open form active;
    • the last stage of hemophilia;
    • acute liver disease, gallstones;
    • kidney failure or urolithiasis.

    At what age can you give fish oil to children

    Before fish oil can only be prescribed by a doctor, the independent use of such dietary supplements can harm the baby.

    It is important to note that children who switched to very early need to constantly give foods rich in Omega-3. fresh up to one year is better not to give, but fish oil can be added to food. Some doctors prescribe this dietary supplement from 4 weeks of age. Previously, it is unacceptable to use such a product, since the crumbs have not yet fully formed the digestive system.

    Fish oil: which is better: varieties and rules of use

    Fish oil is a bright yellow oily liquid with a characteristic taste and smell. Previously, such a product was extracted purely from the liver of fish of the cod family. But it soon became clear that the liver fat reserves of sea and ocean fish do not contain essential Omega-3s (or contain them in minimal amounts). Undoubtedly, there are a lot of vitamins in such a product, but it is important to understand that the liver is able to accumulate various toxic substances that end up in dietary supplements labeled “Cod Liver Fish Oil”.
    Before buying dietary supplements, you need to figure out which fish oil is best for children. There are many variations, but the main thing is never buy a product extracted from the liver of sea fish.

    Did you know?In England, cod liver oil is prohibited for children under 5 years of age. This ban is due to the large number of toxins and poisons in such products.

    Today, many global pharmaceutical companies offer cold-pressed fat products. Fat masses are squeezed out of carcasses of fish (anchovies, salmon, whale), seal. When choosing products, it is important to ask the seller show certificate, which will indicate data on the method of obtaining dietary supplements. By the way, it is better not to buy fat from shark fish, since such fish feed on corpses and contain many toxic substances.

    Doctors recommend buying Norwegian-made Omega-3. The thing is that the northern seas are practically not polluted with oil products, and the fish there is environmentally friendly. It is known that many global pharmaceutical companies offer fish oil from anchovy carcasses, which are caught in the seas near Japan and equatorial Africa. Such a product is not safe for children, since the areas where fish are caught are environmentally “dirty”.
    Let's figure out which fish oil is better to buy for children - liquid or capsules. Many experts say that you need to buy dietary supplements only in encapsulated form. Liquid products contain an excess of vitamin E, which in large quantities harms the young body. It is added there due to the fact that fat loses many useful properties upon contact with air, and tocopherol prevents this.

    However, encapsulated products may contain various dyes, sweeteners and preservatives. Pharmacists offer fish oils in various fruit flavors or in gummies. With such drugs, you should be careful, and before buying, carefully study the composition for the presence of additives harmful to the child's body.

    Fish oil will benefit children only if the instructions for use are followed. The dosage of dietary supplements in drops is as follows: for babies up to, it is necessary to add 3 drops to food 2 times a day; starting with age, the dosage increases by 3-4 times. From the age of two, a child can be given 2 teaspoons 2 times a day during meals.
    Fish oil capsules should also be taken according to the instructions. Since different drugs have different capsule weights, they need to be taken in different ways. For small children (up to one year old) it will be enough to use 1 capsule (weighing 300 mg) per day, for children after a year you can use 2-3 capsules, after the age of three, the daily norm of fish oil for the body should be about 1300-1500 mg. Omega-3 has a significant benefit for the developing organism, but if the rules for taking this dietary supplement are not followed, it can also be harmful.

    Important! Before giving your child Omega-3 preparations, be sure to consult a specialist.

    It should be noted that it is necessary to consume a fatty product from sea fish only during meals. Otherwise, you can harm the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. To establish the duration of the course of treatment and the subtleties in taking the drug, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician.

    Liquid fish oil for children: which is better

    Let's take a look at which liquid omega-3 manufacturer is best for kids. When choosing dietary supplements, some factors should be taken into account: the country of origin, the quality of raw materials, the method of extraction.

    The most popular drugs for children are:

    It should be noted that there are still many varieties of liquid fish oil, but we recommend that you buy only products manufactured by the northern countries of the European continent. For example, the German company Doppelgerz Aktiv is known to everyone, and many people use its fish oil, but it should be noted that it is better not to give it to children, since the raw materials for this product are mined on the coasts of Japan (anchovies are caught).

    Did you know? An interesting chemical experiment: if you mix fish oils with sulfuric acid, you can see multi-colored rings that change colors from blue to red.

    Fish oil capsules for children: which is better

    I would like to note right away that regardless of which manufacturer produces fish oil in capsules, it is better for children to buy the encapsulated product. Firstly, it is easier to swallow and has no unpleasant odors; secondly, the shelf life of the encapsulated agent is longer; thirdly, it does not contain an excess amount of tocopherol. As you can see, capsules have a significant advantage over liquid products.

    The best encapsulated products for children will be:

    Criteria for choosing a drug

    When choosing Omega-3 preparations, pay attention to the label, which contains all the necessary data about the product. Don't buy kids products that are meant for adults. Some may object - what is the difference between a children's drug and an adult, because the fat remains the same. In fact, the manufacturer processes products for children more carefully, trying to remove all harmful toxic substances as much as possible.

    The main criteria for product selection are:

    1. The container with the product must be painted in a dark color. This is a mandatory criterion when choosing, since a light container transmits sunlight, which can oxidize Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
    2. Do not buy a product with a long release date, even if there is still a long time before the expiration date. A fresh product is always better than one that has been on the shelves of pharmacies for some time.
    3. Fat should occupy almost the entire capacity of glass containers. If it is not poured just under the cork, then there is a risk of Omega-3 oxidation.
    4. Buy products that have stood the test of time. It is better to choose fish oil from a Norwegian or Finnish manufacturer that has been manufacturing Omega-3 for more than a dozen years. The price category should be above average (unless, of course, you want to buy liver oil from environmentally polluted fish). A quality product is always worth a lot of money.

    In general, in order not to run into a fake or low-quality product, consult a doctor. He will select the most optimal remedy for your child.

    Where and how to store fish oil

    Fish processing products should be stored in a dark, cool place. It is best to store Omega-3s in the refrigerator at not higher than 10°С. If you purchased fish oil in a light glass container, it is advisable to pour it into a dark glass container. In the summer, it is better not to use fish fat, as it can quickly deteriorate and harm the health of the baby.

    Depressurized fish oil must be sealed tightly after consumption, since even short-term contact with air can lead to the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids. With the storage of the encapsulated product, everything is much simpler: keep it in a box in a cool place and constantly monitor the expiration date.

    Now you know how to choose the right fish oil for your child. You are aware of its useful qualities and easy accessibility. Follow all the recommendations in this article and listen to the doctor's opinion, and then Omega-3 will bring irreplaceable benefits to your baby's body.