Project in the second junior group “Pets. Educational project in the second junior group "Pets" Project animals in the 2nd junior group

Project for the youngest DOW groups"Pets"

Frantsuzova Olga Alexandrovna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 2, Novozavidovsky village, Konakovo district, Tver region.

1. Relevance
2. Purpose of the project
3.Project objectives
4.Expected results
5. Project participants
6. Terms of project implementation
7. Project stages and expected results
8. Project implementation plan
1. Relevance
Currently, not everyone has the opportunity to keep pets in the house. A love for animals in children must be brought up with early age. Therefore, the project allows children to expand their knowledge about animals kept at home and about their maintenance. Environmental education forms the behavior and responsibility of children for nature. And animals are the first source of knowledge about nature. Based on ideas about animals, the child learns to see the relationship in nature and act accordingly.
2. Purpose of the project
Formation of the first ideas on environmental education in younger preschoolers.
3.Project objectives
-enrich and deepen knowledge about domestic animals;
- take responsibility for pet;
- to consolidate knowledge about domestic animals;
- educate love for animals, cause a desire to take care of them;
-enrich lexicon;
- develop speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness;
- to educate children in curiosity and a sense of empathy for living beings;
- to form the skill to act together, the ability to play in a team;
-activate the cognitive and research activities of children, parents and teachers;
-Formation in parents of the right attitude towards the development of their child.
4.Expected results
Enrich and deepen knowledge about domestic animals; instill responsibility for a pet; consolidate knowledge about pets; cultivate a love for animals; enrich vocabulary; develop speech, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness; cultivate curiosity; develop the ability to work together; involve in active work children, parents and teachers; to form in parents the right attitude towards the development of their child.
5. Project participants
Participants: group teacher, pupils of the second junior group, parents of pupils.
6. Terms of project implementation.
September - December.
7. Stages of the project and planned results.
Stage 1 - preparatory

Activity content
Poll of children "Pets - what are they"?
Parent survey
Parent survey
Study and selection of scientific literature
Selection of finger, didactic and outdoor games for children and parents.
Expected Outcome: Create positive collaboration and interaction with parents and their children.
Stage 2 - main

Activity content
Working with parents:
Advice for parents
Folders - sliders

Work with children:
Creating an album "My favorite"
Methodological developments on cognitive development
Walking observations.
Riddles about animals
Memorizing and reading poems about animals.
Writing a story from photographs
Physical education minutes
Fun with parents
Expected result: Establishing a strong relationship with the parents of pupils, the formation of skills to act together; involvement of parents in active work; formation in parents of the right attitude towards the development of their child.
Enrichment and deepening of knowledge about domestic animals; instilling responsibility for a pet; consolidation of knowledge about domestic animals; education of love for animals, the desire to take care of them; vocabulary enrichment; development of speech in children, thinking, imagination and emotional responsiveness; education in children of curiosity and a sense of empathy for living beings; the formation of skills to act together, the ability to play in a team.
Stage 3 - project implementation

Activity content
Photo exhibition

Photo report on the work done
Parent meeting
Project presentation
Expected result: Acquaintance with the difficulties and problems caused by the assimilation of new materials. Troubleshooting and misunderstandings. Formation in parents of the right attitude towards the development of their child. Improving the efficiency of working with the family.

Project Implementation Plan.
Stage 1. Preparatory.

Poll of children "Pets - what are they?"
Questioning of parents "Do we need animals in the house"
Poll of parents: “Does your family have pets. What kind?"
Creation of a card file of outdoor games.
Stage 2. Basic.

Working with parents:
Consultations for parents "Communication with a pet", "Animals - the best therapists for you and your children"
Move folders: "Contact: Animal Children", "Harm or Benefit"?
Recommendations: “We read to children at home about animals” (list of references)
-RNS: "Cockerel, golden scallop", "Goat and seven kids", "Like a wolf was a mother to a calf", "Cat, - a gray forehead, a goat and a ram."
- S. Marshak "Mustache - striped"
-A.Barto "Horse", "Dog", "Kid"
-AT. Berestov "Kitten", "Cow"
- E. Charushin "In our yard", "Dog", "Cow"
- V. Suteev "Who said meow"
-TO. Ushinsky "Cow", "Horse", "Two Goats", "Goat", "Two Goats"
- L. Tolstoy "Listen to me, my dog"
-AT. Zhukovsky "Cat and Goat"
Work with children:
Conversations: "Pets", "About your pet"
Creation of the album "My favorite". Purpose: to help children remember the appearance of animals, their names and the names of animals.
Methodical development on cognitive development “Pets. Animals. Purpose: - to consolidate ideas about some domestic animals (cow, goat, horse, pig).
Observations on a walk: "Cats", "Dogs", "Cow", "Horse"
Riddles about pets.
Memorizing and reading poems about animals:
A. Barto "Kitten", "Useful Goat", "Wild", "My Dog", "Dog"
V. Berestov "Goat", "Bull",
E Blaginina "Kitten"
B. Zakhoder "Bad cat", "Kiskino grief", "Barbosy", "Song of homeless dogs"
K. Chukovsky "Pig", "Pigs"
S. Marshak "Kittens", "Vaksa - inkblot", "Dingo Dog"
Sasha Cherny "Foal", "Piggy"
Compilation of a descriptive story based on the photograph "My favorite"
Finger: "Goby", "Cats and mice", "Piglets", "Two goats"
Didactic: “Who says what”, “Who eats what”, “Third extra”, “Favorite kids”
Movable: "Cat and mice", "Sparrows and cat", "hen and chickens", "hen and chickens", "hens in the garden", "horses", horsemen"
Physical education minutes: "Cat", "Cat", "Goat", "Cow"
Entertainment with parents "Journey to Prostokvashino"
Stage 3 – project implementation

Photo exhibition "My Pets"
Exhibition of drawings "Pet"
Survey of children "Pets"
Photo report on the work done "Pets"
Parent meeting "Summarize"
Presentation of the project "How I love my pet"

“Animal husbandry lesson” - C “L” - cold, hard, smooth, C “M” - viscous, tasty, sweet. Who does not spin, does not weave, And clothes people? Felt boots. I threw one - I took a whole handful. Potato. Above the ground - grass, Under the ground - a scarlet head. Ram, sheep. Honey. Piglet. Crochet tail. Piglet nose. Not my work, not my run, You would live badly, man.

“Animal breeding” - Itself is motley, Eats green, Gives white. Livestock. Bees live in special houses. Poultry farming. But the carp is bred by man. Industry. Carp, grass carp and silver carp are found in nature and in the wild. domestic insects. Guess what. White amur. A laying hen produces 200-220 eggs per year.

"Cats" - You need to bathe the dog as little as possible and only with a special shampoo. Dachshund teeth also need care. However, the biggest surge in the popularity of the breed came at the beginning of the 20th century. About dogs. Coat: smooth-haired, long-haired and wire-haired. Presentation. The Sphinx is a cat whose history goes back centuries.

Animal Husbandry - Develop analytical skills while working with pets. Independent work students. Formation of groups for conducting research, putting forward hypotheses for solving problems. Choosing a creative name for the project (shared with students). Educational project"Livestock". Objective of the project. Can a person do without pets?

"Pets" - Project goals: Pets (Class Mammals). Why do humans domesticate animals? What animal can be called a pet? Stages of work on the project: Selecting a topic Collecting material Creating a project Protection of the project. Name some pets you know. What pet is important to you? How are domestic animals different from wild animals?

"Characteristics of cats" - How a cat sees. The cat came to America. Sweat glands. How many hours a day does a cat sleep? Quiz about cats. The main feat of cats. Laundress. Fresh Cavalier. Cat walk. Resourcefulness. Angora cat. Can cats see colors? Vision of a cat at dusk. Cat eyes. In which country was a cat considered a sacred animal?

In total there are 41 presentations in the topic

Pedagogical project on the topic:


in the second junior group

Project type:cognitive research.

Children's age:II junior group.

Project execution period: from 10/01/2012 to 12/30/2012.

Project goals:

  • To acquaint children with the appearance of cats and dogs, with the peculiarities of their behavior; show that the life of these animals is connected with man: he creates conditions for them (feeds, cares). Without creation necessary conditions(the animals are outside) they may die. Cultivate respect and love for animals.
  • Teach children how to properly communicate with pets.
  • To cultivate a caring attitude and love for animals, feelings of empathy for all living things, the ability to draw elementary conclusions and conclusions.


  • Develop elementary representations about pets.
  • Encourage and support self-monitoring of pets;
  • To give an idea of ​​the needs of animals for their growth and development
  • Develop the ability to communicate with adults, answer questions on what they have read, conduct a dialogue;
  • Develop the ability to communicate with peers in the process of gaming activities;
  • Strengthen the health of children, carry out hardening procedures, introduce children to healthy lifestyle life;
  • Develop cognitive activity, thinking, imagination, communication skills;
  • Develop productive activities of children, improve skills and abilities in drawing, modeling, applications; develop creative abilities;
  • To form primary ideas about the expressive possibilities of music; its ability to convey various emotions, moods.

Expected results:

  • Children's understanding of how to care for pets.
  • Teach children to love and care for animals.
  • The desire of parents to have a pet.

Preparation for the project.

1. Select methodological literature on the topic.

2. Pick up fiction on the topic.

3. Pick up didactic material, visual aids(albums for viewing, paintings, board games)

4. Make a long-term plan.

Project implementation.


Game - dramatization "Cat's House", "Pets"

"Sparrows and a cat"

Game exercises - "Compose an animal", "draw an animal", "Choose an animal", "Draw an animal by dots", etc. Didactic games: "Who lives where?", "Where is whose house?", "Animal domestic or wild?" "Guess who's hiding?" "Guess what's changed?"


"Observations on a kitten" "Consideration and comparison of a cat and a dog" Conversations: "Cat and dog are our dear friends", "The importance of animals in human life"


Telling children on the topic: "My favorite animal", "Description of a cat" (toy), Examining the painting "Cat with kittens"

Reading fiction.

Reading: I. Chapek "The Adventure of a Dog and a Cat", V. Suteev "Who Said Meow", S. Marshak "Cat's House", "The Tale of a Silly Mouse", K. Ushinsky "Vaska", L. Tolstoy "The cat was sleeping ... ". Learning: songs, nursery rhymes: "Kisonka-murysenka", The cat went to the stove", "Cat-cat", "Like our cat ...", A. Barto "I have a goat".


Conversation on the topic: “Pets are our friends”, “Safety when dealing with unfamiliar animals”

Artistic creativity

Modeling: "Let's feed the cat."

Painting: " Balls for kittens", "Kitten".

Application: "Pig and Kitten".

Physical education

Outdoor game: "Sparrows and a cat", "Cat and mice", "Shaggy dog".

Development environment.

Narrative paintings on the theme "Pets".

Albums for viewing: "Domestic animals and their cubs."

Coloring books: Mothers and Babies, Pets.

Farm layout


“My horse” Czech folk melody, “Horse” music by M. Simansky, “Kitty” music by M. Lomova, “Cat and Kittens” music by V. Vitlin, “Cow” music by M. Rauchverger, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya.

Working with parents.

Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme "Kid".

Project presentation:

1. Competition of drawings and photos on the theme "My favorite pet".

2. Entertainment "To the grandmother in the village."

3. Exhibition of drawings "Goat"

Municipal government preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 11"

Short term project"Pets" in the second junior group


Kochetkova O.N.

Pautova. L.V.



It is necessary to educate the basics of ecological consciousness in children from early childhood. We need to learn to take care of nature, to protect it.Pets are part of nature. So let our children be environmentally educated, emotionally responsive, able to empathize.


enrich children's knowledge aboutpets. Give children an idea ofdomestic animals and their cubs, their appearance, habits, rolesanimals in human life. Introduce children to where they live. Cultivate love, respect and caring attitude towardspet.


1. Expand children's knowledge about pets.

2. Expand ideas about animal life.

3. Encourage children to be kind to animals.

4. To form the skills of artistic performance of various images in games

5. Promote the development of memory and perception

6. Learn to name an adult animal and a cub

7. Cultivate aesthetic feelings

Project type: short-term, information-creative, collective.

Participants: pupils of the 2nd junior group, educators, parents.

Age of children: 3-4 years

Project duration: 1 week

Project implementation forms:

Viewing a presentation on the topic “Pets”


Didactic, role-playing and outdoor games.

Review of the album on this topic

Working with parents

The work was carried out in all educational areas:

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Expected result:

1. Children's knowledge of pets is expanding.

2. To replenish the vocabulary of words.

3. Activity and interest in the educational process of children from parents will be formed.

Stages of work on the project:

1. Preparatory stage:

Interaction of the educator with children and their parents

Selection of methodological literature

Selection of fiction

Selection of visual material

2. Main stage:

Reading fiction:

Reading"Goat-dereza" , "Kids and the Wolf" , "Riaba Hen" ,E. Charushin"About Tyupa" , V. Suteev"Who said meow?" , "Chicken and Duckling" , S. Mikhalkov"Kittens" , E. Blaginina"Kitty" , S. Marshak"Mustachioed - Striped" , V. Berestov"Hen with Chicks" .

Rhyming rhymes"Like our cat" .

memorization"I love my horse" , "Pussy, pussy, pussy, shove"



"Do not touch strangers animals » , "Don't tease the dogs" , "Do not hurt animals » , “Washing my hands after talking to animals "," How to wash animals , "If it weren't pets "How do I take care of pets » .

Examining posters and albums about pets

word games : "Name animal » , "Who has who?" , "Call it sweetly" , "Who's screaming?"

Didactic games: "Gather the Family" , "Who loves what?" , "Where is my mother?" , "Who lives where?" , "Who's gone?" , "Clean Up"

Table games : cubes, loto, puzzles on the topicproject.

Dramatization game"Two happy geese" , "Merry Concert" .

table theater"Ryaba Hen" , "Cat, Rooster and Fox" .

Role-playing games : "Journey to Grandma's Village" . "Family" - I got a kitten for my birthday(puppy) . "Veterinarian" , "On the farm" .

Construction games : building"Barnyard" , "Dog kennel" , "Corral for Burenka" .

Watching a cartoon"Kitten named Woof" .

Outdoor games : "Cat and Mice" , "Kittens and Puppies" , "Cat with chickens" , "Sparrows and a cat" , "Guess by motion" , "Fox in the chicken coop" .

Painting "Fluffy kitten" , "Chick" - Target : exercise in drawing rounded objects with gouache using the poke method.

modeling “There are many chickens near the hen” . Target : exercise in sculpting objects of a rounded shape. Encourage pinching small piece plasticine for the beak, roll up the ball and attach it correctly.

Application : "A mother hen with chickens" , "Sheep in the Meadow" .

Origami "Puppy" .Target : learn to use a variety of applicative techniques.


"Gray cat" music V. Vitlin sl. N. Naydenova.

"Dog" M. Rauchverger.

Listening to a song"Who grazes in the meadow" music A. Pakhmutova, sl. Y. Chernykh.

The final stage:

Layout created« Pets » .

Book made« Animals near us » .

Decorated booth"Our favorites" .

As a result project:

1. Children have formed and enriched their idea ofpets. Children learnanimal by appearance , know where they live, what they eat, what the cubs are calledpetshow to take care of them.

2. Making a layout made it possible to visualize the habitatpets

3. The children's vocabulary has been replenished.

4. The communicative and creative abilities of children have expanded.

5. Children have become inquisitive, take care ofanimalsshow caring attitude towards them.