Bladder puncture before childbirth: indications, technique, reviews. Puncture of the bladder before childbirth is a safe way to speed up the process. Does it hurt to pierce the bladder before childbirth

There comes almost the end of pregnancy, the middle of the ninth month, there is a high probability of giving birth on it. In general, it is rare for expectant mothers to carry a baby for forty weeks. What to do if long this moment does it not come?

At the ninth month, the baby is completely formed and ready for a full-fledged independent life outside his mother's tummy. His weight and height are now exactly what they will be at birth, namely about three and a half kilograms and fifty-odd centimeters. He continues to feed from the placenta, however, the villi inside his intestines are formed, are responsible for moving food, and are ready to accept larger meals.

Usually, ultrasound procedure at this time they are not prescribed, but here it is clear that the child looks like a full-fledged baby. The eyes are focused on the distance of the mother's face during feeding, there is also a voluminous and color vision, response to movement.

Painful sensations

By the last month, the expectant mother is gaining up to sixteen kilograms, she should not get better anymore, most likely, the weight will decline. At
but now there is a high probability of childbirth, the woman's body is ready and signals this. The placenta begins to dry out, you need to be in the fresh air more often to help the baby get the right amount of oxygen. The uterus is at its peak above the navel, constant contractions pursue, as a rule, at first they are false.
Arise pulling pain in the back and below, the occurrence of diarrhea and vomiting, most likely all this indicates the possible approach of the birth of a child. Watch out, perhaps a mucous plug will come out soon, it looks like a brown shade, in the form of a clot. Most likely, real contractions will begin in the next few hours, be ready.

Second pregnancy

The physiological feature of women with childbirth experience is that the uterus has the most expanded volume, responds more actively to hormonal preparations. Based on this, some signals about the onset of childbirth are felt more tangibly, they appear a little earlier. So, in some cases, it happens that a specific plug in a pregnant woman with a second child is larger, similar to the outgoing fluids that occur towards the end of the pregnancy.
False contractions during the second pregnancy begin earlier, but often this is due to the fact that mom clearly defines and controls them.

Sometimes they have symptoms the day before natural contractions. Curiously, they often lower their tummy not one week before the birth of the crumbs, but almost shortly before them. Very seriously monitor your well-being during the entire gestation period, especially if not the first birth is coming, signals in the form of false contractions can quite determine how the action is going to the hospital with bags, waiting for the actual birth. Re-bearing, of course, will not be the same as the first, more often this period is easier for everyone, because many of the symptoms are familiar and you already know the behaviors.
Moreover, the woman's body has already, one might say, been trained by the first child.

Childbirth at 39 weeks

At the moment, all the organs of the little crumbs are prepared for work outside the mother, the weight is still being added due to subcutaneous fat. In addition, while in the womb of a child, hairs on the head and nails begin to grow, many are sometimes surprised at how long they are after childbirth.
It is assumed that childbirth may well begin exactly at the thirty-ninth week of the term, it is very important that someone be with the pregnant woman. Often she panics, unable to control her breathing, and this is now necessary first. It is recommended to stay on your feet until the most extremely strong contractions, do not lie down, or sit down. Reaching the most highest point pain, follow breathing exercise, do deep breath, this will save energy before childbirth.

Those who give birth to their first child may confuse pushing with the desire to go to the toilet, they begin after the cervix is ​​​​fully dilated. Ideally, a woman should at this stage be in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor, at his command, push and relax the muscles.

The occurrence of secretions

The appearance of colostrum in each woman occurs differently at any time, for someone even in the first trimester, and someone just now noticed. One way or another, it is necessary to pay due attention to hygiene and nipple sucking.
But this is not all the discharge that may occur in the last month. From the very first day of pregnancy, the cervix is ​​protected by a layer of mucous plug. When childbirth approaches, it gradually begins to split and come out in the form of clots. This is a completely natural phenomenon, there is no need to panic if some bloody streaks are suddenly present. However, you should not expect that childbirth will begin to occur in the next day, this will be possible only after a few days. But after the release of the cork, the uterus becomes vulnerable to all infections, you need to be extremely careful in this period of time. A strong discharge in the form of spots will serve as a signal for childbirth after its release.
Almost transparent yellowish liquid in the last weeks, may indicate the beginning of the discharge of amniotic fluid. They do not always splash out at once, sometimes it lasts for several days.

Is it possible to speed up the appearance of contractions

It is known that complete pregnancy last forty weeks, in rare cases, even with its onset, the baby does not rush into the world. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist, who, after a complete examination, will identify the cause of this delay. As a rule, in such cases, the expectant mother is placed in a hospital, where she is prepared for childbirth.
In general, there are many reasons why a child lingers in the womb, one of them is the lack of necessary useful elements in a woman's body.
Overbearing the fetus negatively affects it, and most often, upon reaching the last week, doctors prescribe cesarean section. Either performs the procedure of piercing the amniotic fluid bladder, this is not dangerous, the main thing is to get enough sleep before that, since childbirth is an energy-consuming process.

From women who have given birth, you can hear about such a thing as a puncture of the bladder before childbirth without contractions. This procedure is called an amniotomy. Usually about 7-10% of women in labor encounter it. Many pregnant women, having heard about an amniotomy, are frightened. Having no idea about the correctness and necessity of this procedure, women set themselves up negatively.

What happens if the amniotic sac bursts before contractions?

In some cases, childbirth begins with the outpouring of water. Moreover, it can be complete or partial. According to statistics, such a deviation can occur in 12% of all women. Such a process is called

Women immediately notice this phenomenon, especially if it happens with a lot of water.

The amniotic fluid should be clear or pink and odorless. If black, brown or green color, then this means that the feces of a newborn are in the waters. This suggests that the fetus has oxygen starvation, which requires a quick delivery. admixture yellow color may indicate the presence of an Rhesus conflict, which also requires quick action.

When the waters break at home, the woman in labor must urgently go to the hospital. In the hospital, a woman must accurately report the time of their departure.

If the body is completely ready for the birth of a child, contractions begin immediately or some time after the water breaks.

What is an amniotomy?

Amniotomy is an operation in which the amniotic sac is opened. In utero, the fetus is protected by a special shell - the amnion, which is filled with amniotic fluid. It protects the child from bumps and infection from the vagina.

If an autopsy or rupture occurs in a natural way, then the uterus begins the process of fetal expulsion. As a result, contractions develop and a child is born.

The operation to puncture the bladder before childbirth without contractions is carried out with a special device in the form of a hook at the moment of its greatest severity, so as not to affect soft tissues baby's head.

Types of amniotomy

Bladder puncture before childbirth can be divided into several varieties, depending on the time of the operation:

  • Prenatal. It is carried out before the onset of contractions for the purpose of labor induction.
  • Early. It is performed if the opening of the cervix is ​​up to 7 cm.
  • Timely. If the neck is open up to 8-10 cm.
  • belated. Can be carried out at the time of expulsion of the fetus. The procedure is used to prevent hypoxia in the fetus or bleeding in the mother.

The process of childbirth does not change at all and corresponds to the natural one. The condition of the fetus is necessarily fixed using the KGT apparatus.

When is an amniotomy necessary?

Labor is stimulated by piercing the bladder in case of situations when emergency delivery is needed. The procedure can be carried out in the absence of contractions:

  • Postponed pregnancy. An ordinary pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, if it is longer, then the question of the need for obstetric care is raised. The placenta in this situation is aging and cannot perform its functions. As a result, the child suffers, experiencing oxygen starvation.
  • Preeclampsia. This disease is characterized by swelling, high blood pressure, and the presence of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia negatively affects the health of the mother and fetus, so an amniotomy is needed.
  • Rhesus conflict. Such a pregnancy is considered difficult, so this operation helps to stimulate labor.

If labor activity has begun, then the operation is resorted to the following cases:

  • If the contractions do not intensify, but weaken, the neck slows down the process of childbirth, and so that they do not stop, the bubble is punctured. The woman in labor is observed for 2 hours, if there is no positive dynamics, then a decision is made to resort to Oxytocin.
  • Polyhydramnios. Presence a large number amniotic fluid causes the uterus to contract naturally.
  • High blood pressure. Diseases of the kidneys and heart, preeclampsia contribute to an increase blood pressure, which negatively affects the process of childbirth and the condition of the fetus.
  • Flat fetal bladder. In this situation, the anterior waters are almost completely absent, which makes labor difficult, and its termination may occur.
  • Low location of the placenta. This position of the placenta can lead to placental abruption and bleeding.

In some cases, there are contraindications for this procedure.

Are there any contraindications?

Puncture of the bladder before childbirth helps to facilitate the process of giving birth, but in some cases there are some limitations of the procedure. Amniotomy is not performed if:

  • a pregnant woman has herpes on the genitals in the acute stage;
  • the placenta has a low location;
  • loops of the umbilical cord interfere with the operation;
  • natural childbirth is not recommended;
  • finding the fetus in oblique, transverse and pelvic presentation.

The procedure is prohibited in case of mother's heart disease, in the presence of scars on the cervix and other pathologies.

How is the bladder punctured?

Why and how is the bladder punctured before childbirth? Amniotomy is equivalent to surgical intervention, but the presence of an anesthesiologist and a surgeon is optional. After a vaginal examination, the doctor will open the bladder. The procedure includes several steps:

  • Before the operation, the woman takes "No-Shpu" or another antispasmodic. After exposure to the drug, the woman lies down on the gynecological chair.
  • Then the specialist, wearing gloves, inserts an instrument into the vagina. The amniotic sac is hooked and pulled by the doctor until it ruptures. After that, amniotic fluid begins to pour out.
  • After the end of the manipulation, the woman is in a horizontal position for 30 minutes. The state of the fetus is monitored by the KGT apparatus.

The bubble is necessarily opened in the absence of contractions, which leads to the convenience and safety of the operation.

What does a woman feel during an amniotomy?

Bladder puncture before childbirth - does it hurt or not? Any woman is afraid of such a procedure because of possible occurrence pain. However, in this case, no discomfort is observed, because about amniotic sac no nerve endings.

A woman just needs to relax and take a comfortable position. All that she can feel after a properly performed procedure is only the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Muscle tension may cause discomfort and Negative consequences in the form of a wound in the walls of the vagina.

Mandatory conditions

What are the conditions for a bladder puncture before childbirth? To avoid complications during the procedure, you must follow some rules. These include:

  • correct presentation of the fetus (head);
  • pregnancy, the term of which is at least 38 weeks;
  • natural delivery and lack of restrictions to this;
  • preparedness of the birth canal;
  • pregnancy with one fetus.

The importance lies in the readiness and maturity of the uterus. When performing an operation, it must correspond to 6 points on the Bishop scale.

Complications and consequences of amniotomy

With an error-free puncture of the bladder before childbirth, the whole process occurs safely. But there are a few exceptions when after an amniotomy, childbirth can become more complicated. There are the following consequences:

  • injury to the umbilical cord vessel, if it is attached to the sheath, which can lead to blood loss;
  • the child's condition worsens;
  • loops of the umbilical cord or limbs of the fetus (handles, legs) fall out;
  • violation of the child's heartbeat;
  • violent labor activity;
  • secondary birth weakness.

There is a risk that the puncture of the fetal bladder will not lead to the desired result and labor activity will not become active. Therefore, doctors resort to the use of drugs that cause contractions. In some situations, a caesarean section is performed on a woman, because a long stay of a child without water is fraught with negative consequences.

How long does labor last after a bladder puncture before childbirth? Reviews of women who have gone through this procedure are as follows:

  • in women who gave birth for the first time, childbirth took place within 7-14 hours;
  • in multiparous women, this can take from 5-12 hours.

Any intervention, which can be attributed to the puncture of the bladder, sometimes leads to consequences that are not always positive. Amniotomy should be performed in compliance with all necessary conditions which will reduce the risk of various complications. Therefore, if this procedure is necessary, women should not refuse surgery and other manipulations necessary during childbirth.

Every expectant mother is looking forward to the appearance of her baby, because after long months she wants to quickly look at him and press him to her chest. But, as you know, childbirth is not a source of pleasant sensations, and a woman will have to face a number of various difficulties. It happens that for certain reasons, contractions do not start, and specialists have to provoke them with their own hands. One of the most simple ways induce labor is considered a puncture amniotic sac. It is absolutely not worth being afraid of this, since the procedure is carried out for the good and will not harm the crumbs.

Bladder puncture without contractions

Often the opening of the bladder in the fairer sex causes irresistible excitement due to ignorance. First of all, it is necessary to analyze in what particular situations it is impossible to do without this procedure. In any case, the woman in labor should understand that if the doctor has informed about the need for an amniotomy, then it is strongly not recommended to refuse.

Often you have to pierce the bubble because of the threat to the life of the baby. The most common indications for manipulation are preeclampsia and the threat of Rhesus conflict. Also, the indications include the presence in a woman of serious violations in the functioning of the kidneys, hypertension and diabetes. Quite often, specialists are forced to induce labor in this way with fetal hypoxia and post-term pregnancy, the death of a baby in the womb.

There are also cases when the contractions are so weak and unproductive that the expectant mother simply cannot give birth on her own without an amniotomy. In such a situation, the opening of the cervix is ​​​​slowed down, and the baby cannot be born. And amniotic fluid, in turn, contains prostaglandins, which significantly enhance labor activity. Therefore, the decision is made to puncture the bladder. If the desired result could not be achieved, then the woman is given special drugs that activate contractions.

Most expectant mothers are worried about how this manipulation is carried out. As already mentioned, there is absolutely no need to be afraid of amniotomy. First, the medical staff treats the woman's genitals with antiseptic agents, and also gives her an anesthetic pill. Next, the doctor gently expands the vagina and slowly introduces a special tool, which is a kind of hook. It captures the bladder, after which the obstetrician gently pulls it towards himself until a rupture occurs. Then the woman in labor is observed for half an hour and, with a positive outcome, the contractions begin.

Serious complications from bladder puncture are rare. Such a procedure is carried out only in case of emergency, only with the permission of the expectant mother herself. The specialist must report possible consequences, such as prolapse of the umbilical cord, weak baby's heartbeat, opening of bleeding, intrauterine infection (very rare), fetal hypoxia. And most importantly, from the moment the bladder opens to the onset of childbirth, more than twelve hours should not pass. As you know, a child cannot long time is without water, as it threatens his life.

Does it hurt to pierce the bladder before childbirth?

The rupture of the bubble occurs absolutely painlessly, since the nerve endings are completely absent in the fruit membrane. Moreover, manipulation in most cases lasts only a few minutes. But in fact, the woman's fear always turns out to be higher than the obstetricians' explanations, and a spasm of the muscles of the vagina occurs. At this time, the woman in labor should not move so that the specialist does not injure her from the inside.

If, during the manipulation, the expectant mother still manages to relax, then there will not be even the slightest discomfort. The only thing that can be felt is the leakage of fluid from the vaginal cavity. Therefore, it is really important to tune in to the amniotomy in advance and trust highly qualified specialists who definitely do not want to harm.

As already mentioned, the puncture of the bladder is carried out only when necessary, and if a woman was informed about this, then in no case should she refuse manipulation, as this threatens the life of the baby.

In utero, the baby is protected by a special membrane - the amnion, filled with amniotic fluid. They protect it from shock when moving, and the shell prevents the upward penetration of infection from the vagina.

During childbirth, the baby's head is pressed against the cervix and a fetal bladder is formed, which, like a hydraulic wedge, gradually stretches the cervix and forms the birth canal. Only after that it breaks on its own. But there are situations when a bubble puncture is performed before childbirth without contractions.

This procedure is not prescribed at the request of the woman or the whim of the doctor. The success of an amniotomy is possible under certain conditions:

  • presenting the head of the fetus;
  • full-term pregnancy of at least 38 weeks with one fetus;
  • estimated fetal weight over 3000 g;
  • signs of a mature cervix;
  • normal indicators of the size of the pelvis;
  • There are no contraindications for natural childbirth.

Types of amniotomy

The moment of the puncture determines the type of procedure:

  1. Prenatal - is carried out before the start of contractions, its purpose is labor induction.
  2. Early - before opening the neck by 6-7 cm, it is able to speed up this process.
  3. Timely - produced with effective contractions, neck opening 8-10 cm.
  4. belated - in modern conditions rarely performed, performed at the time of expulsion of the fetus. An amniotomy is needed to avoid bleeding in a woman in labor or hypoxia in a child.

How is childbirth going after a bladder puncture? The process of the birth of a child in this case does not differ from the natural one. In any case, the condition of the fetus is monitored using the CTG apparatus.

Indications for bladder puncture during childbirth

Bladder puncture stimulates planned labor or is carried out during them.

Labor induction with amniotomy is indicated in the following cases:

  • preeclampsia, when there are indications for urgent delivery;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • fetal death in utero;
  • prolongation of pregnancy;
  • heavy chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system, lungs, kidneys, in which delivery is indicated from 38 weeks;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and child;
  • pathological preliminary period.

The last condition is the occurrence of small contractions over several days, which do not develop into normal labor activity. This causes intrauterine suffering of the fetus from a lack of oxygen and fatigue of the woman.

How long does it take to go into labor after a bladder puncture? The onset of labor is expected no later than 12 hours later. Although at present, doctors do not take that much time to wait. Prolonged exposure of a child to an anhydrous environment increases the risk of infection. Therefore, 3 hours after opening the amnion, if contractions have not begun, stimulation with medications is used.

With already developed labor activity, a puncture is performed according to the following indications:

  1. The cervix dilated 6-8 cm, but the water did not break. Their further preservation is impractical, the bubble no longer fulfills its function.
  2. Weakness of labor activity. Puncture of the bladder in most cases leads to its activation. After amniotomy, they wait 2 hours, if there is no improvement, then they resort to stimulation with oxytocin.
  3. Polyhydramnios overstretches the uterus and prevents normal contractions from developing
  4. With oligohydramnios, a flat fetal bladder is observed. It covers the baby's head and does not function during childbirth.
  5. A low-attached placenta may begin to slough off after contractions develop. And opening the amnion will allow the fetal head to cling tightly to the lower segment of the uterus and hold back the detachment.
  6. In case of multiple pregnancy, the bladder of the second child is punctured 10-15 minutes after the appearance of the first.
  7. high blood pressure decreases after the opening of the waters.

Bladder puncture technique for a woman in labor

  • 30 minutes before the stimulation of labor by puncturing the bladder, the woman is injected with the antispasmodic Drotaverine.
  • Later, an examination is performed on the obstetric chair, the doctor evaluates the cervix, the location of the head.
  • With a sliding movement of the fingers, a special branch is inserted into the vagina - a hook.
  • With its help, during the fight, the shell clings, and the gynecologist inserts a finger into the resulting hole. The tool is removed.
  • Holding the head of the fetus through the abdomen with the other hand, the membranes are gently separated and the anterior amniotic fluid is released.

They are collected in a tray, visually assess the condition. Green waters with meconium flakes indicate intrauterine fetal hypoxia. This state of affairs deserves further attention. The pediatric service is warned in advance about the possible condition of the child.

If a large volume of water is drained at once, this can lead to prolapse of umbilical cord loops or small parts of the fetal body.

After the procedure, the woman in labor is connected to the CTG apparatus for 30 minutes to assess the condition of the child.

Is it painful or not to perform a bladder puncture before childbirth? The shells are not penetrated by nerve endings, so the procedure is absolutely painless.

However, complications sometimes develop:

  • traumatization of the umbilical cord vessel, if it was attached to the membrane;
  • prolapse of the loops of the umbilical cord or parts of the body of the fetus (handles, legs);
  • deterioration of the fetus;
  • violent labor activity;
  • secondary generic weakness;
  • child infection.

How long does labor last after a bladder puncture? The duration depends on their parity or number:

  • In primiparous normal duration childbirth is 7-14 hours.
  • Multiparous people need less time - from 5 to 12.

Contraindications to bladder puncture in a pregnant woman

Despite the ease of implementation and a small number of complications of manipulation, there are serious contraindications for its implementation. Most of them coincide with contraindications for natural childbirth:

  1. Herpetic eruptions on the perineum will lead to infection of the child.
  2. Pelvic, foot, transverse or oblique presentation of the fetus, loops of the umbilical cord in the head area.
  3. Complete placenta previa. Childbirth in this case is impossible - the placenta is attached above the internal pharynx and prevents the lower segment of the uterus from turning around.
  4. Insolvency of the scar on the body of the uterus after caesarean section or other surgical interventions.
  5. Narrowing of the pelvis of 2-4 degrees, bone deformities, tumor processes in the small pelvis.
  6. Fetal weight over 4500 g.
  7. rough scars, causing deformation cervix or vagina.
  8. Triplets, conjoined twins, breech presentation of the first child of twins.
  9. High myopia.
  10. Delayed fetal development of the 3rd degree.
  11. Acute fetal hypoxia.

In the absence of these contraindications, amniotomy is a safe procedure and does not affect the condition of the fetus.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, specially for the site

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With the normal course of labor, the water leaves on its own. But it happens when the contractions become stronger, attempts will soon come, but the waters have not receded. In such a situation, the obstetrician decides to fit into the process. A puncture of the bladder before childbirth is called an amniotomy.

Concept and types

Inside the mother's body, the child is protected by a shell - an amnionoma filled with fluid. Thanks to him, the baby is protected from influences and bacteria from the outside. external environment. With a puncture or standard rupture, the uterus begins to push the fetus out. There are contractions, and there are attempts. A puncture of the amniotic sac without contractions is performed in emergency cases. The operation takes place with the help of a hook, during the period of incomplete disclosure of the cervix. This is done so as not to hurt the baby's head. An autopsy before labor activity is divided into varieties.

Types of amniotomy:

  1. prenatal - before delivery, so that contractions appear;
  2. early - the cervix is ​​open by 7 cm;
  3. timely - opening of the uterus by 10 cm;
  4. belated - opening the bladder during childbirth. Carried out to prevent fetal hypoxia and bleeding in a woman.

About 10% of women in labor experience an amniotomy. When a woman hears about the procedure, she is very frightened and sets herself up negatively. After all, mom has no idea that this is right and necessary. Due to contractions, the cervix opens, and the fetus moves to the birth canal. But the disclosure is due to the water bubble. There is an active contraction of the organ, the pressure inside the uterus rises. The waters go down, causing the cervix to dilate.

Basically, the rupture of the membrane passes when the uterus is fully opened. First, the first waters come out. The woman in labor does not feel anything, because there are no nerve endings in the bladder. There are women whose waters break before labor. This is noticeable because there is a lot of liquid coming out. But the shell can burst at the point of contact with the wall of the uterus. Here, water flows out in a small amount, in the form of drops.

If the water breaks at home, you must urgently go to the hospital. And remember the time when this happened in order to provide this information to the obstetrician. You should focus on the smell and shade of water. Under normal circumstances, the liquid is clear and odorless. If the water does not leave, then they pass much longer. Accordingly, it is necessary to artificially pierce the bubble.

Indications and contraindications

Amniotic fluid plays an important role in standard delivery. There are a number of cases where amniotomy is recommended. After all, the procedure helps to stimulate childbearing.

Why specifically pierce the bladder before childbirth:

  • a dense shell that cannot break on its own;
  • weak labor activity, in which piercing accelerates the process of opening the uterus;
  • Rh-conflict bearing causes a difficult delivery, so an autopsy is required;
  • prolongation - puncture of the bladder before childbirth without contractions stimulates the onset of the first uterine contractions;
  • gestosis while waiting for the baby;
  • with insufficient contractions, opening the water bladder accelerates the birth process;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • the low location of the placenta leads to its exfoliation, which contributes to a lack of fetal oxygen;
  • the shell has a flat shape when there is almost no liquid.

The latter condition includes the appearance of contractions that do not go into childbirth. The fetus suffers inside the womb, as it lacks oxygen, and the woman gets tired. After piercing the bladder, labor activity is facilitated, but there are certain limitations to the procedure.


  • the presence of herpes in the groin area;
  • the placenta is located below;
  • the umbilical cord loops interfere with the procedure;
  • standard delivery is not recommended;
  • presentation of the fetus;
  • the presence of heart disease in a woman in labor;
  • scars on the uterus.

If the listed contraindications are absent, then the procedure does not adversely affect the fetus and its condition. In 12% of women in labor, water flows out before childbirth. This phenomenon cannot be overlooked, as water comes out in a large volume. The liquid should not have any color or flavor.

When a greenish, brown color is present, the water contains the baby's feces. This indicates that the baby does not have enough oxygen, so it is urgent to give birth. When the body is ready for delivery, contractions begin immediately.

Puncture technique

An autopsy, although equated to surgical intervention, is painless, since there are no nerve endings in the shell. After opening the bubble expectant mother offer to lie down for half an hour. The fetus is monitored using the CTG apparatus. Childbirth after a puncture of the bladder without contractions becomes rapid, the baby will be born soon.

How to pierce the bladder during childbirth:

  1. before the procedure, the woman in labor takes an antispasmodic;
  2. when the medicine has acted, the woman is laid down for examination;
  3. vaginal examination;
  4. tool introduction;
  5. the surface is fixed with a hook;
  6. break the shell;
  7. fluid outflow.

How is the bladder pierced during childbirth? During the examination, an autopsy is carried out with a certain tool - a metal hook. As soon as the bubble is pierced, the water flows out. You just need to relax the body, lie down comfortably.

Does it hurt to pierce the bladder before childbirth? There is absolutely no pain. To make the operation comfortable and safe, an amniotomy is required between contractions. Some women are concerned about whether or not this procedure is painful or not. The woman in labor feels only how the water flows out. When muscles tense, discomfort occurs.

If the bladder is pierced before childbirth, adhere to the following rules:

  • the correct position of the child;
  • gestation period of 38 weeks or more;
  • standard delivery is not contraindicated;
  • readiness of the birth canal;
  • singleton pregnancy;
  • the uterus is mature and ready for labor.

How long does the second birth after a puncture of the fetal bladder last? According to women in labor, the second birth lasts 2-3 hours faster than the first. The onset of labor occurs when contractions begin after the bladder is punctured.


How long does it take to give birth after a bladder puncture? Primiparous women claim that childbirth took place within 8-13 hours, multiparous - 6-11 hours. Not always after obstetric intervention, the desired results occur. In order to avoid complications after an amniotomy, conditions must be observed.

A woman should not arbitrarily refuse the procedure that is required in the process of labor. The time of delivery after a puncture of the bladder is different. But from the puncture to delivery should not take more than 12 hours. If a child is without water for a long time, his life is in danger.

Three hours after opening, stimulation with drugs is used. However, along with this, there may be consequences. When the puncture is performed correctly, delivery is considered safe, but there are exceptions where childbirth becomes more complicated.


  • injury to the umbilical cord vessel;
  • the position of the baby becomes worse;
  • prolapse of the limbs of the fetus;
  • poor heartbeat in a baby;
  • rapid delivery;
  • secondary birth weakness.

It happens that after a puncture there is no result, the birth is inactive, then drugs are used that cause contractions. With a protracted birth of a child, a caesarean section is performed, since the fetus cannot be without water for a long time.
Obstetricians claim that a puncture of the bladder without contractions at 38-39 weeks is not needed, stimulation will not have an effect. it early term so you can get pregnant. The puncture of the bladder without contractions at 40-41 weeks is carried out according to indications when the cervix has opened more than 6 cm.

Amniotomy is safe method acceleration of childbearing in a hospital. Not all women in labor know what it is, since they went through childbirth without a bladder puncture. The shell protects the child, so they open it only according to indications.