Bad habits of a person. Presentation on theme: "Say NO to bad habits!" Ready presentation on bad habits

    IV. - What habits that threaten health do you know? (bad habits- smoking, alcohol, drug addiction) 7 slide These are the worst health destroyers because they can be deadly. We know a lot about the dangers of smoking and its impact on humans.

    V. - And here everyone can resist the invitation to try to smoke? Now the guys will play out the situation, it can be useful not only in a specific case, but also in any life situation, if a person is offered to do something that he does not want (smoke, drink, skip a lesson). Carefully follow the dialogue, and then you say who was more convincing (participants Tolya P. and Misha B.

    T. Let's smoke!

    M. I can't.

    T. Why?

    M. My parents will see me.

    T. And we'll go around the corner.

    M. I can’t, I recently got sick, smoking is bad for me.

    T. Well, you won't die from one cigarette?!

    M. I don't smoke "our" cigarettes.

    T. I have foreign ones.

    M. And I don't smoke with matches.

    T. And I have a lighter.

    M. No, my parents will see me.

    T. We'll go to the basement.

    M. Confused and doesn't know what to say.

    - Who won, who was more convincing? (Tolya) What can you say about the participant Misha?(In my opinion, the very significant argument "I DON'T WANT" has never been used - arguments Misha chaotic and not significant.) When a person justifies his refusal, in this way, it seems that he is about to agree. If you really decide to refuse, choose the most weighty argument from your point of view and insist on it. Let's see another example. (Participants Christina K. and Nastya S.)

    TO. Come on, smoke!

    H. I won't.

    To. What then came here?

    H. Just.

    To. Well, then get out of here!

    VI. The ability to refuse any offer is necessary in Everyday life. 8 - 9 slides(smoker's teeth, lungs), 10 slide- Did you know that every eight seconds there is a new smoker in the world, the death rates from smoking are increasing every year. Tobacco will kill 300 million people by 2030, scientists say. What would you say if you were offered a cigarette?(No thanks, I don't smoke! No thanks, I don't like smoking! No thanks, it's not for me! No thanks, I'm fine as it is! No, smoking is not fashionable!) 11-12 slides(Know how to say no!) Resisting an invitation to try a cigarette is a truly grown-up act to be proud of. Smokers cannot quit this occupation - they fell into the slavery of cigarettes, but those who can resist are truly strong and free people.

    VII. What else can you do to stay healthy? 3 slide. Read in anagram:

    “ P D O R I J U S O S O P T O S R M! “(Befriend the sport!)

    30 minutes moderate physical activity per day significantly support and improve health. And it doesn’t matter if you are walking, cycling or playing football at this time, it just has to be every day. No wonder they say: "Health is a case of beauty." If you go in for sports, you will be beautiful. According to scientists, daily physical exercise slow down the aging of the body and add an average of 6-9 years of life! 13 - 15 slides

    VIII. Speeches of the propaganda team

    Members of the propaganda team go on stage to the chant:

    One two three four.

    Three - four, one - two.

    Who walks together in a row?

    Combat Team Guys!

    Everyone! Everyone!

    Good afternoon!

    Get out of the way sickness and laziness!

    We love to learn, work and have fun.

    Hey friends, where are you going?

    Student 1: We are for health

    Student 2: We are for happiness

    Student3: For a sober mind

    Student 4: For clarity of thought

    Student5: For childhood, youth,

    Student 6: For the joy of life!

    TOGETHER: You are welcomed by the propaganda team 4 in the class

    Student7: We solve big problems with you
    Set a serious task
    Healthy life is the most important topic,
    You can't rely on luck here.

    Student 8: We know the laws of a healthy life
    There is no reason for bad habits
    We are familiar with the enemies of health

    And they are ready to throw off their guises.

    Student1: There are many bad habits in the world:

    Drink beer, children try to smoke,

    Student2: Bullying tone and vulgar speech

    All this brings a sword over the lives.

    A son:“If I start smoking -
    This is very bad?"
    Apparently taken by surprise
    Father's son question.
    Dad quickly got up from his chair,
    Threw a cigarette.
    And then the father said
    Looking into the eyes of my son
    Father:“Yes, son, smoking tobacco -
    This is very bad.”
    Son, having heard this advice,
    He asks again:
    A son: You've been smoking for years
    And you don't die?"

    Father:“I smoked from a young age,
    To look like an adult
    Well, it became from cigarettes
    Less than normal growth.
    Heart, lungs are sick,
    There is no doubt about it.
    I paid with my health
    For your smoking.
    I quit smoking five times
    Maybe even more
    Yes trouble - I smoke again.
    Not enough will.
    A son:
    You are my father, I am your son
    Let's deal with adversity.
    You quit smoking alone
    And now there are two of us.
    And we decided to continue
    And father and baby:
    Son and father together:“We will do well
    And let's not - bad!

    (care music)

    Student1: We are the youth of the twenty-first century
    The fate of man is in our hands.
    We are anti-smoking
    Healthy generation of our country!

    Student2: We are citizens of our country!
    We are the future of Russia!
    We are the hope of our parents!

    Student3: We have entered the 21st century

    And let this age be perfectly safe

    Let's say "NO" to bad habits

    Be, man, healthy and beautiful.

    Student 4: Strengthen your health with sports

    Go hiking and meet the sunrises

    The secret of success in life, know for sure

    Your health, you remember this.

    Student3: We choose life! Life is Beautiful!

    Student 4: We want to love, believe in honesty, do good!

    Student1: We declare to the whole wide world:

    Student2: Life yes!

    Student 3: Death - no!

    Student 4: Sports yes!

    Student 5: No nicotine!

    Student 6: Health - yes!

    Student 7: Alcohol - no!

    Pupil 8: Our health is a gift of nature

    So be healthy, man In the era of technology and fashion

    16 slideIX. Cartoon Pipe and Bear X. The song "I choose sport!"

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"Presentation to class. hour "No bad habits" »

Presentation on extracurricular activities: " No bad habits »

Presentation prepared by the teacher primary school I qualification category MOAU secondary school №17 Dzekh T.I. .

  • Compliance with the daily routine
  • Hygiene
  • Proper nutrition
  • hardening procedures
  • Don't get into bad habits

  • So that save health, Strengthen your body You know and I know There must be a routine for the day.


  • So that not a single microbe Didn't accidentally get into the mouth Wash hands before eating You need soap and water.
  • Is there some more such advice, Brush your teeth, my hands! Forget about doctors and you are healthy

you will .

Proper nutrition

Eat vegetables and fruits Fish, dairy products Here healthy food, Full of vitamins!

  • 30 minutes of work on the computer, a break of at least 30 minutes.
  • Do not watch TV for more than 2 hours.
  • Don't wear your phone on your body.

Don't start bad habits

  • People's lives because of wine both dangerous and difficult. Cigarettes - nicotine, enemy number one!
  • Let's not let them win In a healthy world we all want to live.


"make friends with sports"

  • To be completely healthy Everyone needs exercise. To start in order - Let's workout in the morning!
  • To develop successfully Need to play sports From exercise There will be a slim figure

  • Go out for a walk Breathe fresh air. Just remember when leaving: Dress for the weather!
  • Temper, and then You are not afraid of blues

Here's some good advice for you

Secrets are hidden in them. How to keep healthy. Learn to appreciate it!

What is a bad habit? A bad habit is automatically
repeated action, and
action is harmful from the point of view
public good, environment or health
the person himself.
Bad habits are not useful or directly
harmful. Such automatic actions
appear due to weakness of will. If a person is not
can exercise the willpower to commit
progressive action, then it falls under
force of habit that returns him to the old
rut, habitual action.

Bad habits include the following:

substance abuse;
addiction, or gambling;
shopping addiction - "obsessive shopping
addiction, or oniomania.

A bad habit can be seen as a disease
or pathological addiction. But along with
bad habits there are bad habits
actions that cannot be considered as a disease,
but which arise from imbalance
nervous system.
Bad actions include
such as:
bite your nails;
pick one's nose;
chew on a pencil or pen;
shake your leg while talking;
fiddling with the interlocutor's clothes, etc.


Alcoholism is a disease
type of substance abuse
to alcohol (ethyl alcohol),
mental and physical addiction
get rid of him Alcoholism
characterized by a loss of control
the amount of alcohol you drink,
increasing tolerance to alcohol
(increasing doses of alcohol,
required to achieve
satisfaction), withdrawal symptoms
syndrome (hangover),
toxic damage to organs, and
also memory lapses
specific events that took place in
period of intoxication.
People suffering from alcoholism
often referred to as "alcoholics". In XIX
century, it was found that
alcoholism is on the rise.

Prevention of alcoholism.

Prevention of alcoholism is a complex of measures,
aimed at eradicating people
pathological dependence on alcohol.
The main methods of such prevention are
explanatory work on the effect of alcohol on
body and the reasons for the development of alcohol
addiction, symptoms of alcoholism, and
the formation of negative attitudes towards
alcohol. Preventive measures include
limiting the production, sale and use
alcoholic beverages, as well as measures from
states, medical institutions, psychologists,
families and schools aimed at combating development

Consequences of alcoholism:


Drug addiction is a chronic progressive disease
caused by drug use.
Different drugs cause different addictions. Alone
drugs are highly addictive, but
do not cause physical dependence. Others, on the contrary,
cause strong physical dependence. many drugs
cause both physical and psychological dependence.

Prevention of drug addiction.

Prevention (prevention) of drug addiction is an activity,
aimed at preventing the initiation
to drugs and coping
drug use.
At the state level, drug prevention
dependencies are declared as a two-component system,
including measures to limit the spread
drugs and anti-drug propaganda,
provided by the media and
social institutions. The persons to whom they are directed
or other preventive measures are called targeted
prevention groups. Each one is high
susceptible to one preventive measures and less
or not at all receptive to others. Strategy
drug prevention is due to the complex
the etiology of this phenomenon. In the specialized literature
identify hundreds of factors of formation and development
addictions that act on the individual,
group and macrosocial levels. Preventive
measures are to counteract these factors.


Smoking - pyrolytic inhalation
(smoke inhalation) drugs,
predominantly vegetable
origin, smoldering in the stream
inhaled air, in order to
saturation with the active substances contained in them
substances by sublimation and
subsequent absorption in the lungs
airways. Typically applied
for the use of smoking mixtures,
with narcotic properties
(tobacco, hashish, marijuana, opium, crack etc.)
due to fast delivery
saturated with psychoactive
blood substances to the brain.
the word smoking or burning [ denotes
burning or evaporating incense and
aromatic substances used in
religious rituals, in aromatherapy and for
air aromatization.

Consequences of addiction:

Smoking prevention.

Numerous studies have shown that
that smoking damages almost all systems
human body and is a habit,
which is difficult to get rid of even with a professional
the help of a specialist. Smoking causes
physiological and psychological dependence and
has a close relationship with social and cultural
Smoking prevention is the most important
moment in the fight against nicotine addiction.
Because it's much easier to convince a person not to start
smoking than to wean a heavy smoker from harmful
habits. And the sooner you start prevention, the higher
will be its effectiveness. And, of course, events
smoking prevention should not be carried out for
"ticks", but be carried out regularly, and such
conduct classes from kindergarten and then in schools.
After all, it is known that life values ​​are formed
start in early childhood.

Consequences of smoking:

Substance abuse.

Substance abuse - collection
painful conditions,
characterized by passion and
addiction to medication
agents and other substances not included
to drugs. Are characterized
chronic intoxication, the presence
syndromes of mental and/or
physical addiction. biomedical differences between
substance abuse and drug addiction
A common type of substance abuse is
the use of household and industrial chemicals. This
species is more common among children and adolescents and is
social problem, sometimes called "children's
addiction." This type of substance abuse is usually
inhalation of fumes of varnishes, paints, ether, gasoline,
certain types of glue (popular among drug addicts
are adhesives containing toluene in their composition.

Gambling addiction, or gambling addiction.

Gambling addiction, ludomania, gambling addiction or
pathological gambling - these terms are called
mental disorder, which is based on
pathological attraction to gambling (casino games,
gaming and computer clubs, betting shops
sports betting, etc.). According to the international classification
diseases, the main symptom is constantly
repetitive gambling that is ongoing,
often deepens, despite the social consequences,
such as impoverishment, destruction of family and personal
Gamblers are people inclined only to easy money, but
it is not always so. The players are businesslike,
competitiveness. Their constant occupation
to assert oneself in one's own and other people's eyes, to prove
that they are better, stronger, more talented than others. Their self-esteem
determined by how capable they are of achieving
high results. Only success makes them feel
fullness of life, self-realization.

Shopping mania - "obsessive shopping addiction", or oniomania.

Shopping mania, shopaholism - colloquial synonyms
clinical term "oniomania". This disorder
every tenth person suffers big city. women
among them more, while men often buy more
expensive and status things that are not used later -
gadgets, cars and even houses.
Like other addictions, this one regularly leads to
disappointments. Sometimes when you leave the store you feel
approaching the so-called post-shopping depression:
I am not happy with what I have purchased, I want to go back and buy something

Bad habits Selivanova EI Habit A characteristic form of human behavior, which, under certain conditions, acquires the character of a need. If habit has Negative consequences on the human body, on his health, destroys his life - this is a BAD HABITS. Classification

  • secret passion(an obscure habit that is usually indulged in alone)
  • Habitual autopilot(unconscious actions that we perform on the “machine”: bite our nails, constantly be late, etc.)
  • Bad, bad habits(they can annoy others, and for own health unhelpful: addictions to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, delicious food, computer addiction, etc. Some of these bad habits can worsen so much that it goes into the final stage - addiction.)
  • Other bad habits
  • Technomania
  • Oniomania(shopaholism)
  • TV addiction (risk group - teenagers and pensioners)
  • Internet surfing (dependence on the Internet and computer)
  • Nose picking or rhinotillexomania
  • gnaw nails
  • Gnawing on a pencil or pen
  • poke a tooth
  • Spit on the floor
  • Ear picking
  • Snap fingers
  • fashion victim
  • gambling addiction
  • caffeine and some others
The most common bad habits
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism
  • Addiction
  • Binge eating

Lungs of a smoker

A smoker has a very high risk of getting lung cancer.

Teeth from nicotine turn yellow, appears bad smell from mouth.

There is a disease of the vessels, the heart is sick.

Disorder of the nervous system is manifested by a decrease in working capacity, a weakening of memory.

There is a decrease in physical activity.

The metabolism worsens

Allergic diseases appear.

  • First phase:


  • First phase: On early stages drug addiction is characterized by an increase in dependence.

A person uses drugs so often that he becomes dependent on them, becomes addicted to their use. The use begins to seem normal; life without use seems abnormal.


  • The second phase, called the middle phase, has the following characteristics:
  • An increasing dose is required to achieve an altered state of consciousness, and the derivative effects of drug intoxication increase.
  • Increasing dose destroys liver, alters brain chemistry
  • The drug is used to alleviate the pain caused by not using it.
  • There are more and more physiological, psychological and social problems.
  • Breaking - called the pain that a person experiences. When he is not using narcotic substances. This pain can be eliminated only by a dose.
  • Chronic stage or 3 phase.
  • This is the last phase, all body systems are affected, the mood of a person depends on whether he has taken a dose or not, a terrible addiction. The meaning of life is lost, its entire existence is reduced to the use of drugs. These people are often sick with AIDS, and their limbs fail, due to the fact that the veins begin to rot.
  • Remember that you can sit on the needle starting with soft drugs, for example, smoking weed. And in a couple of years, your photos will scare children.
Causes To addiction, as to any disease, there are people who are predisposed and not so. WHO IS AT RISK?
    • People are infantile. They are pleased when something appears that helps to temporarily abstract from the problem.
    • People who can't deny themselves. "I want - and that's it!"
    • Lazy emotional and intellectual. They have the hardest time breaking a habit, even if it doesn't do them any good.
  • Let's agree that we will figuratively unite the effect of alcohol, nicotine and drugs and will call it the "illusion of happiness"
  • The brain produces various substances, which we call hormones, getting into the blood, all these substances are carried by the body, and, as it were, tell the organs how they need to behave, for example, the hormone adrenaline helps you run not just fast, but very fast.
  • We will focus on the "hormones of happiness"
  • "Happy hormones" give us a feeling of lightness, joy and cheerfulness. Many of today's drugs, including tobacco and alcohol, have the same effect.
Imagine that we have prepared all the “illusions of happiness” in lemonade.
  • Imagine that we have prepared all the “illusions of happiness” in lemonade.
  • Smoking, alcohol and narcotic substances get into your body in the same way as the hormones of happiness: they cheer you up, you begin to feel much better than ever.
  • From this moment on, the worst begins ... this lemonade includes in the metabolic processes that occur in the human body, and becomes necessary.

The more you drink illusion lemonade, the harder it will be for you to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. The harder it will be to give it up.

Gradually, you will begin to move away from other people until you realize that you are completely dependent on this “lemonade”.

You realize you want to stop, but you can't...


  • The habit of tasty and a lot of eating can lead to obesity.
  • Don't snack!
  • Try to eat as slowly as possible!
  • Don't eat your problems!
  • Do not arrange a "holiday of the stomach" on holidays and weekends!
  • It has been many years since man has become a slave to this "box"
  • The damage is done to both physical and mental health.
  • Physical inactivity, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system are far from the only harm.
  • The development of neuroses.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders. Scientists believe that TV can provoke inappropriate behavior.
INTERNET - addicted
  • The existence of this dependence was hushed up for a long time. But, despite this, doctors talk about the dangers of the Internet.
  • Physical harm to health is caused by radiation, long sitting in one position.
  • Psychological harm
  • Microwave radiation can threaten brain cells.
  • It is necessary to limit the time of using the phone!
          • Health is an invaluable asset not only for each person, but for the whole society.
          • Health helps us to carry out our plans, to successfully solve the main tasks of life, to overcome difficulties, and, if necessary, significant overloads.
  • good health, reasonably preserved and strengthened by the person himself, provides him with a long and active life.

My own boss

Or how not to become a hostage of smoking

slide 2

  • You can't buy health
  • Man is not only the master of his destiny, but also of his health.
  • Self-care comes from loving your body.
  • We interact with environment, natural and social. This means that the body is subjected to various tests.
  • A person decides for himself what to do and what to avoid.

slide 3

  • Harmful temptations
  • Tobacco smoking
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Addiction to drugs

slide 4

Why do people smoke

  • Smoking has become a social norm. Men, women, and teenage children now smoke. They think it's
  • relieves stress;
  • makes them socially significant;
  • allows you to have a good time in the company.
  • Many teenagers smoke for self-affirmation.

slide 5

What does a cigarette include?

Tobacco smoke is made up of

  • nicotine
  • soot
  • resin
  • arsenic oxide
  • carbon dioxide
  • formic and acetic acids
  • formaldehyde
  • ammonia
  • hydrogen sulfide

slide 6

The effect of tobacco on the body

All components contained in tobacco smoke during smoking pass through oral cavity in Airways, irritates mucous membranes and settles in the lungs. With age, these substances accumulate so much that it becomes difficult for a person to breathe and live.

Slide 7

Harm from tobacco

  • Arise cancer diseases larynx, respiratory and digestive organs, genitourinary system.
  • Women who smoke age faster, cannot give birth to healthy children, or generally lose the ability to bear a child.
  • Adolescents lack mental and physical activity.
  • 400,000 people die every year.

Slide 8

tobacco addiction

A smoker goes through 4 stages of tobacco addiction:

  • rarely, occasionally;
  • 5-10 cigarettes per day, slight craving, self-refusal at any time;
  • 1-2 packs of cigarettes per day, persistent craving, impatience, if it is impossible to smoke - irritability, nervous excitement, increased pressure, increased heart rate;
  • more than 2 packs a day, defeat internal organs, specific cough, yellow-gray skin color, its wrinkling, impaired motor functions.

Slide 9

To smoke or not to smoke

Anyone who has ever picked up a cigarette thinks that smoking will not become a habit and he will be able to quickly and easily get rid of this addiction. It is a big misconception that smoking is easy to quit. If it were possible, there would be less and less people with cigarettes.

Slide 10

What to do?

The easiest way out is not to try smoking at all, so as not to acquire a bad habit.

If dependency occurs, use effective means getting rid of her.

slide 11

Ways to get rid of smoking

  • medicines, patches, capsules;
  • folk remedies;
  • personal psychology: self-hypnosis, self-regulation, willpower;
  • material question.
  • Each person chooses for himself the most acceptable option, how to quit smoking forever.

slide 12

  • If you want to live long
  • Quit smoking as soon as possible
  • Because there is nothing worse
  • The ill-fated cigarettes.