Noise and buzzing in the ears and head - causes and treatment. Why are the water pipes buzzing? How to eliminate the hum? Why do water pipes buzz when turned on

Beginning around 2005, people around the world began to hear sounds that were later called Hum, Groans or Earth Creaks. Similar sounds have been heard before in some parts of the planet, but this phenomenon made itself felt especially often in the period 2011-2012.

There are various versions of the origin of these sounds: from apocalyptic to heliocentric. You can get acquainted with them, for example, in the article "Studying the phenomenon" Earth Groan "with scientific point vision"

I propose to look at the Earth's Hum from the other side. What people hear really belongs to the planet itself. The hum of the Earth is the so-called Schumann frequency, which suddenly acquired a voice that people can hear.

Our planet is a living organism that has its own oscillation frequency (vibrations/pulsations). This frequency is measured in hertz (1 Hz is 1 oscillation per second. 1 kHz is 1000 oscillations per second) and is called the Schumann frequency or resonance. The Schumann frequency is not constant and not uniform. It changes throughout the day and seasons. Its indicators will differ in different parts of the planet, depending on the energy flows established there.

We are interested in the question: “If the Schumann frequency has always been inherent in the Earth, then why has it only now become available to hearing? a large number people?"

Since 1986, scientists have been observing an increase in the frequency vibrations of our planet, which rose from 7 Hz to 14-15 Hz. From time to time, energy bursts occur on Earth with a frequency of about 16 Hz, and this is the oscillation frequency that average person ALREADY perceives and considers sound! For their part, the people themselves have changed. As a result of the transformation of the senses, including hearing, we begin to hear what was previously outside the zone of our perception. That is, some people begin to hear air vibrations with a frequency below 16 Hz. When such "hearing" people fall into the Schumann frequency burst zone, they become witnesses of the Earth's hum, which they then tell their "deaf" neighbors, police and rescue services.

In fact, everything that we are accustomed to consider as sound is a kind of vibrations of a solid, liquid or gaseous medium, which are transmitted through the air to a person in the form sound wave in the range of 16 Hz - 22 kHz. It is these frequencies that are perceived by the hearing organs and the brain of an average person.

To make it clear, let me give you an example. Let's take an ordinary wooden ruler and press it 1/3 to the table, and bend the free end down a little and let go. The ruler will begin to oscillate, and we will hear a sound (t-dr-r-r). This happens because solid(ruler) oscillates and vibrates the air around it. A wave in the form of spheres propagates through the air in all directions. Since the air is invisible, we cannot see these spheres, but we can hear them.

Thus, increasing the frequency of oscillations of the planet and near-Earth space to about 15-16 Hz made them audible to some sensitive people. This explains why the Earth Rumble is not heard by the entire population of the city where this phenomenon was observed.

The second reason for the selective audibility of the Earth's hum is that the Schumann frequency can vary greatly in different parts of the planet. Where the vibration level is much lower than 16 Hz, people do not hear the Earth's hum. But in places where the level of fluctuations jumps to 15-16 Hz and above, people hear them.

Sharp fluctuations in oscillations from 8 to 16 Hz and above occur in places where high-frequency energy flows coming from space are present. These New "light" energies are pushing out the "heavy" low frequency energies of the 3rd Dimension. A similar replacement occurs every night, so people often hear the Earth Rumble at night.

During the day, high-frequency energy flows, as lighter ones, rise again. They are picked up by the winds and carried all over the planet. Sometimes these streams are pressed quite low to the ground even during the day, so people hear the Earth's hum even in the daytime. Most often, this happens in nature, over the oceans and seas, where the Earth's hum is more like the music of the spheres or the sound of the ocean. These flows linger in those places because there are no huge concentrations of people with a level of consciousness of the 3rd Dimension, whose energies repel high-frequency energy alien to them.

It has been noticed that the Earth hum is often heard before or during natural disasters. This is natural, because through cataclysms the planet is cleared of obsolete low-frequency energies. In places of such cleanings, there is a sharp increase in the frequency of vibrations of space up to 15-16 Hz and higher. As a result, people begin to hear "groans, creaks, thunders," and so on.

This sound often causes a state of fear in eyewitnesses. It is believed that low frequencies (infrasound), although they are not distinguished by the ear, have a bad effect on the human psyche. In fact, people are panicked by sounds with a frequency of 7 Hz, and they have nothing to do with the hum of the Earth.

The perception of the Hum of the Earth depends entirely on the person himself. Fear arises in people who do not like change in life. The new and the unknown means for them the loss of the familiar old. The rumble of the Earth is a Sign and a Call for change. People who are ready for change will hear not a groan and a rattle, but the music of the spheres, the sound of the sea or bell ringing. Such sounds can surprise, please, but not scare.

If someone was lucky enough to witness the Earth's Hum, then I advise you to listen to your feelings at this moment. Fear will indicate your attachment to the old world of duality. Joy will show your willingness to change yourself, and through it the rest of the world. After all, it has long been known: if you want to change the world, start with yourself.

Often in apartment buildings, residents are disturbed by an unpleasant whistle and hum in water pipes. As a rule, this acoustic noise is distributed throughout the drain. There is no definitive answer as to why this is happening. To get rid of it, you need to find out the cause of its occurrence.

Hum in the plumbing system when the faucet is closed

Noises emitted by water pipes are conventionally divided into three main groups:

  • constant hum;
  • buzz heard when the tap is open;
  • tapping in the system.

To find out why water pipes are buzzing, you should carefully listen to the tone and characteristic features vibration, the frequency of occurrence of acoustic noise.

The most annoying of them is the monotonous hum in the water supply, which from time to time subsides, intensifies or turns into a whistle. Typically, a similar phenomenon occurs in houses that have been in operation for more than a dozen years.

There are several common reasons why pipes hum.

Option 1. The source of noise can be a pipeline located in the basement of a building. From there, the sound spreads to other floors. In long-standing houses, steel pipelines with long expired service life are usually used. Under the action of corrosion, the pipes begin to collapse and fistulas and, accordingly, leaks form in them.

Noises in the plumbing line located in the basement sometimes appear as a result of an open vent or an insufficiently closed plug. When the cause of the buzzing of the pipes began to flow, then after its elimination, unpleasant sounds should disappear. To fix the problem, you should contact the specialists of the housing maintenance service. An attempt to independently eliminate the source of noise located in the basement can lead to a complete breakdown of the water supply system in the building.

Pipe humming in new buildings is not uncommon. The reason may be the close location of the pipelines in the basement. An unpleasant noise appears as a result of contact between vibrating areas. There is a simple solution to the problem of what to do if the pipes are buzzing. In this situation, experts recommend treating each of them with foam insulation.

Option 2. One of the reasons why the pipes in the apartment are buzzing is the presence of an old or low-quality mixer. Similar sounds in the water supply are heard in cases where the gasket is worn out, sealing the junction of the mixer with the tee. As a result, liquid begins to flow from a pipe with a higher pressure into the next one, and thus it becomes the cause of a constant hum.

Option 3. Specific noise in plumbing communications may occur in case of insufficient patency of some sections of the system. The sound resembles a whistle in the pipes and the greater the pressure of the water, the stronger it will be heard. The water intake from the general flow in the apartments may not let liquid through due to slagging of pipes or a partially closed valve located in the basement.

To make sure that the cause of the noise was a blockage, you should disconnect the pipes from the mixer and examine the condition of their inner surface. If significant mud deposits are visible in the cavity, then the plumbing structure requires immediate cleaning. It can be done mechanically, or by flushing, either pneumatically or hydraulically.

Noise in pipes when faucet is open

When water starts to flow from the water supply, in addition to the appearance of a loud hum, vibration usually occurs in the system. Sometimes the reason why the pipes buzz when you open the faucet is the faucet box on the mixer. When an abundant water flow appears, it begins to vibrate.

In this case, the water pressure increases, the crane box blocks the pressure, and then turbulences form. Therefore, if the pipes are buzzing when the tap is opened, the main thing to do is to check the operation of the tap - axle boxes. It will not be difficult to find out in which crane a malfunction occurs. You should open them one by one, first, for example, with cold water, and then with hot.

According to experts, crane boxes with rubber gaskets often cause a lot of trouble, apart from unpleasant sounds, so it is advisable to refuse them. Masters recommend installing ceramic faucets from foreign manufacturers - they are characterized by compatibility with domestic mixers.

Such products operate silently, do not start to leak over time, and they do not need to change gaskets. But, if unpleasant sounds occur when using a ceramic bushing crane, then the product was mounted incorrectly.

In the event that new plumbing has been installed in the apartment, but pipes in the bathroom and bathroom still vibrate and hum when the taps are opened, you need to check how correctly the pipes and faucets are fastened. Usually, extraneous sounds disappear after sealing the junctions of the system elements.

If there are noises in the plumbing structure that appear abruptly and soon disappear, their possible cause is the presence of malfunctions in the neighbors' apartments.

Another explanation for the appearance of a hum in the pipes when the tap is open may be the excess pressure available in the pressure system. A similar problem most often occurs at certain times of the day, when the pressure in the water supply reaches its highest value.

Too much load on the system is undesirable, not only because the pipes in the riser are buzzing. A sudden impact on the pipeline can disrupt the operation of the entire plumbing structure, cause depressurization of the junctions of its sections.

You can try to lower too high pressure by positioning the air chamber in free space between pipes and faucet. To create such a chamber, either an additional pipe section or a silencer specially designed for pipes is used.

Tapping in the plumbing system

As a rule, the knock heard in the pipes located in the apartment is characterized by a clear localization. Such problems occur in water supply or heat supply systems.

There are several reasons:

  1. Thermal expansion of pipeline elements. Tapping is often encountered by owners of steel plumbing structures. A similar problem does not occur with plastic plumbing systems. The fact is that when a tap with warm water is not used for a long time, the metal finally cools down. After one of the apartment owners opens the tap, from which hot water, the pipes begin to heat up again and, as a result, expand. This increase in the elements of the plumbing system cannot be noticed by the human eye, but it is enough for the pipes to come into contact with other parts of the structure and make an extraneous knock (see also: "").
  2. Incorrectly installed valve. If a mistake is made during the installation of the screw product, the valve often breaks off, which begins to hit the inner surface of the pipe and, as a result, blocks the water flow.
  3. Knocking from a blow at the place where the pipe is fixed. Noise can be caused by any action that causes vibration. In the presence of thermal expansion, in the case of increased pressure or mechanical action, the elements of the pipeline begin to beat against the wall mount. To fix the problem, it is necessary to fix the structure additionally, using, for example, a bracket. The tapping heard from the riser is eliminated by filling the void in the ceiling with mounting foam.
  4. Presence of air in pipes. To get rid of air pockets formed in the pipeline, you need to install a system that removes air. In addition, it will protect pipes from corrosion and failure of the pump.

Perhaps, having information as to why the water pipes are buzzing - what to do, home craftsmen will be able to fix the problem without the help of a plumber.

Extraneous noise in water pipes is a common phenomenon. What are the causes of this phenomenon and are there ways to eliminate it.

The specific sounds emitted by the pipeline are temporary or permanent. There are three types of pipe noise:

  1. vibration vibrations.
  2. Knock when turning on the faucet.
  3. Whistling hum.

The specificity of each type is determined by the nature of the noise effects, time and place.

If the pipes in the bathroom are buzzing, then this may mean:

Increased pressure in the system

According to statistics, 50-60% of all malfunctions and noise in the pipeline occur as a result of water hammer (sudden pressure surges). If turning on the faucet is accompanied by a strong, steady buzz and vibration, then this is a sign that the system cannot cope with the pressure of water. Excess allowable norms pressure (over 6 atmospheres) is the cause of depressurization of the pipe or its connections and can lead to rupture of the pipe sheet.

To eliminate the identified defect, you need to reduce the water pressure.

Special equipment will help protect the water supply from water hammer and minimize the consequences:

  1. The damping block is a plastic pipe installed in front of the thermostat in the direction of flow. Its length varies from 30 to 40 cm depending on the length of the pipeline.
  2. The thermostat is a special protective device, the spring mechanism of which, during a pressure surge, prevents the valve from closing. It is installed between the valve and the thermal head.
  3. A hydraulic accumulator (water hammer compensator) is a device that accumulates liquid, takes excess water and dampens a water hammer if it occurs.
  4. Expansion tank - the design keeps the pressure within normal limits. The tank has simple design. Therefore, you can do it yourself.


This problem is the result of poor installation or worn fittings and/or O-rings. Eliminate such defects by repairing or replacing worn parts. But often the search for a leak is complicated by the fact that access to damaged collapsible connections is closed by boxes installed at all levels.

To find an emergency section of common house communications, as a rule, the work of a brigade is required. It is not possible to independently diagnose in this case.

Overgrowth of pipes

Even new DHW pipes become clogged with various deposits. Moreover, in steel products and polypropylene analogues. Lime, scale, grease, dirt reduce the diameter of the duct and cause vibration noise, knocking. It is easy to spot overgrowth. To do this, check the connecting elements of the drains. The easiest way to eliminate this problem is to use chemicals.

Mounting marriage

When repairing or laying a pipeline, poor-quality installation is possible. The reason in this case may be loosely closed connections or pipes located at a close distance from each other. In the first case, it is enough to carefully tighten all the connecting elements. In the second, wrap the pipes with dense insulating material.

Valve break

Incorrect installation of the valve leads to breakage or even failure of the safety valve. A broken valve, hitting the pipe walls, makes a characteristic knock. Such damage leads to a decrease in flow. The only solution to the problem is a complete replacement of the part.

thermal expansion

Thermal expansion is the cause of the short tapping that is typical of steel plumbing. The source is pipes with hot water, in which sharp temperature drops occur. A solution to the problem is staples welded to pipes and fixed with an anchor.

Depreciation of the crane box

One common source of extraneous noise is a damaged crane box. Makes her sing:

  • installation error;
  • marriage in detail;
  • worn pad.

By opening a hot and cold faucet alternately, you can easily determine the origin of sounds. Then dismantle it, after shutting off the water supply. Replace damaged sealing rings. If after replacing them and reinstalling the tap, the sounds do not disappear, then the product is defective.

Rubber rings are more susceptible to mechanical stress, so it is recommended to purchase ceramic gaskets.

Air locks

The presence of air in the communication system. The technical standards used in the construction of houses provide for the mandatory installation of air outlet pipes. This problem occurs in houses built in violation of these standards.

You can get rid of the cork with the help of bleeding devices:

  • ball valve axle boxes;
  • Mayevsky mechanical valve;
  • automatic air vent.

The air exhaust system protects communications from corrosive processes and ensures uninterrupted water supply.

Technological features of the equipment

When installing a faucet, faucet or heated towel rail in a bathroom or kitchen, you should pay attention to the technological characteristics of the product. Inconsistency of the installed equipment with the communication parameters can cause unpleasant noise vibrations and cause leakage.

Often, residents of apartment buildings are faced with the buzz of water pipes. This acoustic noise is usually distributed throughout the riser. Where and why does it appear? Is it possible to somehow eliminate it? In this article, you will learn why water pipes are buzzing in an apartment and a private house, as well as how to eliminate noise.

The most common causes of rattling are:

  1. Poor repair. The hum in the apartment is often associated with a loose pipe connection or poor-quality installation.
  2. Excessively high pressure in the water supply. The noise gets louder after turning off the water in the faucet. This acoustic effect may be related to the repair work on the track. In this case, only the managing organization can fix the problem.
  3. Reducing the inner diameter of pipes. If in a private house the repair of engineering communications has not been carried out for a long time, then such a phenomenon as noise is quite understandable. Over time, pipelines become overgrown with rust and salts, as a result of which their diameter decreases. With all this, the water pressure remains the same, which provokes noise.
  4. Plumbing failures. Noise can be caused by malfunctioning faucets and faucets. These can be failed crane axle boxes and incorrectly installed or selected gaskets. In such a situation, the noise will be distributed to all apartments on the riser. To identify the problem, it is necessary to sequentially turn off the inlet taps in each apartment on the riser.

Let's consider each problem in more detail.

If a hum is heard when the tap is opened several times a day, then it is very likely that someone in the neighborhood has recently repaired the plumbing. It may very well be that plumbing repair specialists carried out pipe replacement in basement. Some mistake was made in their work. For example, connections are not made securely. In this case, leveling the unpleasant buzz is very simple. To this end, all installation errors are eliminated.

Another reason for the noise from the plumbing is that the pipes are mounted close to each other. The thing is that when water passes through the pipeline, vibration is created, as a result of which the pipes, in contact with each other, buzz. To eliminate noise, simply wrap each pipe in foam insulation.

The force of pressure is easily determined by the pressure of water. If you quickly open the taps, then the pipes hum with excess pressure. Excessively high pressure will eventually lead to rupture of pipe connections, and as a result, to depressurization of the water supply.

To reduce stress on the pipeline and eliminate noise, install a faucet with an air chamber at the junction, which will take on excess water pressure.

You can make such a camera yourself. To do this, take an additional piece of pipe or a special factory muffler. Thus, the load on the pipeline will be significantly reduced and it will last much longer.

If you are unsure that you can do everything yourself, then contact qualified help. In addition, if the water pressure is excessive due to the admixture of air in it, then you will not be able to cope with the problem yourself.

Water pressure with a pressure in the mixer is considered normal - 2 atm. In this case, the dishwasher will work fully and Washer. The boundary limit can be considered a pressure value equal to 6 atm.

Due to the reduction in the diameter of the pipes, a reactive flow of water is formed from the inside, creating vibrations, which are responsible for the hum. How to diagnose in this case? To do this, you need to inspect the mixer, after disconnecting it. If you saw dirt on the walls, then this is a sign of overgrowth of the entire system. The impurities contained in the water are gradually deposited at the end sections of the pipe systems. And this means that you can still clean them.

Such clogging occurs not only in the steel pipeline, but also in polypropylene, plastic. This is due to the fact that the diameter of the pipe and hoses of the mixer is different, and this, as a result, leads to the formation of plaque.

Such blockages can be removed by pneumatic or hydraulic flushing. As a less effective option, mechanical cleaning can also be used.

Flushing is the flow of a continuous strong stream of water through the plumbing. For flushing, circulation and electric pumps are used. However, it should be noted that this technique is ineffective when it comes to flushing pipes. large diameter. In this case, separate sections of the pipeline are flushed. Water descends from them, the pipe is disconnected, after which the specialist cleans the inner walls with a thick wire with a brush at the end.

If it is impossible to remove the blockage, the problem area should be disconnected from the common pipeline and replaced with a new one. The installation of a new pipe takes place using special sealing rubber bands.

Chattering in the pipeline can be caused by malfunctions in the water fittings. To fix the problem, turn off the water on the riser and carry out repair work. A malfunction in the mixer is also often the cause of the hum. It can be elementary - a worn gasket on an old-style faucet. The solution is no less banal - replacing the gasket and installing the crane in place. If the repair was carried out correctly, then you will no longer hear noise.

The rumble of the Earth or why we began to hear the Schumann frequency.

Beginning around 2005, people around the world began to hear sounds that were later called Hum, Groans or Earth Creaks. Similar sounds have been heard before in some parts of the planet, but this phenomenon made itself felt especially often in the period 2011-2012.

There are various versions of the origin of these sounds: from apocalyptic to heliocentric. You can get acquainted with them, for example, in the article "Studying the phenomenon of "Moan of the Earth" from a scientific point of view"

I propose to look at the Earth's Hum from the other side. What people hear really belongs to the planet itself. The hum of the Earth is the so-called Schumann frequency, which suddenly acquired a voice that people can hear.

Our planet is a living organism that has its own oscillation frequency (vibrations/pulsations). This frequency is measured in hertz (1 Hz is 1 oscillation per second. 1 kHz is 1000 oscillations per second) and is called the Schumann frequency or resonance. The Schumann frequency is not constant and not uniform. It changes throughout the day and seasons. Its indicators will differ in different parts of the planet, depending on the energy flows established there.

We are interested in the question: “If the Schumann frequency has always been inherent in the Earth, then why has it only now become available to the hearing of a large number of people?”

Since 1986, scientists have been observing an increase in the frequency vibrations of our planet, which rose from 7 Hz to 14-15 Hz. From time to time, energy bursts occur on Earth with a frequency about 16 Hz, and this is the oscillation frequency that the average person ALREADY perceives and considers sound! For their part, the people themselves have changed. As a result of the transformation of the senses, including hearing, we begin to hear what was previously outside the zone of our perception. That is some people begin to hear air vibrations with a frequency below 16 Hz. When such “hearing” people fall into the Schumann frequency burst zone, they become a witness to the Earth’s hum, which they then tell their “deaf” neighbors, police and rescue services.

In fact, everything that we are accustomed to consider as sound is a kind of vibrations of a solid, liquid or gaseous medium, which is transmitted through the air to a person in the form of a sound wave in the range of 16 Hz - 22 kHz. It is these frequencies that are perceived by the hearing organs and the brain of an average person.

To make it clear, let me give you an example. Let's take an ordinary wooden ruler and press it 1/3 to the table, and bend the free end down a little and let go. The ruler will begin to oscillate, and we will hear a sound (t-dr-r-r). This happens because a solid body (ruler) oscillates and vibrates the air around it. A wave in the form of spheres propagates through the air in all directions. Since the air is invisible, we cannot see these spheres, but we can hear them.

Thus, increasing the frequency of oscillations of the planet and near-Earth space to about 15-16 Hz made them audible to some sensitive people. This explains why the Earth Rumble is not heard by the entire population of the city where this phenomenon was observed.

The second reason for the selective audibility of the Earth's hum is that the Schumann frequency can vary greatly in different parts of the planet. Where the level of fluctuations is much lower than 16 Hz, people do not hear the hum of the Earth. But in places where the level of fluctuations jumps to 15-16 Hz and above, people hear them.

Sharp fluctuations in oscillations from 8 to 16 Hz and above occur in places where high-frequency energy flows coming from space are present. These New "light" energies are pushing out the "heavy" low frequency energies of the 3rd Dimension. A similar replacement occurs every night, so people often hear the Earth Rumble at night.

During the day, high-frequency energy flows, as lighter ones, rise again. They are picked up by the winds and carried all over the planet. Sometimes these streams are pressed quite low to the ground even during the day, so people hear the Earth's hum even in the daytime. Most often, this happens in nature, over the oceans and seas, where the Earth's hum is more like the music of the spheres or the sound of the ocean. These flows linger in those places because there are no huge concentrations of people with a level of consciousness of the 3rd Dimension, whose energies repel high-frequency energy alien to them.

It has been noticed that the Earth hum is often heard before or during natural disasters. This is natural, because through cataclysms the planet is cleared of obsolete low-frequency energies. In places of such cleanings, there is a sharp increase in the frequency of vibrations of space up to 15-16 Hz and higher. As a result, people begin to hear "groans, creaks, thunders," and so on.

This sound often causes a state of fear in eyewitnesses. It is believed that low frequencies (infrasound), although they are not distinguished by the ear, have a bad effect on the human psyche. In fact, people are panicked by sounds with a frequency of 7 Hz, and they have nothing to do with the hum of the Earth.

The perception of the Hum of the Earth depends entirely on the person himself. Fear arises in people who do not like change in life. The new and the unknown means for them the loss of the familiar old. The rumble of the Earth is a Sign and a Call for change. People who are ready for change will hear not a groan and a rattle, but the music of the spheres, the sound of the sea or the ringing of bells. Such sounds can surprise, please, but not scare.

If someone was lucky enough to witness the Earth's Hum, then I advise you to listen to your feelings at this moment. Fear will indicate your attachment to the old world of duality. Joy will show your willingness to change yourself, and through it the rest of the world. After all, it has long been known: if you want to change the world, start with yourself.

I wish you all peace in your soul, joy, love and courage during your meeting with the New.


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